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Islamic Philosophy of Education

Islamic Philosophy

1. Based on revelation or wahyu

2. Tawhid
- There is no other God except Allah
- Allah to be in every aspect of a Muslim life
thoughts and deed
- the greatest sin committed by a Muslim is to
worship other form of worship god besides
Allah (syirik)

3. Based on the knowledge of The Holy Quran and

4. Harmony of life in this world and aftermath.

5. Ubudiyah - total submission to Allah;
servants of Allah .

6. Preservation of the ecology and harmony in

7. Integration of the human and revealed

8. Integration of knowledge , faith and deed.
Metaphysics in Islam
1) The core of Islamic belief is metaphysics. The universe/world is
Allahs creation, hence, man must not exploit the world they live in

2). Opposed Charles Darwin Theory of Evolution.

4). Islamic metaphysics concerned with finding truth about nature of
God, nature of truth, nature of universe, nature of man, life after
death and purpose of all creations.

5.) Difference between Islamic metaphysics and Western
metaphysics is Islamic metaphysics recognizes existence of
spiritual or unseen realities
6. The universe/word is depiction and
manifestation of Allah greatness as illustrated
in the Holy Quran. (Sunnatullah)

Metaphysics and the existence of Man
1. Human beings or insan best creation of
Allah compared to other beings (angels,
animals, unseen elements). Allah SWT.
- Surah Attin Verse 4-6:
We have certainly created man in the best of
stature; Then We return him to the lowest of the
low, except for those who believe and do
righteous deeds, for they will have a reward

Creation of Man

Humans as Allahs best and most perfect creations
status of vicegerant or khalifah and endowed with
physical, spiritual and mental/intellectual attributes and

Man given to the freedom of choice between good and
evil deeds

The world created for man to seek to live in harmony
using the natural resources to sustain livelihood.
Hence, in Islam humans are not deprived of natural
living and resort t life of sage and complete seclusion.

Surah Al-Ahzab verse : 72

Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the
earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it
and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he
was unjust and ignorant.

Surah Al-Mulk verse15:
It is He who made the earth tame for you - so walk
among its slopes and eat of His provision - and to Him is
the resurrection.

Surah An-Nahl verse 10:
It is He who sends down rain from the sky; from it is
drink and from it is foliage in which you pasture

3. Al-Quran many occurences of the word insan or

- Surah At-ttin verse 4:
We have certainly created man in the best of

- Surah Al-Alaq verse 1-5
Recite in the name of your Lord who created
Created man from a clinging substance.
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous
Who taught by the pen
Taught man that which he knew not.

4. Tujuan utama ciptaan mausia adalah mengabdikan
dirinya kepada Allah SWT sahaja.
Surat Ad-Zaariyaat Ayat 56:
Dan Aku tidak menciptakan manusia dan jin melainkan
supaya menyembah Ku

Aims of Allahs creation of man:

- fitrah - pure and does not inherit original sin
- need no baptism or bonded in karma
- man- judged according to his deeds in this world
- man is perfectly endowed with physical, mental and
spiritual attributes to live in harmony with his fellow
men and to worship only Allah.

6. Mans physical needs/desires are
measured according to the following
- ammarah (lowest level in
which mans actions are likened to
beasts and animals)
- mutmainah (man in his most perfect
existence with highest and most
noble attributes)

Highest level
Ammarah Lowest level
Creation of man:

Surah Aththariq Verse 5-8
So let man observe from what he was created.
He was created from a fluid, ejected,
Emerging from between the backbone and the ribs.
Indeed, Allah , to return him [to life], is Able.

Verses of The Prophet Muhammad SAW PBUH:
Eve was created from the ribs of Adam, not from his
head to be uphold, nor from his feet to be stepped. But
from his side (ribs) to be his life partner, close to his
arms to shelter her, and also close to his heart to love

Mans retribution in the hereafter life depends on his

Mans rational mind always in conflict with influence of
the devils and satan (main enemies of the Muslims)

Genetic factor important factor in Islam

Islamic Epistemology
Transfer and inculcation of knowledge in Adam
Surah Al-Baqarah: Verses 31:32: 33
And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then
He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of
the names of these, if you are truthful.
They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge
except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is
the Knowing, the Wise.
He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And
when he had informed them of their names, He said,
"Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the
heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and
what you have concealed."

