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It is located near the upper poles of the two kidneys.

Each one weighs about 3g.

Each is composed of two
distinct endocrine portions
which are:
I- The adrenal cortex

II- The adrenal medulla:

I- The adrenal cortex
It constitutes about 80% of the gland.
It consists of three distinct zones (layers):
(1) Zona glomerulosa:
It is the outer layer which secretes mineralocorticoids e.g. aldosterone.
(2) Zona fasciculata:
It is the middle and widest layer which secretes primarily glucocorticoids
e.g. cortisol {and small amounts of androgen (sex hormones)}.
(3) Zona reticularis:
It is the inner layer which secretes mainly sex hormones and to lesser
extent glucocorticoids.
II- The adrenal medulla:
It constitutes 20% of the gland.
The principal hormone of which is adrenaline (epinephrine), while the
remaining being noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and dopamine, which
collectivity are called catecholamines.
A) Physiological actions of aldosterone (e.g. of mineralocorticoids):
The most important function of aldosterone is to maintain the blood
sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) homeostasis.
The normal plasma Na+ level is 135-145 mol/l, while that of K+ is 3.5-5.0
The sites of aldosterone actions are:
1-The kidney:
 Stimulates Na+ reabsorption.
 Increases K+ excretion in the kidney
So, blood volume is increased leadind to a rise in blood pressure.
2-The sweat, salivary and gastric glands:
 Increases Na+ reabsorption from sweat, saliva and gastric secretions in
exchange of K+
Control of mineralocorticoids secretion:
1- Sodium and potassium concentration:
The decrease in blood Na+ or the increase in blood K+ stimulates the
synthesis and release of aldosterone
2- Renin-angiotensin system:
↓ in blood volume i.e. ↓ in Na+ & water) → ↓ in blood pressure → ↑ renin
secretion from the kidney → stimulate and release angiotensinogen from
the liver , which directly stimulates aldosterone secretion.
A) Physiological actions of aldosterone (continue):
3- Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH):
ACTH acts indirectly to stimulate aldosterone secretion, through increasing
response of the zona glomerulosa to stimuli that normally increase
aldosterone secretion.
B) Physiological actions of cortisol (example of glucocorticoids):
I- Metabolic effects:
1- Carbohydrate metabolism:
Cortisol raises blood glucose level lead to hyperglycemic condition known
as adrenal diabetes.
2- Protein metabolism:
Cortisol decreases protein synthesis & stimulates protein degradation
So, the released amino acids in blood were used for gluconeogenesis by
liver cells.
3- Lipid metabolism:
Cortisol stimulates lipolysis in adipose tissue.
II- Pharmacological effects:
II- Pharmacological effects of aldosterone:
Cortisol prevents release of lysosomal enzymes from damaged tissues and
thus prevents inflammations and help in repair of tissues.
1- Anti-inflammatory effect:
2- Anti-allergic effect:
Cortisol inhibits the synthesis of histamine by mast cells. Thus, prevents
the manifestation of allergy caused by histamine release.
3- Immuno-suppressive effect:
It stimulates destruction of lymphoid tissue → suppress the rejection of
organs during transplantation
However, long cortisol treatment is not advisable due to the danger of
inhibiting the immune system.
III- Other effects:
a) Bone metabolism:
It decreases deposition of protein matrix in bone, thus excess cortisol
production causes osteoporosis.
b) Central nervous system (CNS):
Abnormal mental functions are seen with insufficient or excess amount of
Control of cortisol secretion: Adrenocorticotropic hormone
C- Physiological actions of adrenal sex
hormones (androgens):
Disorders of the adrenal cortex:
The most common form of adrenocortical
insufficiency is Addison’s disease.
The most common diseases form of
hypersecretions of adrenocortical hormones
is Cushing’s syndrome.
D) Physiological actions of adrenaline & noradrenaline:
The adrenal medulla is a functional part of SNS that particularly acts to
prepare the body to face emergency conditions (fear, fight, flight & sever
exercise) more effectively.
1- Cardiovascular system:
They increase cardiac output.
They increase blood flow to muscles, which consequently increase its
capability to perform extra work
2- Respiratory system:
They increase the rate and depth of respiration.
3- Metabolism:
a) They increase oxygen consumption and the metabolic rate, leading to
increased heat production
b) They stimulate glycogen breakdown and fat mobilization from adipose

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