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Within the Clip status is shown with the power the president has by summoning Olivia to the white
house,this is reinforced through a reverse camera shot; switching between two scenes, The female leads
office and The Presidents office, this reinforces the power his due to The oval office being extremely
important and powerful, in contract the females office looking like a normal everyday work place. Although
she tries to reject his power by showing she also has power by ignoring the power that is thrown at her, his
power and status is too much as she feels implied to go.
Status is not only shown through the characters powers however it is shown through the costumes they
wear; they are dressed very formally implying they are important- this is also reinforced through the actions
of other characters towards the male lead The President. He has many Security guards whom represent
that he is a important man. Although the Female lead in the clip tries to use all her power to ignore his
status in the end she is briefly stopped, representing her status to be important and powerful however not
to the extent of the male lead.
In the clip the idea of status contrast majorly as the Male lead has a national status of the president
however the status of the women is not clear however she achieves one in the way she attempts to block
his power through her actions an speech- shouting at The President for example 'Then earn me' The
president with so much power should not need to earn anything which suggest the element of her having a
sexual power and staus over him; demanding that if he wants her he needs to her earn her- his status cant
get him everything he wants.
The clip also implies she has an established status as she seems to have a bodyguard following her, the way
the camera is following behind him with her in front indicates she is much more important then him, as he
is following her- she is taking the lead. A point of view shot is also used to show the power the women lead
has over her body guard when slamming the door in his face, she has the authority to do this and him not
ignore it.
Sexuality and Gender
Sexuality is shown in the clip through the sexual tension through the two lead
characters. Using his status to try and summon her to see him causes her to
become mad however she feels she has to go. This shows that the male has a
dominance over the female reinforcing the typical stereotype of gender that males
are inferior to females.
However again the female tries to block this as she uses her sexual power over
him to shout at him as soon as she walks in (contrasting the stereotype); WHAT
considering who she is talking to The President- this could be seen as highly
disrespectful however is not due to their sexual chemistry seen just after when
they then stand there staring at one another breathing heavily in an uneven pace;
suggesting an overwhelmed sexual feeling.
When walking into the office the camera zooms into the male lead showing a mid
shot of the male and then straightaway switches to a close up to the female;
where they are both staring at each other and breathing heavily(as stated above)
which creates the sexual tension.

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