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Date: 19 December 2013 Venue: Hotel Equatorial,Bandar Baru Bangi

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme



WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

nternal Halal Audit

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

What is Halal?

Permitted Lawful Allowed
WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Non Halal / Haram

Forbidden Unlawful Not allowed
Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

HA(A( )**D Halal $ood means $ood #ermitted under t%e slamic (aw w%ic% $ul$ill t%e $ollowing conditions:+ a! does not contain an" #arts or #roducts o$ animals t%at are non-halal to &uslims or #roducts o$ animals w%ic% are not slaug%tered according to Shariah law' does not contain an" ingredients t%at are najs according to Shariah law' is sa$e and not %arm$ul'

b! c!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

HA(A( )**D d! not #re#ared, #rocessed or manu$actured using equi#ment t%at is contaminated wit% t%ings t%at are najs according to Shariah law' t%e $ood or its ingredients do not contain an" %uman #arts or its deri,ati,es t%at are not #ermitted b" -%aria% law e! during its #re#aration, #rocessing, #ac.aging, storage or trans#ortation, it s%ould be #%"sicall" se#arated $rom ot%er $ood t%at does not meet t%e requirements stated in items /a0, /b0 or /c0 $! abo,e or t%ings t%at %a,e been decreed as na1is b" t%e -"aria% (aw!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme



Susp !t ",

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

#u stio$abl .

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme


Filth, Impurity, Unclean.

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme


Haram Filth Unclean

Example of na! "

- Pork, dog, alcoholic beverages - Vomit, Urine & Excrement Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld


#. Li$ht %. &oderate '. (e)ere

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

*a ic principle of Halal Food + ,rin- .accordin$ to (hariah Law/

The lives o ever! "uslims, including their dietar! re#uirements, are guided b! $hariah %a&

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

2%e understanding o$ Halal /law$ul0 and 2a""ib /good0 as#ects o$ $ood and be,erages is o$ utmost im#ortance to &uslims because o$ its relations%i# wit% bada% /wors%i##ing Alla%0! As an e3am#le, t%e #ra"ers /solat 4 doa0 o$ a &uslim ma" not be acce#ted b" Alla% i$ %e consumes Haram /unlaw$ul0 $ood and drin.s!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

2%ere$ore, ensuring $ood is aut%enticall" Halal is ,er" crucial $or e,er" &uslims Hence, certi$ication and ,eri$ication o$ e,er" item o$ $ood $or %alal com#liance b" a com#etent slamic Aut%orit" is im#ortant

n &ala"sia, suc% aut%orit" /o$$icial0 is 5A6 & /De#artment o$ slamic De,elo#ment0 and -tate religious De#artments

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

&ana$ement re pon ibility

2%e management s%all a##oint muslim %alal e3ecuti,e o$$icers or establis% a committee w%ic% consist o$ muslim #ersonnel w%o are res#onsible to ensure t%e e$$ecti,eness in im#lementation o$ internal %alal control s"stem!

2%e management s%all ensure t%at t%e" are trained on t%e %alal #rinci#les and its a##lication

2%e management s%all ensure t%at su$$icient resources are #ro,ided in order to im#lement t%e %alal control s"stem
WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Premi e

Premises s%all be designed and constructed or reno,ated so as to enable t%e #rocess $low to control t%e ris. o$ #roduct contamination and suitable $or intended use!

Product #rocess $low $rom recei#t o$ raw materials to t%e $inis%ed #roducts s%all #re,ent cross contamination

(oading and unloading ba" s%all be a##ro#riatel" designed to allow e$$ecti,e trans$er o$ #eris%able #roducts

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Pets and ot%er animals s%all be re$rained $rom entering t%e #remises!

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

,e)ice , uten il , machine and proce in$ aid

All t%e equi#ment and #rocessing aids used $or #rocessing %alal $ood s%all not be made o$ or contain an" materials t%at are decreed as na1s b" -%aria% law!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Hy$iene, anitation and food afety

H"giene, sanitation and $ood sa$et" are #rerequisites in t%e #re#aration o$ %alal $ood!

