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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Instrues Instructions

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To hear the sound of each word or phrase, all you need is to click on the speaker icon.

Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

ndice Index Alfabeto Alphabet Nmeros Numbers Dias Days Meses Months Cores Colors Alimentos Food Cumprimentos Greetings

Vocabulrio do Alfabeto Vocabulary of the Alphabet

Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet A B Beijo H Hora N Navio T C Casa I Inverno O Ovo U D Dia J Janela P Porta V Vaso E Estudante F


L Livro R Rua X Xadrez

Ketchup Q Quarto W www


S Sof Y Yes

Z Zonzo


Click on the icon of the speaker to listen to the whole alphabet at once.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary

O amor um sentimento divino. The love is a divine feeling. L'amour est un sentiment divin

BEIJO O beijo aquece o corao. The kiss warms the heart. Le baiser rchauffe le cur.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary CASA A minha casa confortvel. My house is comfortable. Ma maison est confortable. DIA O dia est muito bonito.

The day is very beautiful. La journe est trs belle.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary

Ela uma estudante. She is a student. Elle est tudiante. FCIL Portugus muito fcil. Portuguese is very easy. Le portugais est trs facile.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary GARFO Garfo um talher usado para servir, corta e comer. Fork is a cutlery used for serving, cutting and eating food. Fourchette est un couvert utilis pour servir, couper et manger de la nourriture. HORA hora de relaxar. It is time to relax. Il est temps de se dtendre.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary

Em Portugal, o inverno comea em Dezembro. In Portugal, the winter begins in December. Au Portugal, l'hiver commence en Dcembre.

A janela est fechada. The window is closed. La fentre est ferme.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary KETCHUP Eu gosto de ketchup no meu hambrguer.

I like ketchup on my hamburger. J'aime le ketchup sur mon hamburger. LIVRO

O telemvel est debaixo do livro. The mobile phone is under the book. Le tlphone mobile est sous le livre.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary MALA Onde est a minha mala? Where is my suitcase? O est ma valise? NAVIO Eu esqueci os meus culos no navio. I forgot my glasses in the ship. J'ai oubli mes lunettes dans le bateau.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary OVO A clara do ovo rica em albumina.

The egg white is rich in albumin. Le blanc d'uf est riche en albumine.
PORTA A porta est aberta. The door is open. La porte est ouverte.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary QUARTO Eu deixei os meus culos no meu quarto. I left my glasses in my bedroom. J'ai laiss mes lunettes dans ma chambre.

Eu vi um cavalo na rua. I saw a horse on the street. J'ai vu un cheval sur la rue.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary

Ela est sentada no sof. She is sitting on the couch. Elle est assise sur le canap.

TOALHA Eu preciso de uma nova toalha. I need a new towel. J'ai besoin d'une nouvelle serviette.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary UVA Ele gosta de sumo de uva. He likes grape juice. Il aime le jus de raisin.

Quanto custa este vaso? How much for this vase? Combien pour ce vase?

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary WWW O endereo www... The address is www... L'adresse est www ...

XADREZ Eu gosto de jogar xadrez. I like to play chess. J'aime jouer aux checs.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alfabeto Alphabet Vocabulrio Vocabulary YES O turista respondeu YES. The tourist replied YES. Le touriste a rpondu OUI. ZONZO Ele ficou zonzo depois de alguns copos de vinho.

He was dizzy after a few glasses of wine. Il tait tourdi aprs quelques verres de vin.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Nmeros Numbers 0 Zero 1 Um 2 Dois 9 Nove

Trs 10 Dez 16


Cinco 12 Doze 17 Dezassete

6 Seis 13 Treze 18 Dezoito




Quatorze 19 Dezanove




Click on the icon of the speaker to listen to all numbers at once.

More numbers.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Nmeros Numbers 21 Vinte e um 25 Vinte e cinco 29 Vinte e nove 40 Quarenta

Vinte e dois 26 Vinte e seis 30 Trinta 50

23 Vinte e trs 27 Vinte e sete 31

24 Vinte e quatro 28

Vinte e oito
32 Trinta e dois

Trinta e um

Listen to the numbers from 21 until 32. More numbers.


