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Good Nutrition & Health

Jyothi Prasad
Chief Dietician
Manipal Hospital
Nutrition is like Religion

• Everybody talks about it

• Everybody interprets it

• Everybody claims to understand it

• Nobody truly practices it

Role of Nutrition

• Nourishes and energizes the body

• Heals and Repairs
• Rejuvenates

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but

will interest her or his patients in the care of the
human frame, in the proper diet and in the cause and
prevention of disease”

Thomas A Edison 1847 -1931

What do these words mean?

Nutrition: is defined as the science of food and its relationship

to health

Nutrients: The word nutrient is used for specific dietary

constituents like protein, fat , carbohydrates present in food

Good Nutrition: means maintaining a nutritional status that

enables us to grow well and enjoy good health

Dietetics: Practical applications of the principle of nutrition. It

includes planning of meals for the well and for the sick

Diet: A specific pattern of eating for a particular condition, both

in wellness and sickness
Classes of Nutrients

Macro Nutrients Micro Nutrients

●Carbohydrates ● Vitamins

●Proteins ● Minerals

●Fats ● Water

Essential Nutrients

Simple Complex Fibre

Eg. Sugar Eg. Starches Eg: Veg

 The body’s preferred source of energy

 Too much is stored as body fat
 50 – 60% of the total calories should come from CHO
 1gm of CHO yields 4cal
 Simple sugars should be kept to a min
 Fibre is also an important CHO which has many imp

Complete Incomplete
Eg: Eggs, meat, fish, milk Eg: Beans, nuts, dhals

 Used mainly for building the body

 Also responsible for repair of tissue
 Used to make Hormones, Enzymes and Antibodies
 1gm yields 4 calories
 Gives energy in the absence of CHO
 15-20% of the total calories should come from proteins

Saturated Mono Poly

unsaturated unsaturated Trans fats

Butter, Ground nut Refined oil Dalda

Ghee oil

♦ Primarily used for energy

♦ Transports vitamins A,D, E and K
♦ I g yields 9 calories
♦ 10-15% of the total calories should come from fat
Vitamins and Minerals

♦ Needed in very small amounts

♦ Very essential for the body and has specific


♦ Regulate many vital process in the system

♦ Each vitamin and Mineral has a specific function

♦ Important sources are fruits and vegetables

Water and Fibre

Water: Vital to digestion and metabolism, carries

oxygen, regulates body temperature, lubricates
joints, removes waste, protects a fetus, assists in
respiration, assists in constipation relief, and
provides satiety. At least 8-9 glasses is

Fibre: Non – digestible Carbohydrate essential for

satiety, prevents constipation by increasing stool
bulk, brings down cholesterol and blood sugar and
prevents colon cancer.
Food Guide Pyramid
How to use the Pyramid?

● In the tip, use fewer fats and choose polyunsaturated fats

● In dairy and meat, make lean and low fat choices. Choose
legumes more often

● In vegetables and fruits, get at least 5 a day, especially

citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables

● In the base, look for whole grain foods rich in soluble

folic acid and B vitamins
How does the information translate to your plate?
General guidelines for healthy eating

 Consume a variety of foods as nutrients are widely

 Divide your meals into 3 main meals and 3 snacks
 Never fast and try not to feast either
 Consume plenty of veg and fruits. Your plate should
look like a box of crayons
 Choose complex Carbohydrates over simple Carbs
 Reduce the consumption of fats
 Use less of salt and salt rich foods
 Avoid the “Good food” “Bad food” mentality
 Drink adequate amounts of water
 Take control of emotional eating
 Consume foods which are free of contaminants
 Do not fall prey to fad diets
Women voice their concern

Two most frequently expressed problems of women

4.Weight gain

6.Bone health and Osteoporosis

Weight Gain

• Hormones play a critical role in weight gain before and during


• Some hormones which play an important role are estrogen,

progesterone, testosterone and androgen

• But remember that Menopause does not have to equal weight gain!
Weight Maintenance

1. Do not take in more calories than required

3. Of the total calories prescribed, the least (10%)

should come from fat

5. Eat less saturated fats and cholesterol and choose

unsaturated fats

7. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They not only give

you vitamins and minerals but also fiber which fills
you up without the additional calories

9. Choose whole grains and legumes instead of refined


11.Consume less of packaged and ready to eat food

13.Do not compromise on exercise

15.Remember that healthy weight is a combination of


• Bones are living organs

• Calcium is deposited and withdrawn from the bones daily

• Bones build to about age 30

• We need to build up a healthy bone account while young and continue to

make deposits with age

•Bones have a use it or lose it rule: They diminish in size and strength with.

•Bones can weaken early in life with a bad diet

•Get your daily recommendations of calcium and Vit D

Age Specific Nutrient
What to eat in your 30’s

Watch snacking and be mindful of the snacks that your kids are eating

What to eat in your 40’s

Your metabolism has slowed by 4% and therefore cut 4% of your intake

Make smart substitutions and save calories
Eat breakfast and recognize true hunger pangs

What to eat in your 50’s

Metabolism drops, so cut some more from your diet

Eat small frequent meals and regular intervals
Protein Power Sugar
Dr. Atkin’s Busters!
New Diet
The Cabbage
Soup Diet Dr. Bob Arnot’s
Revolutionary Weight
Control Program
The Truth about diets

 Fad diets are unhealthy

 Diets lead to weight gain

 The cost of dieting is high

 Looking good involves more than dieting

 The dieting cycle can be broken

 The authors rely on our lack of knowledge of the

science of weight management to sell their books
How to recognize a fad diet?

Is the author credible?

Diets that advocate:

Magic or miracle foods

Rapid weight loss/quick fix

No exercise

Rigid menus, “good” vs. “bad” foods, specific food


Recommendations based on a single study or studies published

without a peer review

Sounds too good to be true

Corporate Illness Profile

• Irritable bowel syndrome

• Acidity, gastritis and ulcers

• Obesity

• Diabetes

• High blood pressure

• Cardio vascular diseases

• Anxiety, sleep problems and depression

Cost of ill health

 Cost of Medication

 Cost of Hospital Care (OPD and IPD)

 Cost of Monitoring (Pathology services)

 Loss of wages and sick days

 Lower productivity at work

Actionable Health plan

● Cafeteria food needs to get healthy

● Health recipes on the internet and chat


● Top management has to walk the talk

● Annual health check ups mandatory

● Good eating workshops

Timely and early intervention

● Annual health checks

● Nutrition as prevention and self healing

● Lifestyle modification – actionable plans

What prevents us from being healthy?

● I have no symptoms, therefore I am all right

● Being healthy requires too much discipline

● Health food is boring

● Cooking health food needs too much effort

● I will get a check up done when I feel ill

● I will change my diet from Monday

The ABC of Good Health

A – Aim for a healthy

Be physically active
each day

B - Build a healthy base

Let the pyramid
guide your food choices
Choose a variety of
whole grains, fruits
and vegetables
each day
C – Choose sensibly

● Choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and

● Choose beverages and foods low in sugar
● Choose and prepare foods with less salt
● Choose to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits
● If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in
moderation. If you haven’t started, don’t do it
Maintaining Lifelong Habits

● Small daily decisions will lead to long term


● Pat yourself on the back

● Deal with set backs

● Take care of yourself

● Enjoy yourself
The message ……

In the absence of an actionable and

practical good eating and lifestyle “plan”

All thoughts of health are only flights of

Thanks for listening

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