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9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 1

Object Oriented Design

and Programming II
Chapter 10
Abstract classes and
Software Engineering Principle
Minimize change
From concrete classes
To abstract classes
To interface
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 4
abstract and final Methods
An abstract method in a superclass has no
implementation, and it is to be overridden
by a method in its subclass.
A final method in a superclass cannot be
overridden at its subclass.
Why do I need to bother with abstract
methods and final methods? Can I live
happily in Java without them?

9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 5
Abstract Class
A class that cannot instantiate objects.
Public abstract class Message {
Do I and should I use non-abstract methods
in abstract classes?
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 6
Abstract or not-abstract
Contains non-
Class abstract
May contain
abstract methods.
abstract methods
must be in abstract
GeometricObject in
Situation 3
E.g. class
Class non-
Not allowed Fine. You are
familiar with this
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 7
Example BJ_abstract_Figure
Problems of Bj_FindArea
An abstract class used as supertype
An object cannot be created from an abstract
An abstract class can be extended by a

9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 8
Example BJ_abstract_Figure2
An abstract class used as supertype
An object cannot be created from an
abstract class
An array of the abstract type is used to
contain objects of the concrete subclasses

9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 9
Example BJ_GeomObj_Circle9
Circle9 extends an abstract class
Note the 4 situations in the project:
Circle class has concrete method getArea()
No abstract method getArea(); concrete
getArea() in Circle
abstract method getArea(); concrete
getArea() in Circle
Instantiate object of abstract class
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 10
Empty vs abstract methods
Method with empty body
protected abstract double getArea();
Abstract method
protected abstract double getArea();
From abstract class
To Interface
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 12
What is Interface
An interface is a named collection of method
definitions and constants ONLY.
An interface defines a protocol of behavior that
can be implemented by any class anywhere in
the class hierarchy.
An interface defines a set of methods but does
not implement them.
A class that implements the interface agrees to
implement all the methods defined in the
interface, thereby agreeing to certain behaviors.
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 13
Interface and Abstract Classes
An interface cannot implement any
methods, whereas an abstract class can.
A class can implement many interfaces
but can have only one superclass.
An interface is not part of the class
hierarchy. Unrelated classes can
implement the same interface.

9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 14
Multiple Inheritance
Class A Class B Class C
Class ABC
Class ABC inherits all variables and methods from
Class A, Class B, and Class C.

Java does NOT support multiple inheritances.
However, you can use interface to implement the
functionality of multiple inheritance.
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 15
Defining Interfaces
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 16
Interface Declaration
public interface StockWatcher{ }

public interface Sortable{ }
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 17
Interface Body
The interface body contains method
declarations for ALL the methods included
in the interface.
A method declaration within an interface is
followed by a semicolon (;) because an
interface does not provide
implementations for the methods declared
within it.
All methods declared in an interface are
implicitly public and abstract.
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 18
Implement an Interface
An interface defines a protocol of
A class that implements an interface
adheres to the protocol defined by that
To declare a class that implements an
interface, include an implements clause in
the class declaration.
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 19
Implement Interface (Example)
public class StockApplet extends Applet implements StockWatcher {

public void valueChanged(String tickerSymbol, double newValue) {
if (tickerSymbol.equals(sunTicker)) {
// record newValue for sunTicker...
} else if (tickerSymbol.equals(oracleTicker)) {
// record newValue for oracleTicker
} else if (tickerSymbol.equals(ciscoTicker)) {
// record newValue for ciscoTicker
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 20
Code Review
Objects inheriting properties of superclass
and implementing properties of interface
A class may have only one superclass but
may implement multiple interfaces
Using an array of supertype

9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 21
It is easy to write a sorting method for numbers
of a specific type.
bubblesort, shellsort, quicksort, heapsort.
It is not easy to write a method to sort numbers
of any primitive type: short, int, long, float, and
See Example 9.2 GenericSort.java
It is a challenge to write a method to sort
How do you do the above in C?
Example: Comparable interface
See BJ_Max
See BJ_GenericSort
Still relying on Java 1.5 unboxing feature of
wrapper objects
Source Code Review and Demo
Exercise 1: Download, run, and study
Each class needs to implement the Sortable
interface with a compare() method
Exercise 2: Add other sorting methods
Bubble, Insertion, Selection
Exercise 3: C:\ProgramFiles\Java\
To compare speed

9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 24
Application Programming
Interface (API)
How do I learn to use the packages in the
Java platform?
Answer: API
9/18/2014 Abstract classes & Interface 25
API Study
example: StringTokenizer

1. Location of the API( package)
2. Class definition
3. Constructor(s) usually more than one
4. Methods (you can see public only)
5. Variables (any public ones)
6. Interfaces supply your own methods
7. Exceptions
8. Examples
newObject = someObject;
Only assigns the reference of someObject to
newObject. No copy is made
newObject = someObject.clone();
Copies someObject to a new memory location
See BJ_House
hashCode() returns the objects hash code
Hash code is an integer to store the object
in a hash set.
If you override the equal() method, you
should also override the hashCode
See BJ_House

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