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Six Levels of Awareness & Being*

Our awareness levels affect who we are in life, who we get to be in life and what is available and possible for us.

*Adapted from Robert Dilts Logical levels who adapted it from Gregory Bateson.

Fax: 800-642-1966

202 E. McDowell Road, #242, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Ph: 480-343-8700 www.EmbraceYourBrilliance.co Yes@EmbraceYourBrilliance.co

Six Levels of Awareness & Being*

Our awareness levels affect who we are in life, who we get to be in life and what is available and possible for us.

My mission is________.
How I choose to invest myself into the global world.
Spirit and mission, bigger than me.

I am ____. (Identity. Who I choose to be.)

Identity is the WHO I CHOOSE TO BE vs. the WHO they are in environment. My sense and choosing of myself.

I believe ________ is true based on my values.

Values & Beliefs are the WHY: What I value, I build beliefs and Structure around. I use this as a sieve for what occurs. I move forward or backward depending on my beliefs.

I am capable of ___________. I can ______________.

Capability is the HOW: I develop skills. I learn to walk, talk, play the piano, perform math calculations. I am aware that I can learn NEW skills and capability. To become a capability a skill must be a repeatable, practiced, automatic behavior, not just a fluke.

I behave and do things a specific way.

Behavior is the WHAT: Thoughts & actions. I do ____. I tried _____. I have _____. I smoke cigarettes. I party a lot. I exercise at the gym daily. This is a specific, conscious effort/action.

Life is happening to me. I am stuck in environment.

This is the WHEN, WHERE and WHO of what is going on. I am a victim. I am powerless. Stuff just happens I have no choice or control. Universals used in language: Always, never, ever, They Say, them, thats the way it is.
*Adapted from Robert Dilts Logical levels who adapted it from Gregory Bateson.

Fax: 800-642-1966

202 E. McDowell Road, #242, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Ph: 480-343-8700 www.EmbraceYourBrilliance.co Yes@EmbraceYourBrilliance.co

Six Levels of Awareness & Being*

Our awareness levels affect who we are in life, who we get to be in life and what is available and possible for us.

SPIRIT MISSION - CONNECTIVITY. I am part of a bigger system. I recognize I am connected to a broad system of friends, family, community, global and Spirituals entities. How do I fit here? What will I contribute here? OVERALL PURPOSE, BELIEFS, SENSE OF SELF EVOLUTIONARY CHANGE. I choose who I want to be, how I want to live. My existence is significant. I decide what I am capable of and how I want to behave. I distinguish me. UNCONSCIOUS MIND SUPPORTS OR DENIES CAPABILITIES. I consider the standards, values and motivations behind the behavior. I provide direction based on what I believe happened and what I think is possible. Limiting beliefs can stop me from feeling/being capable. SEMI-CONSCIOUS ACTIONS GIVE DIRECTION TO BEHAVIORAL ACTIONS. I generate a changes in motivation, permission and/or direction. Capabilities direct behavior. I get a grip on situation. ACTIONS & REACTIONS RE: WHAT HAPPENED IN THE ENVIRONMENT: Conscious actions. I do, say and think things on purpose with some intention, and also react the stimulus. REACTIONS: Experiencing sensations, I have automatic, unconscious reflex reactions to environmental stimulus. This Is how something happened or came about. Causation for what happened in the situation (story) Is outside of me, I observed it and was affected by it.

Fax: 800-642-1966

202 E. McDowell Road, #242, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Ph: 480-343-8700 www.EmbraceYourBrilliance.co Yes@EmbraceYourBrilliance.co

Bateson's levels are shown here with Dilts' levels in brackets: A context for learning (environment) Learning (behavior) Learning to learn (skills and competencies) Believing that learning is vital to life (beliefs and values) Being a learner (identity) Contributing to others with your learning (purpose) Robert Dilts Logical Levels of Change

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