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Sistem Urinarius, Pelvis & Perineum

Dr.Tri Suciati, M.Kes

Cavum pelvis & diaphragma pelvis Fossa Ischiorectalis & isinya Innervasi dan & Vaskularisasi dinding pelvis Sistem urinarius Rectum


Komponen tulang Pelvis

Innominate bone (Ilium, ischium and pubis) Sacrum Coccyx Joined anteriorly by pubic symphysis Posteriorly by sacro-iliac joint

Komponen Sendi
Articulatio: Diarthrosis yaitu amphiarthrosis sacroiliaca Synarthrosis: 1. Syndesmosis elastica sacrococcygeus 2. Syndesmosis fibrosa: lig sacrospinosum et tuberosum 3. Synchondrosis: symphysis ossium pubis

Apertura Pelvis Superior

Apertura Pelvis Inferior

Klasifikasi Caldwell dan Molloy


Pelvic planes Diameters of inferior aperture of lesser pelvis (female). Pelvic inlet: The line between the narrowest bony points formed by the sacral promontory and the inner pubic arch is termed obstetrical conjugate: It should be 11.5 cm or more. This anteroposterior line at the inlet is 2 cm less than the diagonal conjugate (distance from undersurface of pubic archto sacral promontory). The transverse diameter of the pelvic inlet measures 13.5 cm. Midpelvis: The line between the narrowest bone points connects the ischial spines; it typically exceeds 12 cm. Pelvic outlet: The distance between the ischial tuberosities (normally > 10 cm), and the angulation of the pubic arch

Fetal relationship

Engagement: The fetus is engaged if the widest leading part (typically the widest circumference of the head) is negotiating the inlet. Station: Relationship of the bony presenting part of the fetus to the maternal ischial spines. If at the level of the spines it is at 0 (zero) station, if it passed it by 2cm it is at +2 station. Attitude: Relationship of fetal head to spine: flexed, neutral (military), or extended attitudes are possible. Position: Relationship of presenting part to maternal pelvis, i.e. ROP=right occiput posterior, or LOA=left occiput anterior. Presentation: Relationship between the leading fetal part and the pelvic inlet: cephalic, breech (complete, incomplete, frank or footling), face, brow, mentum or shoulder presentation. Lie: Relationship between the longitudinal axis of fetus and long axis of the uterus: longitudinal, oblique, and transverse. Caput or Caput succedaneum: oedema typically formed by the tissue overlying the fetal skull during the vaginal birthing process.

Greater Pelvis (pelvis major)/ False Pelvis

Tempat beberapa visera abdomen (ileum and sigmoid colon) Bounded by abdominal wall anteriorly, the iliac fossa posteriolaterally and L5 S1 vertebrae posteriorly

Lesser Pelvis ( pelvis minor)/True Pelvis

Tempat viscera pelvis urinary bladder and reproductive organs such as the uterus and ovaries dikelilingi permukaan pelvis,al: tulang panggul, sacrum, and coccyx Sebelah inferior dibatasi oleh musculofascial pelvic diaphragm

Pelvic Walls and Floors

Anterior pelvic wall terbentuk terutama oleh corpus dan ramus pubic bones and pubic symphysis Lateral pelvic walls dibentuk oleh tulang panggul dan m. obturator internus (O: proximal surface of the ilium and ischium; obturator membrane I: greater trochanter of the femur)

Pelvic Walls and Floor

Posterior Pelvic Wall dibentuk oleh sacrum and coccyx, bagian terdekat the ilia, and the S-I joints; ditutupi oleh m.piriformis (O: pelvic surface of 2nd and 4th sacral segments, superior margin of the greater sciatic notch and sacrotuberous ligament, I: greator trochanter of femur)

Pelvic Floor
Dibentuk oleh diaphragma pelvis yang berbentuk seperti terowongan tdd otot levator ani & coccygeus serta fasianya Membentang sebelah anterior pubis dan coccyx sebelah posteror, dan dari satu dinding pelvis lateral ke dinding lainnya

