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Negative effect of FACEBOOK

In our time now, for all most all of us, we
consider FACEBOOK as a necessity in our
daily lives.
- Facebook on PC
- Facebook on phones
But almost all of us, lack awareness about
the negative effect caused by social
networking, most common is FACEBOOK.
Negative effect of FACEBOOK

I read articles online to have an idea on how
FACEBOOK affects people in our society.
Based on the information and ideas I gathered
online, even though facebook provides benefits
by providing easy access to communicate, it also
greatly affects behavior of an individual and will
result to social change.
- Having read the articles, to prove if it really does
affect a persons social behavior, I have conducted
a minimal research on my own to personally
checked the effects of FACEBOOK

Negative effect of FACEBOOK

I selected 6 person on our family, which is a best respondent because I know whom
are frequently using facebook and whom are seldom users. I separately asked the
FREQUENT and SELDOM USERs with the same questions to check their responses.
- Adrian Suay 17 FREQUENT USER - HS student
- Andrea Suay 15 FREQUENT USER - HS student
- Jake Celis 22 FREQUENT USER - Clg student
- Ivy Padojinog 18 SELDOM USER - HS student
- Stifanny Padojinog 22 SELDOM USER - Clg Student
- Ken Padojinog -20 SELDOM USER - Clg Student
Negative effect of FACEBOOK
1. How many hours do you spend on facebook everyday?
2. Why do you use facebook frequently?
3. How many friends do you have in your facebook account?
4. How does facebook help you in any way?
5. Do you think facebook has a negative effect on you?
6. How many friends and close friend/s do you have at school?
7. Do you love talking with your classmate during class when your bored?
8. Do you open your facebook account during class and break time at school?

How many hours do you spend on facebook
spends time in opening their account in
facebook for a minimum of 6 hrs and a
maximum of 8hrs everyday.

spend a minimum of 2 hrs and a
maximum of 4 hrs if they have time.

What makes you use facebook?

They said Facebook is fun because they
can see new photos their facebook
friends uploaded. they always check their
friends statuses and comment on it. They
themselves edit their pics first before
they upload it on facebook and wait for
their friends comments on their
uploaded photos.

they can easy communicate with their
friends which they dont see often. They
check their profiles to see how are they
doing. Sometimes they just on facebook
if they have nothing else to do.
How many friends do you have in your
facebook account?

- They have more than a minimum of 500
friends and a maximum of 1000+

- They have a minimum of 75 friends and
a maximum of 350
How does facebook help you in any way?

- Remedy when bored
- Easy connect with friends and love ones
- Check beautiful places
- check for funny videos
- Can get advices with my facebook
friends via there comments on my

- Can check beautiful places
- Easily connect with friends and love
- Check beautiful places
- Check for funny videos
- Remedy when bored

Do you think facebook has a negative effect
on you?

Both FREQUENT and SELDOM USERS said that they dont see any negative effect of
facebook on them.
How many friends and close friend/s do you
have at school?

- Has a minimum of 1 and a maximum of
3 close friends.
- Has a minimum of 20 and a maximum
of 30 friends.

- Has a minimum of 4 and a maximum of
7 close friends
- Has a minimum of 25 and a maximum
of 50
Do you love talking with your classmate
during class when your bored?

- talk with them if needed to copy notes
or assignments
- Sleep when bored rather than talking
- Secretly plays game on their phones
- Listen to music on their phone
- Open facebook to check for anything

- Yes, makes them sleepy when bored so
they choose to talk
- Ask questions on their seatmates if
lesson are difficult to understand

Do you open your facebook account during
class and break time at school?

- yes, because its boring to listen to
- It makes me feel alive when Im logged
in to facebook
- I only stay in classroom during lunch,
after I eat I open my facebook or listen
to music

- I eat with my friends during lunch so I
dont have time to open facebook
- My group of friends talk a lot about
anything when we have time.
- I listen during class or if Im bored I talk
with my seatmate or sleep

AntiSocial effect of FACEBOOK
- With the answers that got I can conclude that frequently using facebook will have
a negative effect on a person unconsciously. Frequently using facebook will eat a lot
of your time instead of personally socializing. They spend time on facebook
checking for online friends statuses, editing photo, commenting on a friends photo
and also collecting as many friends online even if they dont have a personal
connection. Facebook users doesnt even realize that frequently using facebook will
have a negative effect on their social behavior. They crave for online appreciation
rather than receiving it in person. They prioritize to upload good looking photos by
editing them. Even at school, We can say that frequently using facebook causes
deviation, instead of eating lunch with their group of friends they sit in a corner
and log in to their facebook account. It will also cause a negative effect
academically because instead of listening to the teacher, they prioritize checking
their facebook account on their phone.

Negative effect of FACEBOOK
AntiSocial effect of FACEBOOK
shown that the more someone uses Facebook, the less satisfied he is with life.
Negative aspects of the social impact on Facebook -
Procrastination tool; non-stop facebook usage by some hinders academic
Feeding ground for sexual predators and unsuspected identity fraud.
Excessive online communication encourages limited human interaction, creating
artificial relationships.

AntiSocial effect of FACEBOOK
pyschological effect
- feel less attractive and successful after checking updates from their Facebook
friends. Psychological effect responsible for such a negative outcome is an
attribution error called correspondence bias


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