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Lesson 2: Fundamental Skills in Volleyball



Stretching and flexibility exercises define

It is the very basic activity for any sports before going to start the game. It also warm up our bodies and be ready for the training. Or simply, warm up exercise.


I. Fundamental Exercises in Volleyball

Jogging or running; Head stretching Arm stretching Elbow stretch Truck bending Knee and calf stretch Arms sway Stride sitting stretch Hurdle sitting stretch


II. Basic stance and position of the arms


Pointers in footwork drill for quick and faster movement in volleyball: a) Feet apart at shoulder width level, heels up, plant your toe forward and straight up your body. b) Shake your legs as fast as you can while loosening your arms and hands at the side to improve muscle and leg power. c) Always remember to inhale when rising up the load and exhale when loosening the load to ensure proper breathing.



Arms and Hands Position

a) Maintaining the correct stance, stretch your arms in front and open your palm. b) with your palms open, put your left hands over the right or vice versa, then close your hands together tightly and lock the elbows together. c) Relax and be calm, slowly stretch the arms forward; arms should be relaxed and get ready for the ball to bounce.


Combination of arms and stance position

a) Stand straight, arms and hands at the side. b) Slightly spread and feet at shoulder width level, arms forward and open the palm. c) Slightly go down on your knee, join your arms and hands together and lock the elbow


d) Stay in the position (d), with left foot forward and right foot at the back in heels up position. e) As the whistle is blown, start moving forward alternating your left and right foot and maintain the position of the arms, hands and feet. f) Practice the arms and stance position with the ballmoving forward, sideward and backward to master the correct stance and position of the arms.


Drills and activities to improve stance and arms strength


Running drills drills in a straight line running like in sprint running. It aims to improve the endurance as well as develop leg power needed for the training. Grapevine this is a running drill wherein the feet cross each other while running in a sideward position. The position of the arms should be spread sideward and it should be done from slow to fast pace to develop balance, agility and power of the legs.


Half knee bend march it is done by moving your feet forward (right foot first) in a half-knee bent position. The other leg is extended at the back. Arms are swinging forward upward when moving your feet. The drill is to develop the flexibility of the legs and the knees much needed for spiking and jumping. Jump and twist in the air it is composed of three (3) steps forward starting with your right foot, take off with both feet on your last step, swing your arms up, jump in the air and twist your body turning left to right or vice versa. It develops the jumping skills, increase leg power and improve the approach in spiking


Arms and Hands Position

Always maintain the correct stance, using the Half-knee bend march, move forward with your arms held together, locked and ready to receive the ball. As you move forward, try to touch the floor for every three (3) steps and lower down the bending of your knees to improve vastly the position of the hands.

Formation is very important when practicing the drills. It gives direction and orderliness.





End of Presentation

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