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2C Group 5 presents

Group Leader : Lui Ka Ho, Michael (21)

Group members : Ma Tsz Kiu, Ian (22) Ng Chun Ngai, Lincoln (23) Poon Chun Yin, Adrian (24)

Research Background

Many teenagers committed suicide and crimes Caused by overloaded of stress Main source : Stress on study Can cause serious emotional problems if not maintained properly

What is stress?

A persons reaction to change is called stress. May come from situation, people, feelings

Focused Question
Where are teenagers stress come from? What are the effect of these stress? In what way they relieve their stress? How can we release our stress properly? Does the society has any measure to help teenagers handling their own stress? What are their view on those special case which bring serious consequences?

Summary of interview
Main source of stress : Studies Exams Peers Relationship, Love Family Conflicts with parents

Effects of overloaded of stresses

If teenagers cannot afford stress: May result in emotional diseases (e.g. Depression) May hurt themselves (e.g. Commit suicide)

Better ways to relieve stress :

Find and solve the source of stress

Face the problem positively

Hypothesis and expected outcome

Hong Kong teenagers are facing great stress Main source :

Exams (e.g. HKDSE) New system on Senior Secondary section Cannot adapt the situation

Too much stress cause their result goes

Hypothesis and expected outcome

Not many of them will share their feelings with the others Believe that they can handle their stresses Understand the serious consequences of self-destruction


Held from 17 March ~ 23 March Informed 130 Hong Kong teenagers

Survey Result

Survey Result

Survey Result

Survey Result

Survey Result

Survey Result

Survey Result

Survey Result

Survey Result

Main source of stresses : Academic In the Age of learning Examples : Choosing subjects, plan for the future High expectations of parents

Over-stressed causes problems Psychological problems are much more serious than other problems Their methods are good for their psychological health Need to know how to control themselves May cause some bad side-effects or addiction

Not many of them willing to share their feelings Mainly share with peers, but not social workers Cause by the generation gap Some teenagers face stress negatively Some of them even agree to commit suicide Shows that they dont understand the irretrievable result of these actions

Advice for teenagers

Stay calm, find out the problems Work out the solution rationally Set up targets to achieve Insult teachers or parents if necessary Take more rest

Advice for parents

Dont have too high expectations as this will bring extra stresses More communications with your children and try to understand them
Spend more time on recreation with them

Advice for the government and society

The government should put more resources on youth care services Youth Service Centers should organize more activities and start developing the channel on the internet


Mr. C.Y. Wong Our teacher advisor Kelvin Sir and Mr. Wong Our interview guest All of the participants of our online survey My3q Providing a platform for the survey All websites that give us information and images

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