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World everything is in 3D [X,Y,Z]

Lose Z when projected on to 2D detector

Methods to recover Z is called as SHAPE
from X where X stands for Stereo, Shaping,
Focus, Defocus etc ..

Some Basic Transformation
Perspective Transformation
Let (X1,Y1,Z1) displaced to new location given
Rotation around Z theta/ gamma
Rotation around X Phi / alpha
Rotation around Y beta

Rotation of a point around Z axis

Angles measured counter clockwise
Clock wise direction

Can you try the ROTATION MATRIX for X and Y
directions [ consider clock wise]

Perspective Transformation
Also known as Imaging Transformation
projects a 3D point onto a 2D plane.

Here X,Y,Z represent the world coordinates
and x,y,z represent the camera coordinates.

X,Y,Z maps to x, y, by considering the two
equivalent triangles
If origin moved to the image plane

To represent the camera coordinates in a
Matrix form as in case of Translation, Rotation
etc.. we need define perspective matrix ,
which is accomplished by converting the
world coordinates (Cartesian) to homogenous
world coordinates
We define Perspective Transformation

Cartesian or Euclidean space parallel lines
DONT intersect.

in projective space the tracks in the picture
becomes narrower while it moves far away
from eyes. Finally, the two parallel rails meet
at the horizon, which is a point at infinity.

The Cartesian coordinates of a 2D point can be
expressed as (x, y).
What if this point goes far away to infinity?
The point at infinity would be (,), and it
becomes meaningless in Euclidean space.
The parallel lines should meet at infinity in
projective space, but cannot do in Euclidean
Mathematicians have discovered a way to solve
this issue.

Homogeneous coordinates,
introduced by August Ferdinand Mbius,
make calculations of graphics and geometry
possible in projective space.

Homogeneous coordinates are a way of
representing N-dimensional coordinates with
N+1 numbers.

To make 2D Homogeneous coordinates, simply
add an additional variable, w, into existing
Therefore, a point in Cartesian coordinates, (X, Y)
becomes (x, y, w) in Homogeneous coordinates.
And X and Y in Cartesian are re-expressed with x,
y and w in Homogeneous as;
X = x/w
Y = y/w

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