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La Constitucin Canadiense reconoce tres grupos distintos de indgenas en

Canad: Primeras Naciones (Firs

The Canadian Constitution recognizes three distinct groups of indigenous
peoples in Canada: First Nations (First Nations), Inuit and Mtis. t Nations),
Inuit y Mtis.
Nacin Inuit
Durante muchos siglos, forasteros se han referidos a los Inuit como
Eskimales. Ellos prefieren referirse a s mismos: Inuit, que quiere decir la
gente en su propio idioma, el Inuktitut.
For many centuries, outsiders have been referred to Inuit as "Eskimales".
They prefer to refer to themselves: Inuit, which means "the people" in their
own language, Inuktitut.
Los Inuit ocupan el rtico de Canad, de Alaska ,de Siberia y de
Groenlandia, as como ciertas partes del litoral subrtico .
Regin circumpolar Inuit Inuit de Canada Inuit de Groenlandia Inuit de
Alaska Inuit de Rusia.
The Inuit occupy Arctic Canada, Alaska, Siberia and Greenland, as well as
certain parts of the coastal subarctic. Inuit Inuit circumpolar region of
Canada Inuit of Greenland Inuit of Alaska Inuit of Russia.
La sociedad Inuit
El centro bsico de la antigua comunidad inuit lo constitua el matrimonio,
por regla general los varones se casaban en cuanto eran capaces de
procurarse, por medio de la caza, el alimento suficiente para mantener a una
o ms esposas; las mujeres lo hacan al llegar a la pubertad.
The marriage was the basic Center of old inuit community, generally males
were married as soon as they were able to obtain, by means of hunting,
enough food to keep one or more wives; women did upon reaching puberty.

Religiones y Shamanismo
La religin inuit tiene principios animistas y shamanistas.
En la actualidad, muchos esquimales estn integrados a la civilizacin
occidental. Los misioneros catlicos y protestantes comenzaron la
evangelizacin desde 1920.
Inuit religion is animistic principles and shamanists. Currently, many Eskimos
are integrated into Western civilization. Catholic and Protestant missionaries
began the evangelization since 1920.

El arte inuit se descubri solamente a mediados del siglo XX.
Los inuit son maestros en el arte de esculpir la madera, la piedra y el hueso.
Hoy en da, el arte inuit contemporneo se compone bsicamente de
esculturas de esteatita o "piedra de jabn".
Inuit art was discovered only in the mid-20th century. The inuit are masters
in the art of sculpting wood, stone and bone. Today, contemporary inuit art
is basically composed of soapstone or "SOAP stone" sculptures.

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