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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Nmeros Numbers 60 Sessenta 101 Cento e um 110 Cento e dez 70 Setenta 102 Cento e dois 120 Cento e vinte 80 Oitenta 103 Cento e trs 130 Cento e trinta 90 Noventa 104 Cento e quatro 140 Cento e quarenta 100 Cem

Cento e quarenta e um

Cento e oitenta e nove
More numbers.

Listen to all numbers at this page at once.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Nmeros Numbers 200 Duzentos

Duzentos e um 299

240 Duzentos e quarenta

Duzentos e cinquenta e oito 300 Trezentos

Duzentos e noventa e nove 500 600


900 Novecentos




More numbers.

Listen to all numbers at this page at once.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Nmeros Numbers 1000 Mil 1100 Mil e cem 1200 Mil e duzentos 1999 Mil novecentos e noventa e nove
More numbers.

1001 Mil e um 1105

1050 Mil e cinquenta

Mil e cinquenta e nove 1187 Mil cento e oitenta e sete 1900 Mil e novecentos

Mil cento e cinco 1223

Mil duzentos e vinte e trs

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Nmeros Numbers 2000 Dois mil 7000 Sete mil 9000 Nove mil 90.000.000 Noventa milhes 3000 Trs mil 8000 Oito mil 10000 Dez mil 4000 Quatro mil 8551 Oito mil quinhentos e cinquenta e um 1.000.000 Um milho Um bilio 5000 Cinco mil 6000 Seis mil

Cinco milhes
Trs bilies

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Dias da semana Days of the week
Domingo - Sunday Segunda-feira Monday Tera-feira Tuesday Quarta-feira Wednesday Quinta-feira Thursday Sexta-feira Friday Sbado Saturday Listen to all days of the week at once.
See examples.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Dias da semana Days of the week
Examples: Eu sempre vou praia ao domingo durante o Vero. I always go to the beach on Sunday over the Summer. Eu tenho aulas de Portugus segunda-feira, quartafeira e sexta-feira. But you can also say:

Eu tenho aulas de Portugus todas as segundas, quartas e sextas.

I have Portuguese classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
See more examples.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Dias da semana Days of the week
Examples: A Maria chegar a Portugal no prximo sbado pela manh. But you can also say: A Maria vai chegar a Portugal no prximo sbado pela manh. Maria will arrive in Portugal on next Saturday morning.

Marcos esperar pela Maria no aeroporto, no prximo sbado pela manh.

Marcos will be waiting for Maria in the airport on next Saturday morning.

See more examples.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Dias da semana Days of the week

A Maria acorda tarde aos domingos.

A Maria oversleeps on Sundays. A Maria viajar para o Brasil na prxima sexta-feira. But you can also say:

A Maria vai viajar para o Brasil na prxima sexta-feira.

Maria will travel to Brazil on next Friday.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Meses Months

Janeiro January Fevereiro February Maro March Abril April Maio May Junho June

Julho July Agosto August

Setembro September
Outubro October Novembro November Dezembro December Listen to all months at once.
See examples.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Meses Months Dates: A Ucrnia tornou-se independente da Unio Sovitica em 24 de Agosto de 1991. Ukraine became independent from the Soviet Union in August 24, 1991. O Brasil tornou-se independente do Reino de Portugal em 7 de Setembro de 1822. Brazil became independent from the Kingdom of Portugal in September, 1822.

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See more examples.

Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Meses Months Dates: Dates in Portuguese are written in a different way from English. Lets see the difference: In English the year 1999 we say: nineteen ninety nine. However, in Portuguese we say it as a complete number: one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine. 1999 mil novecentos e noventa e nove More examples: 1967 mil novecentos e sessenta e sete 1974 mil novecentos e setenta e quatro 1994 mil novecentos e noventa e quatro 2012 dois mil e doze ndice - Index
See more examples.

Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Meses Months Dates: 1 de janeiro January 1st Em Portugal, celebra-se o Dia dos Namorados a 14 de Fevereiro.

In Portugal, Valentines Day is celebrated on 14th of February.