Halal $ood s%all be #rocessed, #ac.ed and distributed under %"giene condition in accordance wit% 7HP and 7&P

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

(ource of Halal food and drin-

All land animals as $ood e3ce#t t%e $ollowing: a0 animals t%atare arehalal not slaug%tered according to Shariah law'

b0 #igs /khinzir0 and dogs and t%eir descendants'

c0 animals wit% long #ointed teet% or tus.s w%ic% are used to .ill #re" suc% as tigers, bears, ele#%ants, cats, mon.e"s, etc!'

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

d0 birds wit% talons or #redator

e0 #ests suc% as rats, centi#edes, scor#ions and ot%er similar animals'

animals t%at are $orbidden to be .illed in $0 slam suc% as bees /al-nahlah0,wood#ec.ers /hud-hud0,etc!' and

creatures t%at are considered re#ulsi,e suc% as lice, $lies, etc! g0

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Land Animals

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

'#uatic animals

1! 2%ose w%ic% li,e in water and cannot sur,i,e outside it, suc% as $is%! 2! All aquatic animals are halal E89EP2 t%ose t%at are #oisonous, into3icating or %a:ardous to %ealt%! 3! Animals t%at li,e bot% on land and water suc% as crocodiles, turtles and $rogs are not %alal!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

All t"#es o$ #lants and #lant #roducts and t%eir deri,ati,es are halal e3ce#t t%ose t%at are #oisonous, into3icating or %a:ardous to %ealt%!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

&us%room and micro+organisms All t"#es o$ mus%room and micro+organisms /i!e! bacteria, algae and $ungi0 and t%eir b"+#roducts and;or deri,ati,es are halal e3ce#t t%ose t%at are #oisonous, into3icating or %a:ardous to %ealt%!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

All .inds o$ water and be,erages are halal as drin.s e3ce#t t%ose t%at are #oisonous, into3icating or %a:ardous to %ealt%!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

7eneticall" &odi$ied )ood /7&)0

)ood and drin.s containing #roducts and;or b"+#roducts o$ 7eneticall" &odi$ied *rganisms /7&*s0 or ingredients made b" t%e use o$ genetic material o$ animals t%at are non+halal b" Shariah law are not halal.

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

&ROM &ARM TO PLATE &a'( Plat

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

(lau$hterin$ proce e
*nl" animals and #oultr" t%at $ul$ill t%e $ollowing will be allowed $or slaug%ter : All animals and #oultr" must be %ealt%", $ree $rom an" signs o$ wounds and disease, or an" $orm o$ dis$igurement!

Animals and #oultr" s%ould be treated in a %umane manner #rior to slaug%ter!

An" acts o$ in1ur" or cutting is #ro%ibited on animals #rior to t%eir slaug%ter!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme


2%e %alal slaug%ter s%all be #%"sicall" se#arated $rom non %alal slaug%ter

2%e animals to be slaug%tered must be animals t%at are Halal and can be eaten b" a &uslim!

2%e animal must be $ull" ali,e or deemed to be ali,e at t%e time o$ slaug%ter!

2%e slaug%tering s%ould se,er t%e trac%ea and eso#%agus!

Bleeding must be s#ontaneous and com#lete!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Eso#%agus ; mari /salur ma.anan0

2rac%ea ; %al.um /salur #erna$asan0

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

+o T!*e o $tock Voltage ('m*s) Time duration (seconds) '.012.0 %.01'.0 %.01'.0 %.01'.0 '.0 %.01'.0 %.21'.2 '.013.0
Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

# % ' 3 2 8 5 9 4

6hic-en Lamb 7oat (heep 6al)e (teer 6ow *ull *uffalo

0.%210.2 0.210.4 0.51#.0 0.51#.% 0.21#.2 #.21%.2 %.01'.0 %.21'.2 %.21'.2

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld


Hang to s%ac.le

Electrical stunning /water bat%0

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Bleeding 4 de $eat%ering

Bird was%er

De boning and cutting


Vent cutter

Proce in$, handlin$, di tribution and er)in$

)ood or its ingredients s%all not be #rocessed using an" com#onents or #roducts o$ animals t%at are non %alal b" -%aria% law or not slaug%tered according to -%aria% law!

