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By: Dr-Mohammed Fahmi

The most important Panoramic Radiograph

landmarks you must able to differentiate bet them all :

1) 2) 3)

5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)

Nasal Septum . ANS = Anterior Nasal Spine . Inf .Turbinate = Inferior Turbinate . Middle Turbinate . Sup. Turbinate = Superior Turbinate . Soft Tissue of the Nose . Palato-Glossal Airspace ( Between tongue and hared palate . It appear cuz patient not keep his tongue in contact with the hard palate ) . Lateral wall of the nasal passage. Max. Sinus = Maxillary Sinus . Naso Lacrimal canal . Orbital cavity . Infra-orbital canal . Zygomatic process of maxilla . Pterygo-maxillary fissure . Max. Tuberosity ( Notice : also there is developing 3rd molar ) Zygomatic bone ( Zygoma).

The most important Panoramic Radiograph

landmarks you must able to differentiate bet them all :

17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33)

Zygomatico-Temporal structure . Auricular eminence ( of temporal bone ) . Mandibular Condyle . EAM = external auditory meatus . Atlas ( 1st cervical vertebrae ) . Axis ( 2nd cervical vertebrae ) . 3rd cervical vertebrae . 4th cervical vertebrae . Lingula ( and at the same location there is mandibular foramen ) . Mandibular canal ( not very clear here try to see it in another Radiograph ) . Mandibular Foramen ( it locate bet 1st and 2nd Premolars , Notice : here patient still have E and the 2nd PM not erupted , dont be confused ) . Inferior border of the mandible . Hyoid bone . Pharyngeal airspace . Epiglottis . Coronoid process ( of mandible ) . Inferior Orbital rim.

The most important Panoramic Radiograph

landmarks you must able to differentiate bet them all :

34) 35) 36)

38) 39) 40) 41) 42) 43) 44) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50)

Mastoid process . MCF = Middle Cranial Fossa . Bite Block ( in Dental Teaching Center Clinic OF JUST we dont use it , we just ask patient to bite edge to edge ) . Chin Holder ( Not always appear in the RG ) . Shadow of cervical spine ( also not always appear in the RG ) . Ethmoid Sinus . Angle of the mandible . Tooth crypt ( crypt of the 3rd molar still developing ) . Mandibular 2nd Premolar ( still developing ) . E ( primary 2nd molar with physical root resorption ) . Maxillary left permanent central incisor . Maxillary left permanent lateral incisor . Maxillary left permanent canine . Maxillary left permanent 1st premolar . Maxillary left premanent 1st molar . Ramus of the mandible . Pterygoid plate .

dont forgot to know the location of hard and soft palate in the radiograph , consider it as a homework ;) --------------------------------------------------------------

Notice :

Dr-Mohammed Fahmi

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