Diaphragma Pelvis
Terdiri dari Pars Muscularis terdiri dari m. Levator ani Pars membranacea Terdapat di sebelah caudal pars muscularis menutupi segitiga depan, disebut juga diaphragma urogenital

Levator Ani

Tdd 3 bagian pubococcygeus, puborectalis dan iliococcygeus. Secara berkelompok berjalan dari corpus os pubis, dg arcus tendinosa pada fascia obturatorius dan spina ischial KE perineal body, os coccygeus, ligament anococcygeal, dinding prostate atau vagina, rectum & anal canal Innervasi dari S4 untuk levator ani, dan inferior anal (rectal) dari (S2-S4) , dan coccygeal plexus Mensupport visera pelvis; bekerja bersama, mengangkat dasar pelvis dan membantu otot abdomen pada kegiatan dengan expirasi yang kuat

Beberapa serabut otot pre rectalis yang berhubungan dengan prostat pada pria = m. Levator prostat, dan dengan vagina= m.pubovaginalis. Serabut tersebut membagi hiatus levatorius menjadi 1. Hiatus genitalis 2. Hiatus analis

Coccygeus Muscle
O: ischial spine, I: inferior end of the sacrum, I: cabang dari S4 and S5 Membentuk bagian kecil dari diafragma pelvis, mensupport visera pelvis, fleksi coccygeus

Diaphragma urogenitalis
Penguatan dari m.levator ani, dan menutup hiatus urogenitalis dari arah bawah, ditembus oleh: Pars membranacea urethra pada lakilaki Urethra dan vagina pada wanita

Diaphragma urogenitalis
Tdd 2 lembar fascia: Fascia diaphragmatis urogenitalis superior et inferior Di antara kedua fascia terdapat m. Transversus perinei profundus (sebelah belakang) dan m. Sphincter urethre membranaceae. Sebelah ventral---lig transversum pelvis, dan lig. Arcuatum pubis Di permukaan, terdapat m.transversus perinei superfisialis

Pelvic Floor - Male

Pelvic Floor- Lateral Inferior

Organ sistem urinarius pelvis Ureters Saluran otot polos dari ginjal ke VU , p= 25 -30 cm Bladder/VU a hollow container surrounded by a strong smooth muscular wall Bagiannya: Apex, Body, Fundus, Neck, Uvula




Pelvic Viscera - Female

M v. F Bladder

Bladder/VU Detrussor muscle otot polos yang mengelilingi VU Otot sfingter interna I Parasympathetic to detrussor (S2S4)); Sympathetic to internal sphincter (T12-L1/L2)

Ureter Urinary urethral orifice in bladder to external urethral orifice External sphincter somatic nerves from S2-S4) Prostate

Female Urethra

Female Urethra

Male Urethra

Male Urethra


Alimentary canal (GI Tract) menghubungkan colon sigmoideus dengan anus Mengikuti curva sacrum dan coccyx I=sympathetic (T12/L1)and parasympathetic nerves (S2-S4)


Rectum and Anal Canal

Perineum / Regio perineal

Berada pada outlet pelvis dan dipisahkan dari cavitas pelvis oleh diafragma pelvis(Levator ani and coccygeus muscles) Batas-batas: Anterior : symphysis pubis Anterolateral: inferior pubic rami and ischial rami Lateral: ischial tuberosity posterolateral: sacrotuberous ligament inferior sacrum and coccyx


2 Trigonum

Trigonum Analis (posterior) Trigonum Urogenital (anterior) contains the root of the scrotum and penis in males or the external genitalia in females

Membran perineal membentang antara dua sisi arkus pubis dan meliputi bagian anterior outlet perineal body/corpus perineal : massa fibromuscular irregular berlokasi antara anal canal dan perineal membrane


