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Development &

Unit 2
Unit 2
 Training Process
 Trainer’s Skills
 Training Policy
 Areas of Training
 Models of Training
 Training Objectives – Importance & its
 Ethical Consideration for training programme
Trainer’s Skills
1. Communication Skills
2. Questioning Skills
3. Body Language & Gestures
4. Handling Difficult situations
5. Creativity Skills
6. Technical Skills
7. Interpersonal Skills
Areas of training-
1. Company policy and procedures

2. Skill based training

3. Human relations training-interpersonal skills,

leadership styles, disciplinary procedure etc.

4. Problem solving training –from simple operational

problems to major decision making problems.

5. Supervisory training-to enable the person to perform

managerial and supervisory functions such as
planning, organizing, directing and controlling as
employees move ahead in their career paths to
assume positions of increased responsibility.
Other areas
 Sales Training
 Teamwork Training
 Time Management Training
 Telephone Skills Training
 Employee Retention Training
 Finance Training
 Creativity Training
 Customer Service Training
 Communication Training
 Supervisory Skill Training
Models of training-
Training is a transforming process that requires
some input and in turn it produce output in
the form of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
The three models of training are-
1. The system model

2. Instructional system development model

3. Transitional model
System model of
It consists of five phases which should be
repeated on a regular basis to make
further improvements. The training should
achieve the purpose of helping the
employees to perform their work to

required standards.EXECUTE
The steps are-



1. ANALYSE-Analyze and identify the training
needs-what do they need to learn.

2. DESIGN-It requires developing the objective of

training, identifying the learning steps,
sequencing and structuring the contents.

3. DEVELOP-Listing the activities in the training

program that ‘ll assist the participants to learn,
examining training material, selecting delivery
method, validating information to be imparted to.

4. EXECUTE-It’s the hardest part of the system

because one wrong step can lead to the failure of
whole training program

5. EVALUATE-Evaluating each phase to make

sure it has achieved its aim in terms of
subsequent work performance.
Instructional system
development model
In it training objectives are designed on the
basis of job responsibilities and job
description. And on the basis of designed
objective ,performance is measured. The
ISD model is a continuous process that lasts
throughout the training program.
This model comprises of five stages-


1. ANALYSIS-This phase consist of training need
assesment, job analysis and target audience analysis.
2. Planning-This phase consist of setting goal of the
learning, outcome, types of training material, media
selection, methods of evaluating the trainee, trainer
and the training program.
3. DEVELOPMENT-This phase translates design decisions
into training material. it consists of developing course
material, including handouts,workbooks,visual aids etc.
4. EXECUTION-it focuses on logistical arrangements, such
as arranging
speakers,equipments,benches,podiums,food facilities,
cooling lighting ,parking and other training accessories.
5. EVALUATION-evaluating whole process.
Transitional model
of training
 Transitional model focuses on the
organization as a whole. The
other loop describes the vision,
mission and values of the
organization on the basis of
which training model i.e. inner
lop is executed



1. VISION-It focuses on the milestones that
the organization would like to achieve after
the defined point of time. A vision statement
tell that where the organization sees itself
few years down the line.

2. MISSION-explain the reason of

organizational existence. The reason of
developing a mission statement is to
motivate, inspire and inform the employees
regarding the organization.

3. VALUES-values is the translation of vision

and mission into communicable ideals. it
reflects the deeply hold values of the
organization. for example-social
responsibility, excellent customer service
Importance of Training
Importance of training
 It provides the clear guidelines and develops the
training program in less time because objectives
focus specifically on needs.
 Training objectives tell the trainee that what is
expected out of him at the end of training program.
 Training objectives are of great significance from a
no. of stakeholders’ perspectives-
1. Trainer 3. Designer
2. Trainee 4. Evaluator
Benefits for Trainee-
 Helps in reducing the anxiety of the
trainee up to some extent.
 Keep the participants aware of the

happenings, rather than keeping it

 Helps in increase in concentration,

which is the crucial factor to make

training successful
Benefits for trainer-
 Helps the trainer to
measure the progress of
trainees and make the
required adjustments.
Benefits for

Being aware of objective, he can design the
training package accordingly.

 Now he can look for training methods, training

equipments and training content accordingly to
achieve that objective. Without any guidance,
he can’t design.

Example-Training objective is to deal effectively

with customers to increase the sales.
Now the designer ‘ll include-ways to improve
interpersonal skills, verbal and non-verbal
language etc.
Benefit for
 The objective provides
him a standard for
evaluation of progress of
1. Voluntary consent of participants-
they should not be forced to join
these activities.
2. Discrimination-age, gender,race or
related factors should not be used
as barriers to determine who
receives training.
3. Cost effectiveness
Training Policy
Training policy is an expression
of intention which gives
general guidance for the
conduct of corporate affairs.
Every organization has well established and prescribed
training policy for the training of employees.
 This policy depicts the top management’s philosophy
regarding training of employees.
 This training policy includes the rules and
regulations,procedure,budget,standards and conditions
regarding training.
 This policy depicts the intention of the company to
train and develop its personnel.
 It provide guidelines for training programme.
Refer to the below mentioned points for drafting training
1. Introduction:
Write few lines on the importance of training. Like Training and
development requires the same rigor and attention as any other
management task. Well managed, training and development can deliver
people with the right skills at the right time to enable the organization to
deliver strategic results.
2. Purpose & Scope:
Write objective of the trainings which will be imparted to the employees
3. Applicability:
To whom it applies
4. References & Definition:
References of other policies or documents which might be mentioned in
the policy. Definition of the technical words used.
5. TNA
Jot down the methods that will be used in for doing Training need analysis
6. Training Material:
Mention from where all the training material or content will be
derived. Incase of internal content development, mention who
will be approving the content made. Mention about Training
Curriculum .i.e what all trainings will be imparted whether soft
skills, sales or technical or all.

7. Mode of delivery:
Mention what will be the mode of delivery i.e online,
classroom or on the job.

8. Costing

9. Documentation: What all kinds of reports & documents will

be maintained and for how long they'll be kept

11. Training feedback & evaluation:

Might include any specific benchmark for trainers, any assessment that might
be conducted after the training to judge the participant's knowledge.
12. Training environment:
What kind of seating arrangements will be there in the training room, white
boards or projector required
13. Tracking, Training, & Certification:
How training imparted will be tracked(any specific software will be used or
not) or hard copies to be maintained, how employees' performance will be
tracked and will employees be given a certification after the training or not.
14. Training Department Support System:
Mention the responsibilities and coordination required by the different
departments, trainees.
15. Checklist for training:
Mention all the material that will be required. i.e. manual, white board,
markers, projector, computers, water bottles etc
16 Lastly:
list of the templates or forms that will be used in training. Like nomination
form, attendance form, training feedback form, etc.
An effective training policy does the

 Provides guidance for allocating

department resources such as trainers,
money, and time
 Gives a broad direction to training

 Outlines the authority given to the training

department, as well as the limits to that

Training process
Determine the mission of the org

Job description

Training needs assessment

Decide most important


Evaluate the curriculum

Evaluate the Result of


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