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Exam 1 Review

What to expect
Short-answer and multiple choice questions Questions will be drawn from
Lecture Maltese, Pika, and Shively Bullock and Gaddie
Democracy and American Politics Collective Action Problems Self Governance Governing under the Articles Drafting the U.S. Constitution The Georgia Constitution Federalist Papers Federalism and Local Government Civil Liberties Civil Rights and Voting Rights

Your Best Approach

Use these questions as a guide
Ask more questions that are specific within each topic by digging a little deeper and asking why? Or answer the question in an many ways as you can.

Continue to reference the slides and book.

Democracy in American Politics

How are constitutions and institutions related to political behavior? What is the difference between authority and power? What basic American values often create controversies between society and government?

It will be helpful to know the different ideologies that the book describes.

Collective Action Problems

Questions to Consider
How would you define these problems? Do you know them well enough to identify an example? Types of Collective Action Problems

Coordination Prisoners Dilemma

Free Riding Tragedy of the Commons

Does the problem get worse with larger groups?

What are the best solutions for each problem?

Do Not Forget Transaction and Conformity costs

Self Governance
Why was America so well suited to break with the monarchy? What were the events that brought the colonies together to build a consensus to form a new nation?

Articles of Confederation
Why was it so difficult for the federal government to be effective under the Articles of Confederation?

Which institutions held the most power during this time? What were the biggest disagreements among the states?

Drafting the Constitution

Why was ratifying the Constitution a lengthy process? The Constitution is the blue-print for how to set up our government, what influenced the framers decisions to design the U.S. Government the way they did?

Why does is the U.S. Congress made up of two chambers? How important is the Electoral College?

Georgia Constitution
What part of the U.S. Constitution empowers Georgia to have the authority to create its own laws?

How does the Georgia Constitution differ from the U.S. Constitution? What outside political factors have led Georgia to rewrite its Constitution so many times?

Federalist Papers
Be able to summarize Federalist 10 and 51 What were Hamilton, Jay, and Madisons goals in writing the Federalist papers? What argument and solution does each paper address?

Federalism and Local Government

How have specific clauses in the Constitution expanded the federal governments role in controlling policy? What is the difference between Dual and Cooperative federalism? How has the federal government begun to influence states in how they handle their responsibilities? What contributes to local revenues?

Civil Liberties
When did the Bill of Rights begin to apply to states? What parts of the Bill of Rights do states not have to follow?

Is free speech absolute?

How has the Supreme Court historically judged whether speech can be restricted? How do you judge if someones conduct is obscene?

Civil Rights and Voting Rights

What political decisions in the nineteenth century (1800s) contributed to the regional division of the Civil War? What was the role of organizations in the twentieth century in fueling the civil rights movement? What was the primary obstacle that kept the government from addressing civil rights?

What kind of discrimination have women and other ethnicities endured that have become civil rights issues?

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