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Non-Conventional Energy Resources and

Electric Power Industry

Conventional and Non-Conventional sources of renewable energy

Status of renewable energy sources

Need for sustainable energy sources

Scope for Utilizing Renewable energy in Pakistan

Electric Power Industry

eat Engines

Carnot Cycle

Stea! cycle Power Plants

Co!bined cycle Stea! power plant

Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of
renewable energy

Conventional( commercial) Energy Sources:

Energy t"at "as been used fro! ancient ti!es is known as conventional
energy# Coal$ natural gas$ oil$ and firewood are e%a!ples of conventional
energy sources &or usual' sources of energy &electricity' are coal$ oil$ wood$
peat&partially carbonized vegetable !atter'$ uraniu!#

source of energy that has been widely used for many years

(s population is increasing and standard of life is rising$ !ore

energy needs will be in t"e future# )"e scope of !eeting t"ese energy
de!ands t"roug" conventional resources is li!ited due to t"eir
insufficient availability# )"erefor large a!ount of energy is derived
fro! non-co!!ercial &non-conventional$ renewable ' resources#
Non-Conventional Energy resources

Non-conventional$ Renewable &or unusual' sources of energy

+ Solar power
+ ydro-electric power &da!s in rivers'
+ ,ind power
+ )idal power
+ -cean wave power
+ .eot"er!al power &"eat fro! deep under t"e ground'
+ -cean t"er!al power &t"e difference in "eat between
s"allow&area of t"e sea w"ere water is not very deep' and
deep water'
+ /io!ass &burning of vegetation '
+ /iofuel &producing et"anol &petroleu!' fro! plants#
Status of renewable energy sources
Solar energy*

0ost of t"e renewable energy is ulti!ately 1Solar energy2 t"at is directly

collected fro! sun lig"t# Energy is released by t"e Sun as electro!agnetic waves#
)"e energy reac"ing eart"3s at!osp"ere consists of about
+ 45 U6 radiation
+ 785 visible lig"t
+ 445 infrared radiations

Solar Energy can be used in two ways*

+ Solar "eating
+ Solar electricity

Solar eating is to capture9concentrate sun3s energy for "eating buildings and for
cooking9"eating foodstuffs etc#

Solar electricity is !ainly produced by using p"otovoltaic solar cells w"ic" is

!ade of se!i conducting !aterials t"at directly converts sunlig"t into electricity#
Solar spectru!
Place of photovoltaic(PV) in energy supply

istorically 48 years ago$ first operational silicon solar

cell was de!onstrated#

owever$ t"e last :8 years "ave seen t"e large

i!prove!ents in t"e tec"nology$ wit" t"e best confir!ed
cell efficiency being over :75#

-ver recent years$ good progress "as been !ade in

transferring so!e of t"e design i!prove!ents into
co!!ercial products wit" cells of ;<5-;=5 efficiency
now being co!!ercially available#

)"e ne%t slide illustrates t"e e%ponential growt" in t"e

global p"otovoltaic&P6' !arket#
Place of photovoltaic in energy supply
Status of renewable energy sources

( !oving ob>ect possesses kinetic energy due to its !otion#

Si!ilarly flow of air around t"e eart" "as kinetic energy w"ic" is
called ,ind energy#

)"e flow of wind in our at!osp"ere is !ainly caused by uneven

"eating of t"e eart"3s surface by t"e sun#

)"us$ wind energy is an indirect !anifestation of t"e sun3s energy#

,ind energy "as a good potential to be a source of renewable and

pollution free power#

(bout ;5 to ?5 of solar energy falling on t"e eart" surface gets

converted into wind energy#
Status of renewable energy sources

)"e kinetic energy of blowing wind can be converted into !ec"anical

and electrical energy#

6ery large capacity wind turbines$ in t"e range of several 0,$ "ave
been developed and successfully e!ployed for power generation#

)"e world wide esti!ated potential for wind energy is about <:

)"e world was producing nearly :?= gigawatts &.,' of wind energy
as of t"e end of :8;;$ wit" t"e fastest develop!ent of new capacity
taking place in C"ina and India#

)"e growt" in t"e cu!ulative installed wind turbine capacity is

s"own in t"e ne%t slide
(lobal Wind Energy Council)
Status of renewable energy sources

/io!ass refers to t"e !ass of biological !aterials produced fro!

living processes#

C"e!ically speaking bio!ass refers to "ydrocarbons containing

"ydrogen$ carbon and o%ygen#

It is esti!ated t"at bio!ass contributes about ;45 of t"e world3s

total energy re@uire!ent#

)"e energy fro! bio!ass is e%tracted by co!busting it in t"e

presence of o%ygen#

)"e net energy fro! bio!ass w"en co!busted ranges fro!