Fascia Perinealis Superfisialis

Lanjutan fascia abdominalis superfisialis,ada 2 lapis Lapis permukaaan Fascia camperi, ke medial bersatu dg lapis dalam mbntk tunica dartos pd scrotum, dan jar lemak pada vagina Pd regio analis brhub dg fossa ischiorectalis

Lapis dalam Lanjutan fascia scarpae Di namakan fascia collesi Lateral berhub dg ramus inferior os pubis dan os ischii, ke depan berlanjut sbg lig. Suspensorium penis Ke belakang membentuk spatium interfasciale

Spatium interfasciale
Terdapat Crura cavernosis penis dengan mm.ischiocavernosi Corpus cavernosum urethrae dengan m. Bulbocavernosus A,v, n, perinealis

Fossa ischiorectalis
Rongga yang terdapat di kiri dan kanan rectum, di bawah m. Levator ani Batas-batasnya: Cranial: arcus tendineus m.levator ani Lateral: fascia obturatoria Medial: fascia diaphragmatis pelvis inferior Dorsalis: m.gluteus maximus & lig.sacrotuberosum Caudalis: depan oleh diaphragma urogenital

Perineal Body

Perineal Membrane


Perineum - Male

M. BULBOSPONGIOSUS FO : tendon central perineum, MO : tendon central dan bulb of penis; FI : dorsum clitoris, diaphragma urogenital, MI : akar penis; A : kompressi orifisium vagina atau kompressi urethra, N : perineal nerve, pudenal nerve M. ISCHIOCAVERNOSUS O : ramus ischium, I : dekat symphysis pubic, menjaga ereksi penis atau klitoris

Muscles - Female

Muscles - Female

Muscles Male

Muscles - Male

External anal sphincter (skeletal muscle) O : kulit atau fasia di sekeliling anus dan coccyx I : perineal body A : menutup anal canal N : Inferior Anal Nerve (Somatic nerve from S2-S4) inhibits voiding Internal Anal Sphincter Smooth muscle innervated by sympathetic NS (S2,S3,S4) inhibits voiding

External/Internal Anal Sphincter

Superficial Transverse Perineal


: Ischial tuberosity : Perineal body : Support perineal body : Pudenal nerve

External Urethral Sphincter

O: Ischial tuberosity I: surround urethra A: compress urethra to maintain urine continence N: Pudenal (S2-S4)

Superficial Transverse Perineal Female

Superficial Transverse Perineal Female

Superficial Transverse Perineal M

Deep Transverse Perineal


:aspek medial ramus ischium : Pineal Body : stabilisasi posisi perineal body : Pudenal N (S2-S4)

Deep Transverse Perineal - F

Deep Transverse Perineal -M

Deep Transverse Perineal - M

Deep Transverse Perineal M

Superficial Perineum Female

Superficial Perineum Female

Superficial Perineum Male

Superficial Perineum Male

lanjutan peritoneum abdomen Drapes over pelvic viscera in the midline to form: - Pouches/kantong - Lipatan antara viscera dan dinding pelvic - Pouches melindungi viscera dari rectum

Female Peritoneum

Female Peritoneum

Male Peritoneum

Male Peritoneum

Major Blood Supply

The lymphatic drainage of pelvis

Internal iliac lymph node

Surround internal iliac vessels Receive afferents from pelvic viscera, perineum, buttock and back of thigh

External iliac lymph nodes

Lie along external iliac artery Receive afferents from lower limb and some parts of pelvic viscera

Sacral lymph node Common iliac lymph node

Lie along common iliac artery Receive afferents from all the above nodes Efferents pass to lumbar lymph node

Sacral plexus
Formation: formed by anterior rami of L4 and L5 spinal nerves (the lumbrosacral trunk) and anterior rami of sacral and coccygeal nerves Position: lies in pelvic cavity, anterior to sacrum and piriformis


Superior gluteal Inferior gluteal Pudendal Posterior femoral cutaneou Sciatic Common