)ood s%all not be #rocessed using an"t%ing in an" quantit" t%at is decreed as na1s b" -%aria% law!

Process $ood or its ingredients s%all be sa$e $or consum#tion, non #oisonous, non into3icating or non %a:ardous to %ealt%!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

(tora$e, tran portation, di play, ale and er)in$ of halal food

All %alal $ood t%at are stored, trans#orted, dis#la"ed , sold or ser,ed s%all be categori:ed and labeled %alal!

2rans#ortation ,e%icles suc% as bonded truc. s%all be dedicated and a##ro#riate to t%e t"#e o$ %alal $ood and satis$" %"giene and sanitation condition!

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Pac-a$in$, labellin$ and ad)erti in$

2%e #ac.aging materials s%all not be made $rom an" raw materials t%at are decreed as na1s b" -%aria% law

2%e #ac.aging material does not %a,e an" to3ic e$$ect and %a:ardous to t%e %alal $ood!

Pac.ing #rocess s%all be carried out in a clean and %"gienic manner and in sound sanitar" conditions

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme



WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Asas 'u%u)a$

1! &- 1<00:2009

2! A.ta &a.anan 19=3 /A.ta 2=10! Peraturan+#eraturan &a.anan 19=< dan Peraturan+ #eraturan 6ebersi%an dan 6eselamatan &a.anan ole% 6ementerian 6esi%atan &ala"sia /66&0

3! 6e#utusan 5awatan.uasa )atwa &a1lis 6ebangsaan bagi %al E%wal >gama slam atau )atwa "ang diwarta.an ?egeri

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

S)i( P $si%ila$

-.im Pensi1ilan Halal &ala"sia terba%agi .e#ada:+ i! Produ. ma.anan ; minuman ; ma.anan tamba%an ii! Premis ma.anan iii! Barang gunaan i,! 6osmeti. dan dandanan diri ,! @uma% sembeli% ,i!)armaseuti.al ,ii! (ogisti.

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

S*a'at+s*a'at P $si%ila$ Halal Mala*sia

Pemo%on %enda.la% memasti.an sumber ba%an ramuan adala% %alal dan memili% #embe.al atau sub .ontra.tor "ang membe.al.an ba%an+ba%an %alal atau mem#un"ai -i1il Pengesa%an Halal "ang dii.tira$

Permo%onan da#ur ber#usat /central .itc%en0 %enda.la% menda#at si1il #engesa%an %alal sebelum outlet lain memo%on si1il #engesa%an %alal

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Ta$,,u$,%a-ab P $,u'usa$

Pemo%on %enda.la% mewu1ud.an 5awatan.uasa Halal Dalaman "ang terdiri dari .a.itangan teta#! + Pengerusi #ering.at Pengurusan + E.se.uti$ Halal &uslim Anggota minima seramai A orang:+ + Pegawai "angadala% bertanggung1awab dalam membuat .e#utusan urusan #embelian ba%an menta% Ba.il dari#ada ba%agian #engeluaran +

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

Perbe:aan di antara Mala*sia$ Sta$"a'" dan Ma$ual P'os "u' P $si%ila$ Halal MS ./0012003 + adala% meru#a.an satu garis #anduan umum dalam mengim#lementasi sistem %alal di #remis+#remis! + di.eluar.an ole% 5abatan -tandard &ala"sia dan - @ &!

Ma$ual P'os "u' + ru1u.an utama dalam #ensi1ilan %alal &ala"sia! + #eleng.a# .e#ada &ala"sian -tandard dan standard+standard "ang ber.aitan! + asas ru1u.an' &-1<00:2009, A.ta &a.anan 19=3 /a.ta 2=10, )atwa ma1lis 6ebangsaan atau ?egeri + di.eluar.an ole% 5A6 &

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

WeDeliver Halal Cuisineof theWorld

Desatera Halal Awareness Programme

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