=0A9kg for green wood$ :80A9kg for dry plant and 440A9kg for
!et"ane as co!pared to :<0A9kg for coal#
Status of renewable energy sources

/io!ass is renewable energy source because t"e

growt" of new plants and trees replenis"es t"e
energy supply#

(ccording to a new report fro! Navigant Researc"$

global installed bio-power capacity will grow
gradually over t"e re!ainder of t"is decade$ fro!
4=#B gigawatts &.,' in :8;? to =: ., in :8:8#
Need for sustainable energy sources

)"e energy re@uire!ent of t"e world is ever

increasing# )"e increasing energy de!and put a lot of
pressure on t"e conventional energy source&oil$ gas and
coal'# /ut t"e fossil fuel-based energy sources are
li!ited in @uantity and also cause environ!ental

)"erefore t"ere is a need for alternative energy sources

w"ic" can provide us energy in sustainable !anner#

)"e proble!s of fossil fuel-based energy sources are*

Need for sustainable energy sources
") #imited $ossil $uel:

Conventional energy sources are t"e one t"at we "ave been using so far to fulfill !ost of our
daily energy re@uire!ents of cooking$ lig"tning$ transportation$ etc# )"ese are based on
fossil fuels like coal$ petrol$ diesel$ kerosene and natural gas#

Cossil fuels are obtained fro! biologically degradable !aterials suc" as plants and ani!als
but only for after !illions of years of "eat$ pressure$ c"e!ical and biological reaction#

)"us for!ation of fossil fuel takes a very very long ti!e#

(fter t"e industrial revolution$ our energy de!ands "ave increased tre!endously w"ic"
result in t"e rate of consu!ption of fossil fuels at a !uc" faster rate t"an t"eir for!ation#

)"is creates an i!balance between for!ation and de!and of fossil fuels#

Need for sustainable energy sources

(lso t"ere is an i!balance in t"e distribution of fossil fuels reserves

across t"e planet# Cor instance$ t"e US( contains about :45 of coal
reserves and five countries in t"e !iddle East contain about B85 of
t"e oil reserves# ,e see fossil fuels and t"eir reserves

It is product of natural process of deco!position of organic !atters

buried in swa!ps and "as been out of contact wit" o%ygen# Coal wit"
larger carbon contents is e@uivalent to t"e "ig"er energy contents and
t"is type of coal is considered as good @uality coal#

)"e worlds total esti!ated reserves of coal is about D=7Etons#

Needs for sustainable energy sources

-il or crude oil occurs in t"e for! of li@uid and is co!ple% !i%ture of
"ydrocarbons and so!e a!ount of inorganic ele!ents like Sulp"ur$
o%ygen$ and nitrogen#

Crude oil is refined to get various products like petrol$ diesel$ kerosene
and so!e solid !aterials like nylon$ paints plastics and so on#

)"e world3s esti!ated reserve of crude oil is about t"ousand billion

Natural .as*

Is !i%ture of gases suc" as !et"ane$ et"ane$ propane etc#

worldwide reserves of natural gas is in t"e range of 4488 trillion
cubic feet&scf'#
Need for sustainable energy sources
:' Environ!ental I!pact of Cossil Cuels*

Cossil fuel are !ainly carbon based# Cossil fuel are co!busted &burned wit" o%ygen' in order to
drive useful energy$ for instance$ use of coal in power plants and use of petrol in auto!obiles#

Co!bustion of t"e fuels results in t"e for!ation of C in t"e at!osp"ere w"ic" absorbs t"e
infrared part of radiation and re-radiates it back to t"e eart"$ creating t"e effect of Fgreen "ouse3#

Gue to green "ouse effect of carbon dio%ide$ t"e average te!perature of t"e eart" is increasing #

)"e increased te!perature of t"e eart" due to green "ouse effect !ay result in erratic weat"er
patterns$ floods and sub-!erging of low-lying areas due to !elting of ice at poles#

( GHG): Greenhouse gas is a natural part of the atmosphere. t absorbs solar radiation and !eeps the earth warm
enough to support life. Human acti"ities including burning fossil fuels for energy# land clearing and agriculture ha"e
increased the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

Environ!ental i!pact of fossil fuels

$oncentration of $ in terms of parts per million.