Pudendal nerve block


Relationships of rectus
Anteriorly In male

Fundus of bladder Seminal vesicle Prostate Ampulla ductus deferentis neck of uterus Vagina

In female

The Urinary System


The Urinary System

Important functions of the kidneys

Maintain the chemical consistency of blood Filter many liters of fluid from blood Send toxins, metabolic wastes, and excess water out of the body

Main waste products Urea Uric acid Creatinine

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Organs of the Urinary System

Kidneys Ureters Urinary bladder Urethra

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.1a

Location and External Anatomy of Kidneys

Located retroperitoneally Lateral to T12L3 vertebrae Average kidney

12 cm tall, 6 cm wide, 3 cm thick

On concave surface Vessels and nerves enter and exit

Renal capsule surrounds the kidney

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Relationship of the Kidneys to Vertebra and Ribs

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.1b

Position of the Kidneys with in the Posterior Abdominal Wall

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.2a

Internal Gross Anatomy of the Kidneys

Frontal section through the kidney

Renal cortex Renal pyramids Renal pelvis

Major calicies Minor calicies

Gross vasculature

Renal arteries

Branch into segmental arteries

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Summary of Blood Vessels Supplying the Kidney

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Figure 23.3c

Internal Gross Anatomy of the Kidneys

Nerve supply renal plexus

A network of autonomic fibers An offshoot of the celiac plexus

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Internal Anatomy of the Kidneys

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.3b

Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidneys

Uriniferous tubules

Composed of


Renal corpuscle plus renal tubules Involved in concentrating urine

Collecting duct



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Mechanisms of Urine Production


Filtrate of blood leaves kidney capillaries

Most nutrients, water, and essential ions reclaimed Active process of removing undesirable molecules



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Basic Kidney Functions

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.4

The Urinary System


Uriniferous Tubule

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Figure 23.5a

The Nephron

Renal corpuscle

Glomerulus and glomerular capsule

Glomerulus tuft of capillaries Capillaries of glomerulus are fenestrated Glomerular (Bowmans) capsule Parietal layer simple squamous epithelium Visceral layer consists of podocytes

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Renal Corpuscle and the Filtration Membrane

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.6a

Renal Corpuscle and the Filtration Membrane

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Figure 23.6c

Tubular Section of Nephron

Filtrate proceeds to renal tubules from glomerulus

Proximal convoluted tubule Loop of Henle

Descending limb Thin segment Thick segment

Distal convoluted tubule

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Micrograph through the Renal Medulla

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.7

Classes of Nephron

Cortical nephrons

85% of nephrons
15% of nephrons

Juxtamedullary nephrons

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Collecting Tubules (Collecting ducts)

Collecting tubules

Receive urine from distal convoluted tubules

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Figure 23.8

Classes of Nephron

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Figure 23.9a

Microscopic Blood Vessels

Nephrons associated with two types of capillary beds (a portal system)


Fed and drained by arterioles Afferent and efferent arterioles

Peritubular capillaries
Arise from efferent arterioles Low-pressure, porous capillaries Absorb solutes

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Microscopic Blood Vessels

Vasa recta
Thin-walled looping vessels Part of the kidneys urine-concentrating mechanism

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

The Urinary System


Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidney

Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Functions in the regulation of blood pressure Juxtaglomerular cells secrete renin

Macula densa

A portion of distal convoluted tubule

Tall, closely packed epithelial cells Act as chemoreceptors

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Juxtaglomerular Apparatus

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Figure 23.10

Carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder Oblique entry into bladder prevents backflow of urine Histology of ureter

Mucosa transitional epithelium Muscularis two layers

Inner longitudinal layer Outer circular layer

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Adventitia typical connective tissue

Microscopic Structure of the Ureter

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.12

Urinary Bladder
A collapsible muscular sac Stores and expels urine

Full bladder spherical

Expands into the abdominal cavity

Empty bladder lies entirely within the Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing pelvis as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.13

