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Dr Sara Riaz
What is a solution?
a solution is a homogeneous mixture (only one phase) of two
or more kinds of different molecular or ionic substances.

Components of solution:
Solvent: substance present in large quantity
Solute: substance present in small quantity.

Concentration of the
The amount of solute dissolved in unit amount of the solvent is
called concentration of the solution.

Concentration Units:
1. Percentage composition
2. Molarity
3. Molality
4. Mole fraction
5. Parts per million
Percentage Composition
Percentage weight/weight
% by weight = mass of solute/ mass of solution 100
Percentage weight/volume
Percentage volume/weight
Percentage volume/volume

The number of moles of solute dissolved per liter (dm3, 1000
cm2) of solution. (need a measuring flask)
Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 20.7 g of K2CO3
dissolved in 500 cm3 of given solution.

0.3 mole/dm3
The number of moles of solute dissolved per kg (1000 g) of
solvent. (no need of measuring flask)
Mole Fraction
Ratio of no. of moles of a component to the total no. of moles
of all the components in the solution.

For example there are two components A and B in the solution.
There no. of moles will be nA and nB respectively. The mole
fraction is denoted by XA and XB

XA= nA/ nA+nB
XB= nB/ nA+nB

Mole %= mole fraction x 100
Parts Per Million (ppm)
Number of parts (by weight or volume)of a solute dissolved per
million parts (by weight or volume) of the solution.
Very low concentration unit.
Assignments #7
Sea water has 5.65 x 10
g of dissolved oxygen in one kg of
water. Calculate the concentration of oxygen in sea water in
parts per million.
Calculate the mole fraction and mole percent of each
component in a solution having 92 g of ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH), 96
g of methyl alcohol (CH3OH), and 90 g of water.
what is the molality of a solution prepared by dissolving 5 g of
toluene (C7H8) in 250 g of benzene.

Types of Solution
Miscibility of liquid-liquid
Solubility Principle: like dissolves like. (attractive forces between
solute and solvent)
Polar compounds dissolve in polar solvents
Non-polar compounds dissolve in non-polar solvents.

1. Completely Miscible----alcohol and water
2. Partially miscible--------phenol and water/ ether and water
3. Immiscible---------------benzene and water
Miscibility of liquid-liquid
Solubility depends upon the interaction of the particles of solute
and solvent.
Process of dissolution is to overcome the forces of attraction
between the molecules (intermolecular forces).

Crystal lattice-----NaCl.ionic solids have very strong inter-ionic
forces. Cannot be dissolved by moderately polar solvent.

Hydration and Hydrolysis
The process in which water molecules surround and interact
with solute ions or molecules is called hydration.
Decomposition of a compound with water, in which water itself
is also decomposed.
All the salts do not give neutral solutions like NaCl. Some salts
change the pH of water giving it acidic or basic character

NH4Cl + H2O NH4OH + HCl
Assignment # 8
Give five examples of each:

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