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United States of America

Anti Corruption
Presented By :
1. Achmad Mujtaba
2. Arri Febriana B.
3. Faizal Wayan U
4. M. Ardiles
5. Rihasto Juli Sulistiaji
6. Yusuf Heri Prasetyo
Source :
1. http://www.transparency.org/country#USA
2. http://data.worldbank.org/country/united-states
Anti-Corruption Law
This is anti-corruption related laws in the US

Freedom of Information: Freedom of
Information Act (1966) 5 U.S.C. 552
Bribery of Foreign Public Officials: Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) (1977) 15
U.S.C. 78dd-1, 78dd-2, 78dd-3, & 78m
Corruption of domestic Public Officials: 18
U.S.C. 201, 286, 287, 371, 666, 1001,
Government Ethics: Ethics in Government
Act (1978) 5 U.S.C. app 101-505
Anti-Corruption Law
Money Laundering: The Money Laundering
Control act (1986) 18 U.S.C. 981-982,
1956-1957; 31 U.S.C. 5324
Embezzlement: 18 U.S.C. 371, 641,
654, 666, 1341, 1343, 1346
Protection of Whistleblowers:
1.Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act (2010) 15
USC. 78u-5, u-7
2.Whistleblower Protection Act (1989) 5
USC. 1211-1219, 1221-1222, 3352

This is a brief overview of the key national institutions tasked with
fighting corruption in the country:

Department of Justice, Public Integrity Section, Criminal Division
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Government Accountability Office
Office of Government Ethics
Office of the Special Counsel
Securities and Exchange Commission

Director James B. Comey
September 4, 2013 - Present
On September 4, 2013, James B. Comey was
sworn in as the seventh Director of the FBI
FBI Priorities :
FBI Priorities :
U.S Corruption Cases
Thomas F. Johnson (D-
MD) In 1962, he was
indicted on charges of
members of Maryland's
S&L industry bribing him
and lost his seat. Later
was convicted of
conspiracy and conflict of
interest in 1968, served 3
1 2 months of a 6-month
sentence and was fined

U.S Corruption Cases
David Durenberger
Senator (R-MN)
denounced by Senate for
unethical financial
transactions and then
disbarred (1990). He pled
guilty to misuse of public
funds and given one year
probation (1995)

U.S Corruption Cases
Darleen A. Druyun was Principal
Deputy Undersecretary of the Air
Force nominated by George W.
Bush. She pled guilty to inflating
the price of contracts to favor her
future employer, Boeing. In
October 2004, she was sentenced
to nine months in jail for corruption,
fined $5,000, given three years of
supervised release and 150 hours
of community service. She began
her prison term on January 5,
2005. CBS News called it "the
biggest Pentagon scandal in 20
years" and said that she pleaded
guilty to a felony.
U.S Corruption Cases
Disgraced former
congressman Randy
Cunningham (R-CA)
pleaded guilty on
November 28, 2005, to
charges of conspiracy to
commit bribery, mail
fraud, wire fraud and tax
evasion in what came to
be called the Cunningham
scandal. Sentenced to
over eight years.

U.S Corruption Cases
Felipe Sixto was appointed by President
George W. Bush to be his Special
Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs as
well as Duty Director at the Office of Public
Liaison. He resigned a few weeks later on
March 20, 2008 because of his misuse of
grant money from the US Agency for
International Development when he had
worked for the Center for a Free Cuba. He
was sentenced to 30 months in prison for
stealing almost $600,000 for personal use.