Urinary Bladder
Urachus closed remnant of the allantois Prostate gland

In males
Lies directly inferior to the bladder Surrounds the urethra

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.14

Urinary Bladder

Wall of bladder


Transitional epithelium Detrus or muscle

Muscular layer


Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Histology of the Urinary Bladder

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.15a, b

Structure of the Urinary Bladder and Urethra

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.16a

Structure of the Urinary Bladder and Urethra

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.16b


Epithelium of urethra

Transitional epithelium

At the proximal end (near the bladder)

Stratified and pseudostratified columnar mid urethra (in males) Stratified squamous epithelium

At the distal end (near the urethral opening)

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Internal urethral sphincter

Involuntary smooth muscle

External urethral sphincter

Voluntarily inhibits urination Relaxes when one urinates

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In females

Length of 34 cm

In males 20 cm in length three named regions

Prostatic urethra

Passes through the prostate gland

Membranous urethra

Through the urogenital diaphragm

Passes through the length of the penis

Spongy (penile) urethra

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Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.17

Disorders of the Urinary System

Urinary tract infections

More common in females Burning sensation during micturition

Renal calculi

Kidney stones
3% of cancers more common in men

Bladder cancer

Kidney cancer

Arises from epithelial cells of uriniferous Copyright 2008 Pearson tubules Education, Inc., publishing
as Benjamin Cummings

The Urinary System Throughout Life

Embryo develops three pairs of kidneys

Pronephros Mesonephros Metanephros

Only metanephros persists to become the adult kidneys Metanephric kidney produces urine by fetal month three Contributes to the volume of amniotic fluid

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Development of the Urinary Organs

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.18a,b

Development of the Urinary Organs

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Figure 23.18c, d

The Urinary System Throughout Life

Kidney and bladder function declines with advancing age

Nephrons decrease in size and number Tubules less efficient at secretion and reabsorption Filtration declines Recognition of desire to urinate is delayed Loss of muscle tone in the bladder

Copyright 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings

Sistem urinarius
Fungsi: Mengatur homeostasis dengan; Mengubah komposisi, pH, volume, dan tekanan darah Osmolaritas darah Produksi hormon Organ; 2 ginjal 2 ureter 1 vesica urinaria 1 uretra


Fungsi utama ginjal: 1. Membentuk dan mengeluarkan urine 2. Menghasilkan dan mengeluarkan erythropoietin yaitu hormon yang mengendalikan kecepatan pembentukan sel darah merah 3. Menghasilkan dan mengeluarkan renin yaitu enzym penting dalam mengatur tekanan darah

Berbentuk seperti kacang buncis, Ukuran; p=10-12 cm l=5-7 cm,tebal=3 cm,berat= 150 g Ginjal, massa cuma 0,5 % massa tubuh, tapi mendapatkan 20-25 % cardiac output

Darah yg mengalir di ginjal 1200 mL/ menit


Posterior dinding abdomen, retroperitoneal, lateral columna vertebralis Proyeksi setinggi VTXII-LIII Ginjal ka rendah dari ginjal ki (hati) Ginjal ki> panjang, dan dekat dgn garis tengah

Organ-organ yang berada di sekitar ginjal

Ginjal kanan Superior : glandula adrenal (supra renalis) Anterior : lobus kanan hepar, duodenum dan colon pada flexura hepatica Posterior : diafragma, otototot dinding posterior abdomen Ginjal kiri Superior : glandula adrenal (supra renalis) Anterior : limpa (lien), lambung (gaster), pancreas, jejenum dan colon pada flexura lienalis Posterior : diafragma, otototot dinding posterior abdomen

Pembungkus Ginjal

Diliputi fascia dan fat (perirenal fat dan renal fascia) Permukaan anterior & posterior diliputi capsula fibrosa Hilum renaliscekungan vertikal yg dalam, tmpt masuk;pembuluh darah renalis,limfatik, dan syaraf

