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Parliamentary Procedure

Parliamentary Procedure:
A set of rules used to conduct a meeting in an
orderly manner
3 major functions:
1. Ensure meetings run smoothly
2. Help group focus on issues most
important to entire group
3. Ensure that meetings are run according
to democratic principles
Parliamentary Procedure:
5 basic principles:
1. One question at a time- handle one issue
before considering another; maintain order
2. Majority rule- simple majority = at least one
more than of people who voted
3. Protection of minority rights- minority = less
than of group agrees; hear all viewpoints
4. Equality of rights and responsibilities-
5. Free debate- discussion where pro & con
speeches alternate
Parliamentary Procedure
Quorum = minimum number of members that
must be present for the group to conduct
Chair/ Presiding Officer- names for person
running the meeting
Maintain control- members follow parli. procedure
Maintain order- prevent filibustering = making long
speeches to waste time to prevent vote on issue
Act impartially- dont take sides
Recognize speakers impartially- precedence

Motion- proposal for action made by a member
Main motions- set forth new items of business to be
considered; require a second before they can be debated and
a simple majority vote
Subsidiary motions- allow members to change or dispose of a
main motion being discussed; proposed after main motion to
which they apply; must be debated and voted on before
group can return to main motion
Lay on the table- temporary postponement of action; requires simple
Previous question- immediate vote to stop discussion on a motion;
requires 2/3 majority
Limit/ extend debate- calls for time limit; requires 2/3 majority
Amend- change wording of motion; requires simple majority
Motions (cont.)
Privileged motions- concern running of meeting itself
Adjourn- calls for meeting to close; requires simple majority
Recess- calls for a break; requires simple majority
Question of privilege- calls for immediate action on such things as lighting,
heating, disturbances, etc.; no vote required- only approval of chair
Incidental motions- relate to questions of procedure
Point of order- request info. about something in order or to point out a
violation of parli. procedure; no vote required
Suspend the rules- allows members to do something not normally allowed
by the rules; requires 2/3 majority
Renewal motions- get discussion reopened on decisions already
Reconsider- discussion of motion already passed; requires simple majority
Rescind- cancellation of action taken on previous motion; requires 2/3
Take from the table- reopen discussion of a motion that had earlier been
laid on the table; requires simple majority
Amending a Motion
Amendment must be specific; insert, add, strike
out, strike out and insert, substitute
Amendment must be germane to a motion;
germane = must relate to issue of original
Amendment cannot be made by inserting word
not into the main motion
Previous question- oral vote Aye, No, or
Abstain = member does not wish to support or
oppose motion being voted upon
When vote is too close to call, group can call for
a division of assembly- requires chair to call for
a 2
vote done in a different method from one
used in 1

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