Na maioria dos pases cristos, o Natal celebrado no dia 25 de Dezembro, mas na Ucrnia celebrado em 7 de janeiro.
In most Christian countries, Christmas is celebrated on December 25, but in Ukraine is celebrated on January 7.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Cores Colors

Amarelo - Yellow

Azul Blue

Branco White

Cinza Gray

Laranja Orange

Preto Black

Rosa Pink

Roxo - Purple

Listen to all colors at once.

Verde Green Vermelho Red

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Cores Colors Examples: Tomates so vermelhos. Tomatoes are red. O cu azul. The sky is blue. Marcos tem um carro cinza. Marcos has a gray car.
A Casa Branca a residncia oficial do presidente dos EUA.

The White House is the official residence of US president.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food A
abbora pumpkim alface lettuce alho garlic arroz rice assado roasted

bacalhau cod banana banana batata potato beringela eggplant bife steak biscoito cookie

atum tuna
azeite olive oil azeitonas olives acar sugar gua water

bolo - cake Listen to all foods that start with A.

Listen to all foods that start with B.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food C
caf coffee camaro shrimp

damasco apricot doce candy ervilha pea

cebola onion
cereja - cherry ch - tea chocolate chocolate coentro coriander cogumelo mushroom couve cabbage


farinha flour feijo bean frango chicken fruta - fruit

Listen to all foods that start with C.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food G
glten gluten grelhado grilled

No food starts with K in Portuguese

lagosta lobster laranja orange leite milk limonada limonade limo lemon linguado sole linguado grelhado grilled sole Listen to all foods that start with L.

hortel mint, spearmint

iogurte - yoghurt

jaca - jackfruit

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food M
manteiga butter

nabo turnip
nectarina nectarine nspera medlar noz walnut, nut

marisco seafood
massa pasta ma apple melancia - watermelon mexilhes mussels milho corn molho sauce

Listen to all foods that start with M.

Listen to all foods that start with N.

morango strawberry
mostarda mustard

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food O
omelete omelette ostra oyster pimenta pepper pizza pizza polvo octopus porco pork prato do dia dish of the day

ovo egg

panqueca pancake pat pt peito de frango chicken breast

presunto ham
po bread pra pear pssego - peach Listen to all foods that start with O.

peixe fish
peru - turkey

Listen to all foods that start with P.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food Q
queijo - cheese quiabo okra

tangerina tangerine
tapioca tapioca tomate tomato toranja grapefruit

rabanete radish
requeijo cottage cheese risoto risotto rom - pomegranate

torrada - toast
torta pie torta de chocolate chocolate pie truta trout

Listen to all foods that start with T.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food U
uva - grape


No food starts with Z in Portuguese

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food Caf da manh Portugus - Portuguese breakfast: O caf da manh Portugus tradicional tem: caf, leite, po, manteiga, queijo, bolo e biscoitos.

The traditional Portuguese breakfast has: coffee, milk, bread, butter, cheese, cake and cookies.
caf com leite coffee with milk caf sem acar coffee without sugar

po com manteiga bread and butter

po com queijo bread with cheese See more examples.

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Alimentos Food Examples: O Marcos gosta de sumo de laranja e torta de chocolate. Marcos likes orange juice and chocolate pie. Eu bebo caf pela manh. I drink coffee in the morning.

A Maria no gosta de ch gelado.

Maria doesnt like iced tea.

O Gustavo gosta de chocolate branco e a Maria gosta de chocolate preto.

Gustavo likes white chocolate and Maria likes black chocolate. ndice - Index

Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Cumprimentos Greetings Bom dia Good morning Boa tarde Good afternoon Boa noite Good evening, good night
Pergunta - Question:
Como voc est? How are you? In Portuguese, men say OBRIGADO and women say OBRIGADA.

Preste ateno Pay attention:

Respostas - Answers:
Estou bem, obrigado. Estou bem obrigada. I am fine, thanks. OBRIGADO OBRIGADA

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Aprendendo Portugus Learning Portuguese

Cumprimentos Greetings
Pergunta Question: Ol, como ests? Hi, how are you? Respostas possveis Possible answers: Estou bem, obrigado. E tu? I am fine, thanks. And you? Estou muito feliz. I am very happy. (informal)

Estou mais ou menos.

I am okay. / I am so-so. Estou feliz. I am happy.

Estou triste.
I am sad. Estou doente. I am sick.

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