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Parth Chaudhary ( 04 )

Urvish Mistry( 20 )
Hair comes from follicles which may be in the anagen phase (period
of active growth) or telogen phase (resting period).
Hypotrichosis means less than the normal amount of hair.
Easy epilation of hair suggests hair growth in telogen phase. Can be
pathological or physiological shedding.

One of the common signs in canine and feline dermatology.
May be pruritic/non-pruritic
Generally, three patterns of alopecia generate common knowledge
for DDX.
Localized alopecia ( A single patch of alopecia)
Multifocal alopecia (Appears as patchy, circular areas of alopecia. Coat
looks moth eaten)
Symmetrical or diffuse alopecia

Probable causes:
Medication application site
Steroid injection site
Alopecia areata
Pose-clipping alopecia
Probable causes:
Staphylococcal pyoderma
Sebaceous adenitis
Color dilution alopecia
Probable causes:
Gonadal sex hormone alopecia
Pituitary dwarfism
Black hair follicular dysplasia
Telogen/anagen defluxion
Paraneoplastic alopecia
Epitheliotropic lymphoma
Primary alopecia: Dysfunction of hair follicle to produce hair
Secondary alopecia: Loss of already formed hair.
Congenital alopecia
Acquired alopecia
Nutritive causes: Vitamin A deficiency, excessive soy milk as milk
Parasitic infestation
Hormonal causes: Cushings syndrome, Addisons disease, Sertoli cell
tumor, testes carcinoma, excessive estrogen production
Toxic effects: Thallium poisoning, excessive application of mercury
and iodide as counter irritants

Alopecia aduata: Congenital baldness.
Alopecia cicatrisata: Baldness associated with scarring.
Alopecia cachectica: Associated with general debility.
Alopecia disseminate: Patchy loss of hairs at different places.
Alopecia follicularis: Baldness following inflammation of
pilosebaceous follicles.
Alopecia localis: Baldness in local area.
Alopecia seborrhoeica: Baldness following seborrhoeic condition.
Alopecia simplex: Idiopathic premature baldness.
Alopecia sinilis: Due to ageing

Alopecia universalis: Alopecia of whole body.
Traumatic Alopecia: Alopecia due to breaking of hairs.
Demodicosis: (Generalized)

Demodectic Pododermatitis:



Alopecia areata



GH/ Sex hormone Alopecia:

Telogen / Anagen defluxion:

Sebaceous adenitis

Paraneoplastic Alopecia:

Microscopic examination of skin scrapings
Woods lamp examination
Fungal culture
Endocrine function tests

Primary causes are to be ruled out, removed and corrected.
Treatment should first be targeted for primary cause.
Deficiency, if any, should be corrected with supplemental
Iodine deficiency may be treated with thyroid extract.
Hormonal replacement therapy is required in case of hormonal
Methyl testosterone @ 1 mg/kg male dog
Diethyl stilbesterol @ 0.1 mg/kg female dog
High protein and calcium containing diets are useful.
Vitamin-A preparations are indicated.
Bacterial infection is to be treated with antibiotics.
E.g. Erythromycin, lincomycin, cephalexin.

Small Animal Dermatology, Peter Hill, ed. 2002

Submitted to:

Dr. D. S. Nauriyal
Professor and Head of the department,
Department of Veterinary Medicine,
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry,
AAU, Anand- 388 001

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