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Pig Process Outline

Topic Page(s)
Introduction Page 3
Banana Planting 4
Pen Construction
!a"ing and #sing I!O $%&
!a"ing and #sing Li'uid Concentrates (%)
Pen Filler*Putting It +ll Toget,er -.%-/
C,oose +ni0al -3
!a"ing and #sing FB1 -4
Feed For !i2ed Breed Pigs -
3outine -$
3enewing C4cle -&
C,allenges -(

T,is is a low%cost 0et,od o5 raising pigs to

generate inco0e

T,e 0ost i0portant part o5 t,is pro6ect7

5er0enting local 0aterials li"e 8anana stal" and
li'uid 5ertili9ers

+lso produces large a0ounts o5 co0post 5or

4our use on gardening pro6ects

Little or no 8ad s0ell:

Opti0al use o5 local 0aterials

;ig, a0ount o5 learning at 8eginning o5 pro6ect<

t,en 8eco0es easier
Banana Planting


T,e 8anana stal" is t,e 0ain ingredient 5or 5eeding t,e pigs in t,is pro6ect=

Gluay Nam Wah,as t,e largest stal" a0ong co00on 8anana plants< good
c,oice 5or planting

;aving -. adult trees > enoug, 5ood 5or one pig over $ 0ont,s

;aving -.. adult trees > enoug, 5ood 5or ten pigs over $ 0ont,s


IF 5lat land and space availa8le7

Plant 3 0eters apart in rows< wit, - 0eter 8ewteen eac, row

IF sloping land and space availa8le7

Plant in areas close to water sources li"e ponds< water runo55< strea0s

IF space is a c,allenge7

Be creative w,en 4ou place t,e plant

T,in" a8out using s0all spaces 5or a good reason

Banana plant naturall4 grow in a circle= Tr4 planting so0e 8anana trees around a
wet area< and place co0post?le5tover 5ood waste in t,e 0iddle o5 t,e circle= T,e
co0post pile a8sor8s water and provides nutrients 5or t,e 8anana trees

It is reco00ended to 8egin planitng at t,e 8eginning o5 rain4 season

Pen Construction
-= C,oose location
-= On top o5 ,ill reduces ris" o5 5looding< 4ou can dig litter to ).c0 dept,
/= I5 on 5lat ground< 4ou can dig litter to /c0 dept,
3= Consider wind direction w,en c,oosing location (i5 4ou@re worried
a8out s0ell)
4= Close to garden 0a"es it easier to 0ove co0post
/= Building Pen
-= $ 0eter 84 3 0eter si9e provides enoug, space 5or - pigs
/= Be sure to ,ave a 8otto0 peri0eter o5 ce0ent 8loc"s< two rows ,ig,
(pigs cannot 8rea" out)
3= #se 8a08oo?wood 5or walls and 5ra0e o5 pen< or an4t,ing else t,at is
c,eap and eas4
4= I5 4ou want< add wooden 8arrier inside t,e pen to 0a"e two separate
areas 5or di55erent pig groups (8ased on age< si9e< etc)
= 3oo5 can 8e t,atc,ed leaves (replace ever4 / 4ears) or 0etal
$= Consider ventilation w,en planning roo5 and walls< as t,e litter can
8eco0e ,it and cause ,ealt, pro8le0s 5or pigs i5 t,ere is no 5res, air
!a"ing I!O

I!O-*Collecting Ba08oo 1pore

Place coo"ed rice in a s0all wooden 8o2A cover 8o2 wit, paper

Put 8o2 under a 8a08oo tree (in 5orest area)< put so0e dr4 8a08oo leaves on top o5 t,e 8o2

Cover wit, c,ic"en wire (protection 5ro0 ani0als) and plastic cover (protection 5ro0 rain)

Bait / da4s and t,en openA

IF w,ite 5urr4 0old on top o5 rice< 4ou ,ave done good 6o8:

IF no 0old< or 8lac" 0old t,en tr4 again

I!O/%%Fer0enting Ba08oo 1pore

!i2 rice and w,ite spore (I!O-) wit, -"g o5 sugar= !a"e sure t,at sugar is touc,ing all
parts o5 t,e 0i2ture=