1) Keadaan insan yang tidak mengetahui apa-apa tetapi
Allah SWT mengajar insan itu apa yang ia tidak
ketahui (Surah Al-Alaq Ayat 1-5)

2) Perkataan ilmu
- 750 kali dalam Al-Quran
- qul dan kun yang berkaitan ilmu muncul
sebanyak 1300 dan 1700 kali dalam Al-Quran
( Epistemologi Islam: Syed Dawilah El-Edrus)

- greatest book and authority of Truth (the Haqq)
- knowledge of the Quran permanent truth in the
mind, heart , soul and spirit of man

Recipients of knowledge in Islam should leave an
everlasting impact in the intellectual, emotional and
deep meaning or maana

Only knowledge based on the Quran leads to
everlasting truth and faith

Tawhid acknowledgement of Allah as the sole bearer
of truth or haqq ; hence, if one is in doubt- the Quran
is the best reference

Surah Al-Hujuraat Verse: (49):6
O you who have believed, if there comes to you a
disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you
harm people out of ignorance and become, over what
you have done, regretful.

Knowledge of the Sunnah reliable source of
knowledge in comprehending the principles and
methodology of the Quran; a critical analysis of
practical aspect of the implementation of the principles
of the Quran

The Prophet Muhammad SAW (PBUH) the best moral
exemplar; his translation of the teachings of the Quran
into his daily practices.

Islamic Ethics (Akhlak)
Islamic ethics derived from the Quran and Sunnah and
not purely human reasoning.

A knowledgeable person necessarily is a virtuous

Islamic ethics manifestation of relationships between
individuals and individuals, and individual person and

The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the best moral
example for Muslims to emulate (never commit a sin,
with noble values)

Virtues in Islam:
a. justice
b. benevolence
c. avoid vicious deeds; lusts and sinful acts;
arrogance; jealousy and hatred.

Ethical and Moral Virtues main platform to maintain
peace and harmony in a nation and its population as the
following can be avoided:

- extravagance and opulence
- destruction
- moral decay
- injustice
- dictatorship

Islamic Ethics:
- universal
- transcends time and space
- integrate faith, deed and social structure
- does not separate faith and material living
- does not sacrifice the physical element for the sake
of complete spiritual contemplation and vice versa

Values - in moderation

O children of Adam, take your adornment at every
masjid, and eat and drink, but be not excessive. Indeed,
He likes not those who commit excess.
(Surah Al-Araf:31).
Surah Al-Isra :27:
Indeed, the wasteful are brothers of the devils, and
ever has Satan been to his Lord ungrateful.

Islamic ethics and virtues:
- temperance and moderate
- is not in conflict with the original creation of man and
his natural attributes.
- complements a healthy mind and body and its
physical and emotional needs
- do not prescribe an ascetic or life of a hermit leaving
altogether worldly existence
- thankful to Allah for his benevolence and act in
accordance to Islamic principles of dos and

5 important aspects of Islamic ethics:

a. Moral Conscience
- main motivating factor is spiritual guidance
inculcated through education, worship of Allah
- love of brotherhood

b. Moral Obligation)
- religion being the main motivating factor/force
and not law or regulation

C. Moral Judgment
- Religion as the main source of ethical/moral judgment

d. Moral Responsibility
- core of moral and ethical deeds
e. Moral Rewards
- reward and punishment (pahala dan dosa)
- justice

Islamic ethics embodied in the rules and
regulations both individually (fardhu
ain)and collectively (fardhu kifayah).

Islamic Philosophy of Education
The formal definition of education in Islam
as given by Al-Attas is:
Recognition and acknowledgement,
progressively instilled into man, of the
proper places of things in the order of
creation, such that it leads to the
recognition and acknowledgement of the
proper place of God in the order of being
and existence (Al-Attas, 1980: 22).