Pembungkus ginjal: Capsula renalis ; plg luar, transparan, berlanjut smpai ke ureter Capsula adiposa; Massa lemak, menutupi capsula renalis, peindung dari trauma Fascia renalis; mempertahankan struktur ginjal, dalam dinding abdome,lap paling dalam

Anatomi ginjal potongan melintang

Deskripsi potongan melintang Ginjal

Cortex renalis; bagian superfisial, wrn terang, dibagi menjadi 2 zona; Zona cortical dan juxtamedullary. Bagian cortex renalis yg melebar ke pyramid renalis adalah collumna renalis Satu lobus renalis, tdd; 1 piramid renalis, yg meliputi 1 renal cortex, dan 1,5 columna renalis yg berdekatan

Medulla renalis; lebih dalam, warna merah gelap Tdd, pyramid renalis; bagian, yg dasarnya mengarah ke cortex ren, dan puncaknya membentuk papilla renalis Cortex +pyramid membentuk parenkim renalis, yg didalamnya terdapat nefron, merupakan unit fungsional ginjal

Vaskularisasi dan limfatik renalis

Vaskularisasi dan limfatik renalis

Arteri renalis, cabang lateral aorta abdominalis A.renalis kiri lebih tinggi, a.renalis kanan lebih panjang, dan melewati v. c.inferior Drainase limfatik oleh nodus lumbaris Vena renalis ka dan ki dibentuk multipel vena renalis, sebelah anterior dari arteri renalis

Vaskularisasi Renalis

Arteri utama; a. renalis kiri Masuk ke ginjal mjd a. segmentalis Melewati collumna renalis, menjadi a. interlobaris Melewati basal pyramid menjadi a.interlobular, membentuk percabangan, a. arcuata Memasuki cortex, dikenal arteriole afferent

Vaskularisasi Renalis

1 nefron menerima 1 arteriole afferent, masuk ke glomerulus, lalu keluar sbg,arteriole efferent,yg lalu menjadi kapiler peritubuler pd cortex renalis Pelebarannya di kenal sebagai; vasa recta Kapiler peritubuler saling bersatu mbt venule peritubuler dan v. interlobular, berlanjut ke v. arcuata dan v interlobar, keluar dari hilum dan berlanjut ke v. cava inferior

Fisiologi ren









Corpusculum renalis

Merupakan unit filtrasi plasma darah dari nephron 2 kutub : polus vascularis, polus urinalis Mengandung glomerulus sistim kapiler yg dirangkai o/ arteriole afferen dan efferen Diliputi oleh lamina visceralis capsula Bowmani, sel disebut Podosit` Podosit mempunyai badan sel ,dimana akan timbul processus primer, secunder (pedicle)

Urine yang dibentuk diginjal dialirkan ke papilla lalu ke apex pyramis masuk ke calyx minor calyx major dan terakhir terkumpul di pelvis renalis sebelum memasuki ureter. Dinding calyx dan pelvis renalis mengandung otot polos dengan gerakan peristaltisnyamengalirkan urine ke ureter lalu ke VU.

Sinus renalis; bagian dari hilum renalis yg melebar tdd; pelvis renalis, calyx, pemb darah dan syaraf, jar lemak. 1 ginjal tdd= 8-18 calyx minor,2-3 calyx mayor Komposisi Urine: Air 96% Urea 2% Asam urat, creatinin, ammonia, Natrium, Kalium, klorida, fosfat, sulfat-dan oxalat 2



Transport urin dr pelvis renalis ke v. urinaria Dipengaruhi o/ kontraksi peristaltik, tekanan hidrostatik, &gravitasi 3 penyempitan; ureteropelvic junction, a.iliaca communis, dinding v.u Inervasi;renal, aortic, hipogastric superior & inferior Nyeri; illiac crest, regio pubis, scrotum, labia mayora


Panjangnya 25-30 cm dan diameter 3 mm. Merupakan kelanjutan dari pelvis renalis, berjalan ke bawah melalui cavum abdomen di belakang peritoneum di depan m.psoas kemudian oblique (miring) berjalan ke dinding posterior VU Fungsi ureter: menyalurkan urine dari ginjal ke VU dengan kontraksi peristaltik lapisan otot polosnya. Kontraksinya dipicu oleh pencetus yang ada di calyx minor. Gelombang peristaltik berlangsung beberapa kali per menit, frekuensinya akan meningkat jika produksi urine meningkat dan masuknya urine ke VU.