Cover wit, paper< wait 5or one wee"=

Put into plastic 8ottle 5or storage

I!O3*C2panding to Ba08oo 1pore Co0post

!i2 - 8ottle o5 I!O/ wit, / sac"s o5 rice powder (rice 8ran) and - sac" o5 cow 0anure

Cover pile wit, rice straw

Co08ine / spoons o5 F++ wit, -.L o5 water< add to top o5 t,e pile

Cover all wit, plastic tarp= Bait 3%4 da4s or until tarp is no longer ,ot to touc,=
#sing I!O
Dow 4ou ,ave I!O3 to use in t,e pig pen=
T,is slowl4 turns t,e 5iller 0aterials into
ver4 e55ective co0post= Eou can also
sprin"le I!O3 into 4our garden 8eds to
i0prove soil conditions t,ere=

+dd - sac" o5 I!O3 to pig pen 5iller (see

pages -.%-/)

1prin"le le5tover I!O3 onto garden 8eds

!a"ing Li'uid Concentrates

FPF*c,op &"g o5 an4 or all o5 t,ese7 0orning glor4< 8a08oo s,oot< 8anana
s,oot0i2 wit, 3"g sugarcover container wit, paperwait - wee"

FFF*c,op -"g o5 an4 or all o5 t,ese7 pu0p"in< 8anana< papa4a0i2 wit,

-"g sugarcover container wit, paperwait - wee"

L+B*put -L rice rinse water into plastic container (,al5%5ull so t,ere is air)<
cover loosel4 and "eep in s,aded area 5or da4s0i2 t,is water wit, -.L
0il" and -"g sugarcover container wit, paper< wait - wee"

F++*0i2 -"g o5 5is, guts wit, -"g o5 sugarcover container wit,

paperwait 5or - da4s< stirring ever4 3 da4s

CC*Brea" eggs,ells into s0all piecesdr4 5or - da40i2 wit, L o5 rice

rinse watercover container wit, paperwait - wee"

O;;*c,op -"g o5 garlic or ginger0i2 wit, L rinse water< / large 8ottles

o5 8eer< - regular 8ottle o5 rice w,is"e4< and -"g o5 sugarcover container
wit, paperwait - wee"=
Keep all liquid concentrates in plastic bottles for use later. Keep them in
a shaded area so the fun cannot hurt the liquids.
#sing Li'uid Concentrates
For each liquid
concentrate, mix
spoons to e!ery
"#$ of %ater you
use for&

'prayin( on pi(

Gi!in( pi(s a

)i( drin*in(

!e(etables in the
spoons each
Pen Filler*Putting it +ll Toget,er


?(t, o5 5iller

#se one or all o5 t,e 5our7 rice ,us"< 8ean ,us"< corn ,us" (c,op up
5irst)< sugarcane ,us" (c,op up 5irst)= B,ic,ever is easiest to 5ind
around 4our location=

/?(t, o5 5iller

#se cow 0anure and 8lac" soil

-?(t, o5 5iller

#se c,arcoal7 8a08oo< 6ac"5ruit< 0ango wood are all good c,oices

On top< use7

I!O3 one sac"

1alt / "g

+ll I!O li'uid concentrates 0i2ed wit, water

!i2 all toget,er wit, ,oes< ra"es and s,ovels

Pen Filler 3esults

Co0postG ;owG

Pigs will 0i2 all 5iller toget,er w,en t,e4 dig around

Pigs also s,it and 0i2 t,is toget,er wit, t,e 5iller

Cver4 4 0ont,s> Free Co0post:

IF litter is ).c0 dept, > 4ou get - 0etric ton o5

co0post per 4ear

IF litter is /c0 o5 dept, > 4ou get H 0etric ton o5

co0post per 4ear (5ill litter up a8ove t,e ground to t,e
top o5 t,e concrete 8ase< provides 4c0 total dept,)
Layer the following:
Mixed w/ 10L of
water, 20L total
Salt, 2kg
IMO3, 1 full rice
Mix all with hoe, rake or
1/t! " c!arcoal
#$ackfruit, %a&go,
2/t! " cow %a&ure,
)/t! " *&+ or all of

