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Following are the tools which will be trained as part of SAP BO Training.
Architecture Universe WebI !"!

Infoview Ad#inistration &eports

$celcius !r%stal

About the Trainer

7+yrs experience in the field of Business Objects Worked with version X !"# !$%&#!$%' (xposure to various industries

Who can benefit fro) this pro*ra)

+o)eone who is lookin* for a career in B,+ -(++ OB.(/T+ for +A0 custo)ers +o)eone who is lookin* for a career in B,+ -(++ OB.(/T+ for -on +A0 custo)ers +o)eone who is workin* as a +A0 BW consultant and wants to learn +A0 BOB. skills

,niverse 1"&2"3hrs4

,nderstandin* Business Objects ,niverses /reatin* the /ourse ,niverse Buildin* the ,niverse +tructure /reatin* 5i)ension Objects /reatin* 6easure Objects !esolvin* +78 Traps and 8oops in a ,niverse ,sin* 8ist of 9alues Applyin* !estrictions on Objects ,sin* :;unctions with Objects ,sin* <ierarchies 5erivin* Tables = ndexes Workin* with A**re*ate Awareness 5esi*nin* Advanced Objects /reatin* 0redefined /ondition 8O9s = .oins +ecurin* ,niverses )ple)entin* ,niverse 8ife /ycle 6*)t 6aintainin* = Opti)i>in* ,niverses /reatin* ,niverse fro) Other 5ata sources

W(B ? -;O9 (W1"&hrs4

,nderstand concepts of Web intelli*ence

/reate Web ntelli*ence docu)ents with 7ueries !estrict data returned by a @uery 5esi*n a report (nhance the presentation of data in reports /reation of Web intelli*ence report with auto schedulin* ;or)at a report /alculate data with for)ulas and variables ,se )ultiple data sources Analy>e data 6ana*e and share Web ntelli*ence docu)ents Work with Advanced 7uery techni@ues Work with calculation contexts /reate for)ulas with character = date strin* functions ,se A fA lo*ic Work with additional reportin* techni@ues /reate hyperlinks

/6/?A56 - +T!AT O-17%3hrs4

,nderstand the Business Objects (nterprise interface = architecture 6ana*e Business Objects (nterprise content +ecure Business Objects (nterprise content +ecure application security +chedule content 0ublish reports dentify Business Objects (nterprise architecture 0erfor) co))on server )ana*e)ent tasks 6ana*e the Business Objects (nterprise servers

/rystal !eports1'3hrs4

0lannin* a !eport +electin* !ecords ;or)attin* a !eport !epresentin* 5ata 9isually 5istributin* !eports /reatin* Basic ;or)ulas Or*ani>in* 5ata on a !eport Applyin* +ection ;or)attin* Applyin* /onditional !eportin* ,sin* the !epository ,sin* !eport Te)plates /reatin* ;or)ulas Buildin* 0ara)eteri>ed !eports +u))ari>in* 5ata with /ross2Tabs ,sin* !eport +ections 6ana*in* !eports 0resentin* 5ata 9isually Add hyperlinks to a report


All trainin* will be interactive and with de)onstration fro) students as well% On project support All student should be re*ular and report absence in advance -ew and enhance)ents will be covered which scenario based%

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