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Action Research and Organisation Development

Overview of Action Research

Action research is deliberate, solution-oriented investigation that is, group or personally owned and conducted. It is characterized by spiraling cycles of problem identification, systematic data collection, reflection, analysis, data-driven action taken, and, finally, problem redefinition. Johnson, B. (1993)


As a research method, action research is cyclical. It assumes that understandings and actions emerge in a constant cycle. (Noffke & Stevenson, 1995) Action research involves the improvement of practice, of the understandings of practice, and of the situations in which practice occurs. (Kemmis & McTaggart)

Action Research Model

Planned change is a cyclical process where action is guided by preliminary research about the organisation.

Action Research

Action research is central to EACH STAGE of the OD process. It is a collaborative effort between the leaders and facilitators of any change and those who have to enact it. It involves data gathering, feedback of data to the client group, data discussion, action planning, and action. Therefore, action research is, as its name suggests, a combination of research and action.

Action Research

Action research involves collecting data relevant to the situation of interest, feeding back the results to those who must take action, collaboratively discussing the data to formulate an action plan, and finally, taking the necessary action.

Problem identification

Joint diagnosis
Consultation with a behavioural scientist

Joint action planning

Data gathering and preliminary diagnosis


Feedback to client

Data gathering after action

Action research model

Five dimensions of action research:

Worthwhile purposes

Participation & Democracy

Emergent Developmental Form

Knowledge in Practice

Many ways of knowing


1. Action Research project Both process and results can be immediate and direct benefit to a community. Better able to articulate problems and initiate the search for solutions.

2. Involve the community in the entire project, from the formulation of problem and the interpretation of the finding to planning corrective action based upon them reality of community

3. Action Research sees data collection, analysis and reflection as part of a cycle, of which action is key element. Research questions arise originally from the experience of people working in the field and reflecting on their work. Action Research usually involves introducing new practice, and then testing how well it goes. Action Research is seen as a kind of experiment, in a real life setting. Implementation is real test in Action Research

4. Action is seen as a part of a total educational experience; which serves To determine community needs and to increase awareness of problems and commitment to solutions within the community.

5. Combine community participation in decision making with method of social investigation 6. Liberation of human creative - potential and mobilization of human resources for the solution of social problems

7. Research for more accurate and consistent explanation for social and political realities.

Go beyond success stories/ Much larger than success. searcher becomes an integral part of educational / Development planning

Contemporary Action Research

Trends in Action Research Moving from smaller sub-units to total systems and communities Promoting social change


Choose positive subjects

Contemporary action research

Collect positive stories with broad participation

Examine data and develop possibility propositions Develop Action Plans Develop a vision with broad participation



Action research
Action research is a participatory, democratic process concerned with developing practical knowing in the pursuit of worthwhile human purposes.. It seeks to bring together action and reflection, theory and practice, in participation with others, in the pursuit of practical solutions to issues of pressing concern to people, and more generally the flourishing of individual persons and their communities. (Reason and Bradbury 2002)

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