Ureter memiliki 3 lapisan jaringan: lapisan terluar berupa jaringan fibrosa kelanjutan capsula fibrosa ginjal. Lapisan tengah berupa lapisan otot yang melingkari ureter seperti spiral dan pada sepertiga bawah ada tambahan otot yang berjalan longitudinal Lapisan luminal (dekat lumen) yaitu mukosa dengan epitel transisional.

Bladder/Vesica urinaria

Lokasi anterior pelvis, saat penuh, menonjol abdomen Saat kosong, berbentuk piramid, 3 sisi. Apex, basis, perm superior dan inferolateral Apexligamen umbilical median Baseinverted triangle,posteroinferior Neck of bladderpaling terfixasi, disupport oleh pita fibromuscular, pd pria ligamen puboprostat Pd wanita ligamen pubovesical. Di posterior terdapat uterus pada wanita dan rectum pada pria.

Bladder/Vesica urinaria

Kapasitas 700-800mL Lebih kecil sdkt pd perempuan Pada VU terdapat 3 orificium (lubang) yang membentuk trigonum (segitiga). Dua (2) di atas pada dinding posterior adalah orificium ureter dan 1 di bawah merupakan orificium urethra. Ketika memasuki urethra terdapat penebalan lapisan otot polos yang membentuk sphincter urethra interna.

Tiga lapisan jaringan VU: 1. Lapisan terluar, jaringan ikat longgar. Mengandung pembuluh darah dan limfe serta saraf/nervus. Bagian superiornya ditutupi peritoneum. 2. Lapisan tengah, mengandung anyaman massa otot polos dan jaringan ikat elastis longgar tersusun dalam 3 lapisan disebut musculus detrusor yang berfungsi mengosongkan VU jika berkontraksi. 3. Lapisan luminal, mukosa yang dilapisi epitel transisional. Jika VU kosong, bagian dalam/mukosa akan berlipatlipat/rugae dan akan hilang bertahap sejalan dengan terisinya VU.


Bag. Akhir sistem urinarius

Wanita Posterior symphysis pubis Pendek, 4cm,berjalan inferior,lantai pelvis---kantong erinealperineal membran--vestibulum Tdpt kelnjar mukosa parauretral (Gland skene) Oue; orificium uretra externa, terletak antara klitoris, dan vagina Dinding tersusun a/mukosa dan muskuler

Pria Panjang, 20 cm, menekuk 2 kali,berjalan inferior ke prostatkantong perineal perineal membranpenis Bagiannya; Prostatic; melewati prostat Membranousa; plg pendek, melewati perineum Spongiosa; paling panjang melewati penis


Dinding urethra terdiri dari 3 lapisan: 1. Lapisan otot polos, merupakan kelanjutan otot polos dari VU. Mengandung jaringan elastis dan otot polos. Sphincter urethra menjaga agar urethra tetap tertutup. 2. Lapisan submukosa, lapisan longgar mengandung pembuluh darah dan saraf 3. Lapisan mukosa


Urinasiproses keluarnya urin Kombinasi kontraksi otot volunter dan non volunter Volume v.urinaria 200400mL---stimulasi reseptor-rangsangan syaraf spinalurinasi Pusat micturasi sacral spinal S2-S3

Rangsangan syaraf menyebabkan kontraksi m. detrussor & relaksasi m.sphincter uretra interna Refleks ini dapat dilatih Latihan pd m.sphincter uretra external, dan otot dinding pelvis Pusat yang di latih cerebral cortex, sehingga dapat menunda urinasi pada periode ttt

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