%eed for sustainable energy sources
&) Energy security and potential for conflicts:

Cossil fuel sources are not unifor!ly available in t"e world#

0ore t"an B45 of oil reserves are in t"e 0iddle East# Si!ilarly of t"e gas
resources are in Europe and 0iddle East$ w"ic" account for !ore t"an <85
of gas resources#

Coal is !ainly available in t"e Nort" (!erica$ Europe and (sia-Pacific$

w"ic" account for !ore t"an =45#

)"is non-unifor!ity in t"e fossil fuel distribution could be a cause of

international conflict#

)"e countries w"ere t"ese resources are not available in sufficient @uantity$
will feel insecure in ter!s of t"eir supply$ as t"ey are dependent on ot"er

)"is dependency could result in conflicts and possibly war#

Need for sustainable energy sources

)"e ot"er insecurity co!es fro! t"e prices of t"ese

fossil fuels#

)"e prices are not stable# )"ere can be significant

fluctuations in t"e prices depending on t"e events
"apping in t"e world#

(s an e%a!ple a grap"$ drawn between t"e prices

of a barrel of oil verses year is s"own in t"e ne%t
Need for sustainable energy sources
%luctuations in the price of a barrel of oil:
&': west 'e(as intermediate.
)ource: *.) energy information +dministration
Scope for Utilizing Renewable energy in Pakistan
Solar Energy:

Pakistan lies in an area of one of t"e "ig"est solar

insulation in t"e world# )"ere are certain regions of
sout"$ Huetta valley and Central Pun>ab t"at receive
!a%i!u! solar radiation$ t"e nation wide average$
"owever$ "as been recorded on daily basis as 4#4 I,9

)"is !eans t"at t"ere is a vast potential for converting

t"e untapped solar energy source for useful !eans# )"is
potential can be e%ploited to produce electricity$ w"ic"
can be provided to off-grid co!!unities in t"e nort"ern
"illy areas and t"e sout"ern and western deserts#

Scope for Utilizing Renewable energy in Pakistan
Wind Energy:

,ind energy is anot"er i!portant area w"ere Pakistan can

benefit by e%ploiting it in efficient !anner# )"is sector is getting
worldwide attention wit" t"e develop!ent and availability of
ine%pensive tec"nology t"at allows its easy conversion to useful
energy# Recognizing t"e vast potential t"at wind energy offers
i#e# up to 48$888 0,$ a nu!ber of initiatives in Public and
private sector "ave been taken#

Pakistan "as ;888 I! long coastline$ w"ic" could be utilized

for installation of wind far!s#

)"ere are regions in t"e !ountainous areas of Pakistan$ w"ic"

"as t"e potential for wind power generation#
Scope for Utilizing Renewable energy in Pakistan
!iogas :

/iogas in Pakistan co!prises fuel wood$ agricultural waste and ani!al

dung w"ic" is available in surplus in all parts of t"e country# Urban areas
of Pakistan generate over 44888 tones of solid waste daily# )"e dung fro!
ani!al is t"e source of biogas# )"e raw !aterial is available in Pun>ab$
N,P$ Sind" and so!e parts of /aluc"istan# So far Pakistan Council of
Renewable Energy )ec"nologies &PCRE)' "as installed ?488 biogas plants
wit" a net generation capacity of ;7788 of biogas per day on cost s"aring
basis t"roug"out Pakistan# It is esti!ated t"at about :;#?4 !illion biogas
can be generated using ani!al dung#

Heat Engines

)"e device t"at converts "eat into work#

ot Reservoir$ Th
Cold Reservoir$ Tc
eat Engine

(ll "eat engines absorb "eat Q fro! a source at a

relatively "ig" te!perature &"ot reservoir T'$ perfor!
so!e work W and re>ect so!e "eat QC at a lower
te!perature &cold reservoir TC'#

Cirst Jaw for a cyclic process* U K 8 K Qnet L W


)"er!al efficiency$ e$ represents t"e fraction of QH t"at

is converted to useful work#
e = = 1
Types of Heat engines

)wo !ain types of "eat engine#

;-Internal co!bustion engine#

:-E%ternal co!bustion engine#

Internal co!bustion engines are type of eat engine in

w"ic" t"e fuel is burnt inside t"e engine#

0ostly$ pistons are used inside t"e internal co!bustion type

"eat engines#

Pistons !ove up and t"en down inside t"e cylinders present

in t"e "eat engines#
Internal Combustion Engine.