In Islam, the definition of education - not confined to
epistemological concerns but also includes ethical and
other dimensions:

Islamic education aim at harmonious formation of the
human personality.

Education shall not only strive for the harmony of thought
and action, instinct and reason, feelings and emotion.

Also for depth of knowledge and beauty of character.

The Islamic concept of harmony includes
the formation of a certain type of
- humility towards God
- love towards fellow creatures
- perseverance in times of affliction,
honesty, decency, uprightness
- courage to say the truth, a balanced
attitude towards issues which
involve human emotions, etc.

Goals of Islamic Education
Thus, self-education strives for arriving at fruitful results
in the field of personal conduct and observance of
Islamic laws, when conforming to Islamic teachings.

"Read: In the name of your Lord who created, Who
created man from a clot. Read: And your Lord is the
Most Generous Who taught by the pen; Who taught man
what he did not know."
(Quran, Surah Al-Alaq 96:1-5)

Among the first words of the Quran to be revealed to the
Prophet, Muhammad (s), in the cave at Hira was the
command to "Read" - an instruction to engage in a
learning activity.

The first five ayah of Surah al Alaq- those that the
Prophet(s) received in that historic first experience of
Divine Revelation - contain the words "read", "teach" and
"pen", all related to learning wherever they are found in
the Quran.

In Surah al Baqarah, Ayah 31, "And He taught Adam the
names of all things ...".
- the above is a reference to the acquisition of
knowledge that distinguishes humanity from
the rest of creation and which
establishes the superiority of humans over all
the creatures of the earth.

- having taught Adam (a) "the names of all things", Allah
tested the angels by asking them to tell Him the names
of things placed before them.

- the angels answered, "Glory to Thee: of knowledge we
have none, save what Thou has taught us..." (2:32).

- Then Allah asked them to bow down in respect before
Adam (a) who had been chosen - together with his
progeny - to be the recipient of the Divine gift of
In Islam, the scope of knowledge is as limitless as the
extent of the universe itself

The purpose for which we educate ourselves is to
develop taqwa - a highly developed and profound
awareness of Allah

Both Quranic learning and the physical sciences should
equally promote and inculcate Islamic values.

The goal of Islamic education:

- creation of adab in the individual being educated
- Hence, education or tarbiyah is a process of
instilling adab
- Adab - mental and spiritual disciplines
- deeds in accordance to the righteous path or siratul
- acknowledging the right and proper place of things,
objects and actions
- a sense of humility and not arrogance
- willingness to share knowledge amongst fellow men.
Education end product is an integrated and holistic
indioviduals or insan kamil thorough the process of
tadib, taalim, irshad and tadris

Tarbiyah originally from the word rabb (Essence of
Allahs greatness)
- meaning education
- process of educating is not devoid of spiritual
guidance and illumination from Allah.

Talim :
- transfer of knowledge which results in an
individual realization of his status and fucntion
as vicegerent with knowledge received

Irshad :

- the guiding light or in the life in the world and the
hereafter as depicted in the Quran

Tadris :
- the teaching of a discipline of knowledge by a
teacher ( pedagogy)

Islamic principles of education is highlighted in the Al-
Quran in Surah Al-Alaq Ayat 1-5 and Surah Al-
Muddatsir Ayat 1-7.

Surah Al Alaq ayat 1-5

Recite in the name of your Lord who created
Created man from a clinging substance.
Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous
Who taught by the pen
Taught man that which he knew not.

Iqrak meaning : Read Oh Muhammad! - the mind is
the most important element bestowed upon man by
Allah should constantly seek guidance from Allah

Surah Al-Muddatsir Ayat 1-7.

O you who covers himself [with a garment],
Arise and warn
And your Lord glorify
And your clothing purify
And uncleanliness avoid
And do not confer favor to acquire more
But for your Lord be patient.

The surah above is indication of Islam emphasis on
physical and spiritual purity and cleanliness.

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