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11g Result Cache in DNA

Why at all did we try Result Cache in DNA ? 11g Result Cache - An Introduction DNA Set up - init.ora etc Monitoring effectiveness in DNA Pointers for further study Q&A

Need for Result Cache in DNA

http://digitsr.data.yahoo.com:9999/?a=ren&p=lmr-summary For a given property and date, it takes more than 90 seconds to load all nine sections of this page. Goal is to deploy a solution/work around such that multiple requests of same property and date can be served with 10 seconds. Bulk of the 90 seconds was spent on querying , disk I/O.. Typical Usage : Different analysts visit the page multiple times for a property / day Solution / Work around : Enable oracle 11g result cache

11g Result Cache - An Introduction

Query result set is cached Cached Data is shared across executions and instances Automatically marked stale if underlying data is changed Uses a Slice of the Shared Pool Flushing Shared Pool doesnot flush result cache. Should test it thoroughly before using it in production. MySQL has this feauture since a long time. 11gR1 issues no longer an issue in R2 Explicity call DBMS_RESULT_CACHE.FLUSH to free memory only one latch was controlling result cache. ( problem )

11g Result Cache - Queries that Benefit

Access Large Amount of Data & Return Few Rows Execute Somewhat Frequently Product Lookups / Customer Info Based on Slowly Changing Data Country / State / County / Zip Code

Remote Database DML does not Invalidate the local results cache Be extra careful on stale results if remote dml. Init.ora : Result_cache_remote_expiration

DNA doesnot remote dmls in DNA

Turn on 11g Result Cache

Choices to enable/use result cache feature :

init.ora : result_cache_mode= FORCE Query Hint : select /*+ result_cache*/ Deptno, sum(sal) from emp group by deptno Table Annotation : alter table emp(mode force) ; Session Mode : alter session set result_cache_mode= force ;

DNA ETL : uses query hint DNA YREPORT uses Session Mode using a logon trigger

11g Result Cache - Restrictions

Wont Work with : Temporary tables SYS or SYSTEM tables Sequences (NEXTVAL or CURRVAL) Date/Time Functions SYSDATE, CURRENT_DATE, SYS_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, etc USERENV / SYS_CONTEXT (with non-constant variables) SYS_GUID YREPORT DNA : Date is passed as a string

DNA Set up - init.ora etc

Init.ora parameter changes in each reporting instance :

For Reporting Nodes :

Bumped Shared_pool from 4G to 6G result_cache_max_size=512M result_cache_max_result=1 For ETL Nodes : result_cache_max_result= 5 (default)

11g Result Cache - More Parameters

Client_result_cache_size Client_result_cache_lag Sqlnet.ora has few %_RESULT_CACHE_% parameters as well Disabled in DNA. Did not do extensive tests on these. Wip on figuring out which other application can potentially use this.

Result Cache Dictionary Views


Monitoring effectiveness in DNA

Cron @ sp1-portaldb-001:/net/dba/scripts/automation/ResultCacheStickinessRpt.pl
Select Inst_id, UserName, Type, Namespace, Count(*) Cnt_SQL, SUM(Scan_Count) "Repeated Scans", Round(SUM(block_count) * 1024/1024/1024,2) "Memory Usage (MB)" , SUM(ROW_COUNT) "Rows" , SUM(Invalidations) "Invalidations", Round(SUM(Scan_count)/Count(*),2) "Repeated Scans Over Cnt" FROM gv$result_cache_objects a INNER JOIN dba_users b ON (a.creator_uid=b.user_id) WHERE Status = 'Published' AND type = 'Result' Group by Inst_id , UserName , type , Namespace Order by Inst_id;



TYPE Result Result Result Result Result Result


Memory Usage CNT_SQL RepeatedScans (MB) Rows Invalidations 8 14 0.01 8 158 9287400 0.15 158 5 9 0 5 226 474 0.22 226 656 699 0.94 7176 47 6472 0.05 47

Repeated Scans Over Cnt 0 1.75 0 58781.01 0 1.8 0 2.1 0 1.07 0 137.7

Monitoring effectiveness in DNA

Cron @ sp1-portaldb-001:/net/dba/scripts/automation/ResultCacheStickinessRpt.pl

Interval -----------0 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 20 to 25 25 to 30 30 to 35 35 to 40

Total Sql -----------2734 46 9 9 2 5 5 4

Scan Hits -----------952 282 103 149 46 129 162 149

SELECT 5 * TRUNC (scan_count / 5) || ' to ' || 5 * (TRUNC (scan_count/ 5) + 1) "Interval", COUNT(1) "Total Sql", SUM(scan_count) "Scan Hits" FROM gv$result_cache_objects Where Status = 'Published' AND type = 'Result' AND Namespace = 'SQL' GROUP BY TRUNC (scan_count / 5) ORDER BY 5 * TRUNC (scan_count / 5)

Pointers for further study

1) http://www.sfoug.org/Downloads/Oracle11g_Results_Cache_20100304.pdf


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