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Dale Wright
Euthanasia is mercy killing
committed on the basis of medical reasons.
The person who does the killing is chosen by
somebody who has been medically diagnosed with a
terminal illness to relieve him/hers suffering.
Euthanasia is not a sudden and a harsh act. It is a
philosophical act.
It takes place after a thorough deliberation with
people concerned.

Euthanasia is mercy killing
committed on the basis of medical reasons.

The person who does the killing is chosen by somebody who
has been medically diagnosed with a terminal illness to relieve him/hers suffering.

Euthanasia is not a sudden and a harsh act.

It is a philosophical act.

It takes place after a thorough deliberation with people concerned.
Difference between Euthanasia and
Assisted Suicide

Voluntary active euthanasia entails the physician taking an
active role in carrying out the patients request, and usually
involves intravenous delivery of a lethal substance.

Physician-assisted suicide entails making lethal means available to the
patient to be used at a time of the patients own choosing.
Assisted Suicide - Sue Rodriguez
Assisted Suicide - Sue Rodriguez
Sue Rodriguez, a mother in her early thirties, died slowly of Lou
Gehrig's disease. She lived for several years with the knowledge
that her muscles would, one by one, waste away until the day came
when, fully conscious, she would choke to death. She begged the
Courts to reassure her that a doctor would be allowed to assist her
in choosing the moment of death. They refused. She lived on in
terror, helped eventually by a doctor who, in February 1994, covertly
broke the law to help her die in peace.
Euthanasia - Teri Schiavo
Euthanasia - Teri Schiavo
Euthanasia - Teri Schiavo

Terri Schiavo collapsed in her home, in her mid-twenties, in full
cardiac arrest in Feb., 1990. She suffered major brain damage due to
lack of oxygen. Her diagnosis was changed to a vegetative state
after 2 1/2 months in a coma. Her husband fought the circuit court in
Florida for 15 years before the feeding tube was removed and two
weeks later, Terri died peacefully.
Euthanasia in Holland
Euthanasia law passed in 2002
Euthanasia cases have double in the last 10
The laws
Who is requesting to be Euthanized?
Euthanasia in Luxembourg
Law passes in 2009
Lowest rate of Euthanasia
Parliament strip Monarch power
Euthanasia in Belgium
In 2002, Belgium introduces Euthanasia
Belgium passes law that allows children
the right to euthanasia
Not a close vote 50-17.
Stringent guidelines
Euthanasia is Illegal in the United
Assisted Suicide legal in the states of
Washington, Oregon, Montana, and


All countries must consider legalizing
euthanasia because it can save millions of
patients around the world hours of grieving
pain and suffering instead of dying a
peaceful death.
Should taking the life of someone who
does not want to be alive be legal? If a
person has unbearable pain, and that not
even the medication helps, why will they
not let them end their own life.
We all have a heart. Lets put it on our
hands and understand the ones that do
not want to continue their suffering.


Conclusion- Aurora
Identify the teams determination of the
more persuasive argument.
Reflect on the arguments presented and
reveal the teams consensus.
Base the conclusion solely on the team's
Any Questions?
Thank you for your time

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