( single !otion of a piston eit"er in upward

direction or in downward direction inside t"e
cylinder is called a Stroke#

)wo types of internal co!bustion engine#

Spark ignition&petrol and gasoline'#

Co!pression ignition &diesel engines'#

External Combustion Engines

Combustion of fuel takes place outside the cylinder of the

engine. e.g. Steam Engines, Stirling Engines.
E%ternal Co!bustion Engines
Carnot Cycle

Crenc" !ilitary engineer Nicolas Carnot introduced t"e

concept of cyclic operation w"ic" consists of two reversible
isot"er!s and two reversible adiabatic processes#

Isot"er!al E%pansion

(bsorb "eat fro! "ot reservoir

(diabatic E%pansion

Isot"er!al Co!pression
E%pel "eat to cold reservoir#

(diabatic Co!pression
Stea! cycle Power Plants

Stea! cycle power plants play a key role in electric

power generation#

Rankine stea! power cycle is one of t"e !ost

i!portant cyclic processes used in !odern power

0ec"anical power is produced by a "eat engine by

transfor!ation of t"er!al energy &fro!
co!bustion of a fuel' into rotational energy#
Stea! Cycle Power Plants

eat &generated in t"e furnace' is trans!itted to

t"e boiler w"ere water forced into t"e boiler by t"e
feed pu!p is converted into stea!#

stea! drives turbine blades w"ic" rotate t"e s"aft

of electrical generator to produce electricity#

(fter t"e stea! leaves t"e turbine$ it is cooled to its

li@uid state in t"e condenser#
Co!ponents of stea! power plant
1 Curnace* ( furnace to burn t"e fuel#
:' /oiler* Stea! generator or boiler containing water# eat
generated in t"e furnace is utilized to convert water in stea!#
?' Super "eater* t"e stea! is t"en "eated to super"eated state in
7' )urbine* 0ain power unit suc" as an engine or turbine to use
t"e "eat energy of stea! and to convert it into rotational energy#
4' Condenser* uses t"e e%ternal cooling water to condense t"e
stea! to li@uid water#
B' Ceed water Pu!p* to pus" t"e li@uid fro! low condenser
pressure to "ig" boiler pressure#
Components of steam power plant

Coal received in coal storage yard of power station is transferred in

t"e furnace by coal "andling unit#

eat produced due to burning of coal is utilized in converting

water contained in boiler dru! into stea! at suitable te!perature
and pressure#

)"e stea! generated is passed t"roug" t"e super "eater#

Super"eated stea! t"en flows t"roug" t"e turbine#

(fter doing work in t"e turbine t"e pressure of t"e stea! is


)"e stea! leaving t"e turbine passes t"roug" t"e condenser w"ic"
!aintains t"e low pressure of t"e stea! at t"e e%"aust of t"e
Components of steam power plant

,ater circulating t"roug" t"e condenser !ay be taken fro! t"e various sources
suc" as river$ lake or sea#

If sufficient @uantity of water is not available t"en t"e "ot water co!ing out of
t"e condenser !ay be cooled in cooling towers circulated again t"roug" t"e
Rankine Cycle*
Stea! engine and stea! turbines in w"ic" stea! is used as working !ediu!
follow Rankine cycle#
Efficiency of Rankine cycle*
;Ktotal "eat of stea! at entry pressure
:Ktotal "eat of stea! at condenser pressure
w:K total "eat of water at e%"aust pressure

co!ponents of Stea! Power Plant
Components of steam po!er plant
Co!bined cycle power plants

( co!bined cycle power plant is essentially an electrical power plant

in w"ic" a gas turbine and a stea! turbine are used in co!bination
to ac"ieve greater efficiency#

( si!ple representation of a CC.) syste! is s"own in t"e ne%t


It de!onstrates two "eat engines in series# )"e upper engine is t"e

gas turbine# )"e gas turbine e%"aust is t"e input to t"e lower
engine&a stea! turbine'#

)"e stea! turbine e%"austs "eat via a stea! condenser to t"e


)"e efficiency of t"e plant can be ac"ieved up to =8 5#

Co!bined cycle Stea! power plant
Combined cycle power plant
Co!bined Cycle Power Plants

-verall efficiency*

&' is a co!bination of t"e efficiency of t"e /rayton &' gas

turbine cycle and t"e

Rankine stea! turbine cycle &'# )otal co!bined cycle

efficiency is K N L & E

Suppose t"at t"e gas turbine cycle "as an efficiency of 785$

w"ic" is a representative value for current /rayton cycle
gas turbines$ and t"e Rankine cycle "as an efficiency of
?85# )"e co!bined cycle efficiency would be 4=5$ w"ic" is
a very large increase over eit"er of t"e two si!ple cycles#

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