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The Lorentz force is the force on a point charge due to electromagnetic fields. If a particle of charge q moves with velocity v in the presence of an electric field E and a magnetic field B, then it will experience a force that is given by

* Vectors are denoted by boldface

Let us consider a change q moving in a combined electrical and magnetic field with a velocity v. If the electric field is E and the magnetic field is B, then, the force experienced in the electric field alone will be qE and will be in the direction of the electrical field E for a positive charge q i.e. FE = qE also, a charge q moving in the magnetic field B with a velocity v experiences a force that is equal to the cross product of v and B multiplied by the charge q. i.e. FB = q v B ! which is perpendicular to the plane containing v and B Thus, acc, to the principle of superimposition the total force acting on the charged particle is

"or continuous charge distribution the force is given by F= where # = the volume charge density and J = the current density

$otion of particle in electric field

%lectric field lines are directed from &ve charge to 've charge, and hence positive charge moves in the direction of the electric field while negative charge in the direction opposite to it i.e. of (E!

$otion of charge in magnetic field

)e shall consider motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. "irst consider the case of v perpendicular to B. The perpendicular force, q v * B, acts as a centripetal force and produces a circular motion perpendicular to the magnetic field. The particle will describe a circle if v and B are perpendicular to each other.

If the velocity v is perpendicular to the magnetic field +, the magnetic force is perpendicular to both v and + and acts li,e a centripetal force. It has a magnitude qv+. Thus, for centripetal force, =is the radius of the circle described by the particle The larger the momentum, the larger is the radius and bigger the circle described. If . is the angular frequency, then . /o, which is independent of the velocity or energy .

If velocity has a component along B, this component remains unchanged as the motion along the magnetic field will not be affected by the magnetic field. The motion in a plane perpendicular to B is as before a circular one, thereby producing a helical motion

The time ta,en for one revolution is . If there is a component of the velocity parallel to the magnetic field v||, it will ma,e the particle move along the field and the path of the particle would be a helical one. The distance moved along the magnetic field in one rotation is called pitch p. which is given by

The Lorentz force occurs in many devices, including1

2yclotrons and other circular path particle accelerators $ass spectrometers 3elocity "ilters $agnetrons

4atural phenomenon of aurora borealis is also due to the motion of charged particles in earth5s magnetic field.

Ampere S Circuital Law

In classical electromagnetism, Ampre's circ ital la!, discovered by 0ndr6'$arie 0mp7re in 89:;, relates the integrated magnetic field around a closed loop to the electric current passing through the loop. It relates magnetic fields to electric currents that produce them. <sing 0mpere=s law, one can determine the magnetic field associated with a given current or current associated with a given magnetic field, providing there is no time changing electric field present

0ccording to this law >The line integral of resultant magnetic field along a closed plane curve is equal to ?@ time the total current crossing the area bounded by the closed curve provided the electric field inside the loop remains constantA Thus1

It relates magnetic fields to electric currents that produce them. <sing 0mpere=s law, one can determine the magnetic field associated with a given current or current associated with a given magnetic field, providing there is no time changing electric field present. In its historically original form, 0mp7re=s circuital law relates the magnetic field to its electric current source. The law can be written in two forms, the Aintegral formA and the Adifferential formA. It can also be written in terms of either the B or " magnetic fields

Integral form
In /I units ,the Aintegral formA of the original 0mp7re=s circuital law is a line integral of the magnetic field around some closed curve C . The curve C in turn bounds both a surface S which the electric current passes through, and encloses the current. The mathematical statement of the law is a relation between the total amount of magnetic field around some path line integral! due to the current which passes through that enclosed path surface integral!. It can be written in a number of forms. In terms of total current, which includes both free and bo nd current, the line integral of the magnetic +'field in tesla, T! around closed curve C is proportional to the total current Ienc passing through a surface S enclosed by C!1

where J is the total current density in ampere per square metre, 0mB:!. 0lternatively in terms of free current, the line integral of the magnetic C'field in ampere per metre, 0mB8! around closed curve C equals the free current If, enc through a surface S1

where Jf is the free current density only. "urthermore is the closed line integral around the closed curve C, d# is an infinitesimal element a differential! of the curve C i.e. a vector with magnitude equal to the length of the infinitesimal line element, and direction given by the tangent to the curve C!

d$ is the vector area of an infinitesimal element of surface S that is, a vector with magnitude equal to the area of the infinitesimal surface element, and direction normal to surface S. The direction of the normal must correspond with the orientation of C by the right hand rule!, see below for further explanation of the curve C and surface S.

Eifferential form

The equation only applies in the case where the electric field is constant in time, meaning the currents are steady time'independent, else the magnetic field would change with time!D see below for the more general form. In /I units, the equation states for total current1 and for free current

where * is the curl operator.

8. $agnetic field of a /olenoid1 0 solenoid is a coil of wire designed to create a strong magnetic field inside the coil. +y wrapping the same wire many times around a cylinder, the magnetic field due to the wires can become quite strong. The number of turns N refers to the number of loops the solenoid has. $ore loops will bring about a stronger magnetic field. The formula for the field inside the solenoid is B=IN/L

:. $agnetic field of toroid

Toroid is a hollow circular ring li,e a medu vadai! on which a large number of turns of a wire are wound. The field of the toroidal solenoid is therefore confined wholly to the space enclosed by the windings. If we consider path :, a circle of radius r, again by symmetry the field is tangent to the path and

%ach turn of the winding passes once through the area bounded by path : and total current through the area is 4I, where 4 is the total number of turns in the windings. <sing 0mpere=s law

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