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Zen Buddhis m

Chapter 17

The Origin of Zen

Zen is a school of Buddhism that claims to represent the purest essence of Buddhist teachings Origins in the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (born 563 BCE in Northern India) Became known as Buddha, the Awakened One

The Teachings of Buddha

Dependent origination Philosophical position between eternalist and annihilationist positions Lifestyle should avoid extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification Everything in life is causally connected to something else

Impermanence Everything is always changing Suffering - dissatisfaction and distress resulting from attachment and aversion Four noble truths provide solution to suffering Suffering is universal (dissatisfaction) Suffering arises from our craving To end suffering we must cease self-defeating liking and disliking The way to end suffering is The Eightfold Path Non-self

Three Characteristics of Existence

Eightfold Path
Right Understanding Right Thinking Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration

The Eight Consciousnesses

8 consciousnesses First five correspond to senses Thought consciousness Mind Storehouse consciousness

Bodhidharma and the Transmission of Zen to China

Buddhism was Introduced to China around 520 B.C. Buddhism in China adopted expressions from Taoism Tao is absolute or way of nature Stressed the desirability of harmonizing with nature Yin (feminine, receptive, internal, negative aspect of nature) and Yang (masculine, active, external, positive aspect of nature)

The Practice of Zen

Practice of Zen entails a systematic training of the mind designed to create a state of mind that will permit the realization of enlightenment Zazen meditation in traditional cross-legged position; full lotus position Harmonization of the mind with the posture accomplished through awareness of ones breathing Koan used for themes for Zen meditation

Thinking Critically
Instructions on how to practice zazen
Wear loose fitting clothing Find quiet place Place legs in full or half lotus, quarter lotus, or burmese Breathing deeply, slowly arch body back and forward Straighten back till straight line between top of head and bottom of spine Breathe through nose, focus on breath If thoughts arise, notice them and let them go Keep returning to your breath Sit for five minutes and build up to 40 minutes a day

Satori Cannot be communicated with words In Rinzai school goal of Zen practice and zazen is method to achieve it In Soto school identical to practice of zazen We loose our awareness of ourselves Similar to Csikszentmihalyis flow

Eastern Thought and Psychotherapy

Both aim to effect positive change in the functioning and lifestyle of the individual Western psychotherapy emphasizes change for neurotic or disturbed individuals Eastern disciplines concerned with change in the consciousness of healthy people Different conceptualizations of the self Eastern systems of treatment Philosophy / religion rather than science Crossovers

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