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represent basic convictions thatA specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode

of conduct or end-state of existence. Value is a judgmental element of what is right, good, or desirable.

Values lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and motivation because they influence our perceptions.

Individuals enter organizations with notions of what is right and wrong with which they interpret behaviors or outcomes

Values generally influence attitudes and behavior.


Terminal Values

Instrumental Values

Rokeach value survey

Desirable end-states of existence; the goals that a person would like to achieve during his or her lifetime.

Rokeach value survey

Preferable modes of behavior or means of achieving ones terminal values.

Theoretical interest in the discovery of truth through reasoning and systematic thinking
Economic interest in usefulness and practicality, including the accumulation of wealth Aesthetic interest in beauty, form, and artistic harmony Social interest in people and love as human relationship Political interest in gaining power and influencing people Religious interest in unity and in understanding the cosmos as a whole.

Achievement getting things done and working hard to accomplish difficult things in life. Helping and concern for others being concerned for other people and with helping others Honesty telling the truth and joining what you feel right Fairness being impartial and doing what is fair for all concerned

Value congruence- occurs when individuals express positive feelings upon encountering others who exhibit values similar to their own. Value incongruence occurs when individuals express negative feelings upon encountering others who exhibit values similar to their own.


Power distance

Individualism versus collectivism Quantity of life versus quality of life

Uncertainty avoidance

Long-term versus short-term orientation

Power distance is the willingness of a culture to accept status and power differences among its members.
Uncertainty avoidance is the cultural tendency to be uncomfortable with uncertainty and risk in everyday life. Individualism-collectivism is the tendency of a cultures members to emphasize individual self-interest or group relationships Masculinity-femininity is the degree to which a society values assertiveness or relationships Long-term/short-term orientation is the degree to which a culture emphasizes long-term or short-term thinking

- Power distance

- Individualism/Collectivism
- In-group collectivism - Performance orientation

- Humane orientation
- Uncertainly avoidance - Assertiveness - Future Orientation - Gender differentiation

The overall profile or combination of

characteristics that capture the unique nature of a person as that person reacts and interacts with others. Combines a set of physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks, thinks, acts, and feels. Predictable relationships are expected between peoples personalities and their behaviors.

Heredity and environmental linkage with personality

Heredity and environment. Heredity sets the limits on the development of personality characteristics. Environment determines development within these limits. About a 50-50 heredity-environment split. Cultural values and norms play a substantial role in the development of personality. Social factors include family life, religion, and many kinds of formal and informal groups. Situational factors reflect the opportunities or constraints imposed by the operational context.

Developmental approaches are systematic models of ways in which personality develops across time.

Personality dynamics. The ways in which an individual integrates and organizes social traits, values and motives, personal conceptions, and emotional adjustments.
Self-concept. The view individuals have of themselves as physical, social, and spiritual or moral beings. Self-esteem. Self-efficacy.

Being outgoing, sociable, assertive.

Being good-natured, trusting, cooperative.

Being responsible, dependable, persistent.

Emotional stability.
Being unworried, secure, relaxed.

Openness to experience.
Being imaginative, curious, broad-minded.

Surface-level traits that reflect the way a person

appears to others when interacting in various social settings.

An important social trait is problem-solving style.
The way a person goes about gathering and evaluating

information in solving problems and making decisions.

Getting and organizing data for use.

Sensation-type individuals prefer routine and

order and emphasize well-defined details in gathering information.

Intuitive-type individuals like new problems and

dislike routine.

Making judgments about how to deal with

information once it has been collected. Feeling-type individuals are oriented toward conformity and try to accommodate themselves to other people. Thinking-type individuals use reason and intellect to deal with problems and downplay emotions.

The way individuals tend to think about their

social and physical settings as well as their major beliefs and personal orientation. Key traits.

Locus of control. Authoritarianism/dogmatism. Machiavellianism. Self-monitoring.

The extent to which a person feels able to control

his/her own life. Externals.

More extraverted in their interpersonal relationships and

more oriented toward the world around them.

Internals. More introverted and more oriented towards their own feelings and ideas.

Tendency to adhere rigidly to conventional values and

to obey recognized authority.

Tendency to view the world as a threatening place.

Approach situations logically and thoughtfully. Are capable of lying to achieve personal goals. Are rarely swayed by loyalty, friendships, past

promises, or others opinions. Are skilled at influencing others. Try to exploit loosely structured situations. Perform in a perfunctory or detached manner in highly structured situations.

Accept direction imposed by others in loosely

structured situations.
Work hard to do well in highly structured

Are strongly guided by ethical considerations. Are unlikely to lie or cheat.

A persons ability to adjust his/her behavior to

external situational factors. High self-monitors.

Sensitive to external cues.
Behave differently in different situations.

Low self-monitors. Not sensitive to external cues. Not able to disguise their behaviors.

How much an individual experiences distress or

displays unacceptable acts. Type A orientation.

Characterized by impatience, desire for achievement,

and perfectionism.

Type B orientation. Characterized as more easygoing and less competitive in relation to daily events.

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