U.S Corruption Cases
G. Thomas Porteous
Federal Judge for Eastern
Louisiana was unanimously
impeached by the US
House of Representatives
on charges of bribery and
perjury in March 2010. He
was convicted by the US
Senate and removed from
U.S Corruption Cases
Rick Renzi (R-AZ) on June 12,
2013 was found guilty of 17
counts against him, which
included wire fraud, conspiracy,
extortion, racketeering, money
laundering and making false
statements to insurance
regulators. He was later
sentenced to three years in prison
after conviction on federal
corruption charges of extortion,
bribery, insurance fraud, money
laundering and racketeering
related to a 2005 money-
laundering scheme that netted the
Flagstaff Republican more than

Skandal Suap Lockheed
Skandal Watergate
Skandal Enron

Skandal Suap Lockheed

Lockheed adalah produsen pesawat terbang Amerika
Presiden Lockheed : Carl Kotchian (1967-1975)
Pada tahun 1970-an terjadi kasus penyuapan sebesar
$202 juta di 15 negara dalam rangka memasarkan
pesawatnya, antara lain :
1. Italia (C-130 Hercules)
Presiden Giovanni Leone
Perdana Menteri Aldo Moro & Mariano Rumor
2. Belanda (F-101 Starfighter, $1,1 juta)
Pangeran Bernard (Suami Ratu Yuliana)
3. Jepang (L-1011 TriStar, $12,5 juta)
Perdana Menteri Kakuei Tanaka
Skandal Suap Lockheed Lanjutan
Setelah kasus ini dilaporkan dilaporkan
dalam pers internasional dan diperiksa
oleh Departemen Kehakiman:
Carl Kotchian mengundurkan diri
menurut sebuah laporan, antara 1974
dan 1976 sekurang-kurangnya 435
perusahaan Amerika diketahui terlibat
dalam pembayaran tidak reguler kepada
pejabat-pejabat atau partai-partai
politik di luar negeri
DPR Amerika Serikat merancang
undang-undang Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act

Skandal Watergate
17 Juni 1972: Kantor Partai Demokrat di
kompleks Watergate dimasuki orang
11 Nov 1972: Nixon terpilih lagi
30 Jan 1973: Tujuh orang divonis
bersalah dalam insiden memasuki
kompleks Watergate

Skandal Watergate Lanjutan
18 Mei 1973: Senat
memulai dengar pendapat
mengenai skandal itu yang
ditanyangkan di televisi
17 Nov 1973: Nixon
menyatakan, 'Saya bukan
seorang pecundang
27 Juli 1974: Konggres
meng-impeach Nixon
8 Agustus 1974: Presiden
Nixon mengundurkan diri

Skandal Enron
Enron Corporation adalah sebuah
perusahaan energi Amerika yang
berbasis di Houston, Texas,
Amerika Serikat.
Bergerak di bidang listrik, gas
alam, bubur kertas dan kertas,
dan komunikasi
Enron mengaku penghasilannya
pada tahun 2000 berjumlah $101
Sebelum bangkrutnya pada akhir 2001, Enron mempekerjakan
sekitar 21.000
Selama tujuh tahun terakhir, Enron melebih-lebihkan laba
bersih dan menutup-tutupi utang mereka. Auditor
independen, Andersen (yang dahulu dikenal sebagai Arthur
Andersen), dituding ikut berperan dalam "menyusun"
pembukuan kreatif Enron
Skandal Enron Lanjutan
Harga saham Enron melonjak menjadi 90 dolar AS pada bulan Februari 2001.
September 2001, pemerintah AS mulai mencium adanya ketidakberesan dalam
laporan pembukuan Enron
Oktober 2001, Enron mengumumkan kerugian sebesar 600 juta dolar AS dan nilai
aset Enron menyusut 1,2 triliun dolar AS
Operasinya di Eropa
kebangkrutan pada 30
November 2001
2 Desember 2001, Enron
menyatakan dirinya
bangkrut, harga saham
Enron hanya 26 sen

Amerika Serikat tidak memiliki undang-
undang dan lembaga pemberantasan
korupsi secara khusus seperti di
Tindak pidana korupsi termasuk di ranah
hukum pidana dalam delik penyuapan,
penyalahgunaan wewenang dan

Penyidikan dan penyelidikan tindak pidana
korupsi dilakukan oleh FBI
Jika terbukti bersalah dilakukan
penuntutan oleh kehakiman.
Terdapat lembaga pengawas etika pejabat
publik dan Dewan Inspektur Jenderal
untuk Integritas dan Efisiensi.

Thank You
Jangan lupa
besok nyoblos!!!

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