-ice !usk

.ea& /usk

0or& /usk #c!o1 u1 2rst(

Sugarca&e /usk #c!o1 u1

whichever are easy and
cheap to nd!
C,oose +ni0als

Co00ercial Pigs

Duroc< Large B,ite< Landrace

Fast Irowing (up to -.."g a5ter $ 0ont,s)

Low 3esistance to Disease

;ig, 3is" > ;ig, 3eward

Forest Pigs

J!oo BpaaK in T,ai

1low growing (traditionall4 raised 5or / 4ears 8e5ore selling)

1trong 3esistance to Disease

Low 3is" > Low 3eward

!i2ed Breed Pigs (our c,oice)


!ediu0 Irowt, 3ate (up to ."g a5ter $ 0ont,s)

1trong 3esistance to Disease

Low 3is" > ;ig, 3eward

!a"ing and #sing FB1

What you Need&

Plastic Bins (Large)

Plastic 1,eets For Covering Bins

Banana C,opper


1alt > H "ilogra0

1ugar > - "ilogra0

Banana 1tal" > . "ilogra0s


C,op . "g o5 8anana stal" into t,in pieces

Fill plastic 8in -?3 5ull o5 8anana stal"< cover wit, so0e salt and sugar

Fill plastic 8in /?3 5ull o5 8anana stal"< cover wit, so0e salt and sugar

Fill plastic 8in co0pletel4 wit, 8anana stal"< cover wit, re0aining salt and sugar

.o!er %ith plastic sheet and container top2 %ait for 3 days.

4sin( F-'&

!i2 wit, li'uid concentrate water and ot,er 5eeds 8e5ore giving to pigs

Can use - 8atc, 5or & da4s (spoils a5ter t,at)

Feed 5or !i2ed Breed Pigs
-.. L FB1
Includes7 FB1< I!O Bater< 3ice Bater< green
vegeta8les li"e 0orning glor4 and 5orest plants
5ield& Fast growt, 5or 3 0ont,s< t,en little to no
weig,t gain a5ter t,at= Best i5 little to no 8udget
.ost of 6earin(& .= T,ai Ba,t per "ilogra0 o5
5ood< 0ost inputs 5ound 5ree
$ !ont, C55icienc4 Diet
Includes7 -..L FB1 5or 3 0ont,s< t,en .7.
ratio o5 FB1?store 5eed 5or 3 0ont,s
Eield7 +verage weig,t o5 4&"g per pig= Provides
8est pro5it wit, low ris"< good 5or 5ar0ers w,o
want less dependenc4 on store 5eed=
Cost o5 3earing7 -<-( T,ai Ba,t per pig
7 8onth 'peed 9iet
1ncludes& -..L 1tore Feed 5or /. da4s< t,en
slowl4 ad6ust to 37$ ratio o5 FB1?store 5eed 84
!ont, /=
5ield& +verage weig,t o5 ."g per pig= Best i5
,ig, 8udget availa8le=
.ost of 6earin(& /<3.. T,ai Ba,t per pig
"##: 'tore Feed
1ncludes& -..L 1tore Feed 5or 4 0ont,s=
5ield& +verage Beig,t o5 ."g per pig= !ost
e2pensive option< lowest pro5it= Pigs ,ave ,ig,
5at levels (lower selling price at 0ar"et)=
.ost of 6earin(& - T,ai Ba,t per "ilogra0 o5
!a"e 1c,edule To Do T,e Following7

- Ti0e Per Bee"

!a"e FB1

!i2 Pig Pen

C,ec" I!Os

+dd !aterial to Pig Pen

/ Ti0es Per Bee"

Ireen 1nac"s

Pig 1,ower ? 1pra4 Pen

3enewing C4cle

1to0ac, Pro8le0s in Pigs

Beig,t Pro8le0s in Pigs

10ell4 Pen

Co0post Do Iood


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