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Business executives have to make number of oral presentations on different occasions by training employees, introducing new product etc. making effective presentation involves developing a strategy that fits the audience and purpose having good content and organizing material.

Many of the business presentations will be informative, and the purpose of this kind of presentation is to inform OR TEACH THE AUDIENCE SOMETHING THEy DONT KNOW, WHICH includes announcement of new products, introduction of COMPANyS bUSINESS, DECLARATION OF PERSONNEL transferences, etc. Training sessions in an organization or a company are mainly informative. It would be boring to just deliver messages or information; therefore, speakers should attach much importance to the arrangement of the content. Though it centers on the message delivered, this kind of presentations is still closely related to the audience. Secondary purposes may be to persuade new employees to follow organizational procedures and regulations, rather than doing something in their own ways, and to help them appreciate the organizational culture so as to build a strong and united team.

Persuasive presentations are aimed at persuading the audience to act on certain rules or altering OTHERS VIEWPOINTS AND ATTITUDES SO AS TO GET THE conformity of opinions. Providing information and evidence that talk the audience into making decisions or altering their previous opinions is an important way of persuasion. If one is involved in marketing or sales position, he will need to do persuasive presentations often. A typical persuasive presentation presents sound evidence and reasoning and adds information about how receivers should feel toward that evidence and reasoning. Meanwhile, the presenter must build goodwill by appearing to be credible and SyMPATHETIC TO THE AUDIENCES NEEDS.

Motivational presentations tend to be more specialized. Many companies bring in outside speakers who specialize in motivational speaking. The purpose of motivational presentations is to encourage people to achieve a goal in a certain period of time. A goal is set first and the speaker provides reasons and measures to reach the goal, gives support to inspire and motivate the audience to act. For example, a sales manager may motivate the sales force to increase sales volume by 10 percent the next month.

Goodwill presentations are to entertain and validate the audience. These are perhaps the rarest in the business world, and are usually limited to after-dinner speeches and to speeches at conventions. Presentations at sales meetings may be designed to stroke the AUDIENCES EGOS AND TO VALIDATE THEIR commitment to organizational goals. According to the style of the presentations, business presentations can be divided into four kinds: ceremonial presentation, monologue presentation, guided presentation and sales presentation.

Ceremonial presentations refer to various speeches presented on occasions of celebrations, ceremonies, parties or funerals. The purpose of such kind of presentations is to welcome, celebrate, encourage or mourn. The principal goal, of course, is to enhance the good relationship and get familiar with each other. As they are the kind of communication focusing on human relationship, special attention should be paid to the ambience and the expressing methods of the presentations.

In a monologue presentation, the speaker functions as an expert. He speaks without any interruption during the presentation and questions are usually asked after the presentation ends. Such a presentation is most common in class situations, such as presenting training programs for new employees. However, it is usually dull and boring for the audience. Since the audience is relatively uninvolved, good delivery skills are crucial.

Unlike a speaker who serves as an expert with all the answers, a speaker in a guided presentation serves as a facilitator to help the audience tap its own knowledge. This kind of presentations usually takes the form of discussion. The speaker presents the questions or issues that both the speaker and the audience have agreed on in advance. For example, this kind of presentation is excellent for presenting the results of consulting projects, when the speaker has specialized knowledge, but the audience must implement the solution if it is to succeed. Guided presentations need more time than monologue presentations, but produce more audience responses, and more commitment to the result. Therefore, it might be a better way to present material AND HELP AN AUDIENCE FIND A SOLUTION IT CAN bUy INTO.

A sales presentation is a kind of conversation, even if the sales person stands up in front of a group of audience and uses charts or OHP transparencies. The sales representative uses QUESTIONS TO DETERMINE THE bUyERS NEEDS, PRObE objections, and gain temporary and then final commitment to the purchase. Even in a memorized sales presentation, it is reported the buyer will talk at least 30% of the time. In a problem-solving sales presentation, the buyer may talk 70% of the time.

Sender is the person who appropriates an idea and encodes it and then sends it to the receiver through appropriate channels of communication.

A receiver is the person who receives the message send by the sender and then decode it and gives his feedback on the message send.

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