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Chapter 3

This chapter tackled about:
1. What is personality
2. Aspects of personality
3. How far can personality be acquired
4. Personality factors related to job production and turn
5. The Filipino Values and Personality
6. Personality for business
7. Mature personality
8. How Personality can be improved
9. Suggestions for personality development
10. Reasons for developing personality

Personality is commonly associated
with the individuals physical
appearance which is synonymous to
external beauty or attractiveness.
It is more than charm, poise, or
physical appearance.
Refers to the whole individual.
PERSONALITY also define
the over all pattern, or the integration of
his structures, modes of behavior,
interests, attitudes, intellectual
abilities, aptitudes, and many other
distinguishable personality traits.
Psychologists are also interested in the
inner personality consisting of the
so-called depth factors. These

These personality traits are referred to
as unconscious
Fears and anxieties
Concept relating to self
Desires and Aspiration

Psychoanalysts study the depth
of personality through free
association and analysis of
The causes which lie within and those which
take effect from without the individual. What one
is, depends not only upon what one has inherited
but also upon the influence of the environment in
part: the house, the school, the church, the club,
the neighborhood, the state and nation to which
one belongs.
This contributes to produce ones personal
Rewards and penalties
Praise and blames

Personality in some degree depends upon
the nervous system, the inherited
complexity and plasticity of which
determines sensation, perception,
memory, imagination and associative

Padilla(1969) has classified the
personality traits into the following
1. The Physical Aspect
- This aspect has a lot of to do with personality. It
has 4 kinds of personality based on physique
illustrated by Krestchmer
(1)The athletic type- the person is tall and
(2)The asthenic type- the person is tall and
thin, highly idealistic, unsociable,and
deep thinker; he is the introvert type.
(3)The pyknic typ- the person is short and
fa, happy-go-lucky, adaptable, alternates
between moods of elation and
depression but will be predominantly
(4)The dysplastic type- this is the non-
classified type.
2. The Mental Aspect
How the person talks, the range of
ideas he expresses, and the things he
talks about, as well as his values and
mental alertness give evidence of his
intellectual capacity.
It depends upon the intelligence of the
individual; the better the education,
the better the personality.
3. The Emotional Aspect
A persons emotional make up is shown
by his likes and dislikes.
4. The Social Aspects
It is how well a person conducts himself
with other people and how well he
observes the rules of etiquette that
govern society. Sociable,
approachable, and friendly men and
women know how to get along with
both friends and foes.
5. The Spiritual Aspects
This is the consciousness of the higher
values in life. Religion expresses
spiritual values. It includes the
persons faith, beliefs, philosophy and
the like.
6. The Moral Aspects
This has to do with a persons
awareness of the difference between
what is wrong or right, his positive or
negative adherence to the dos and
donts of the society.
Environment may be bring out some of
the best and some of the worst in
personality, depending upon the
relation between the inherited traits
and the social stimuli. If most of the
wishes and urges of an individual are
continually repressed, his personality
may become abnormal, rebellios and
Barton and catell (1971) found that
personality factors and specific work
attitudes determine whether a
person will be promoted, not
promoted, or leave the job.
Three hundred and nine high school
seniors were tested on Catells
Sixteen Personality Factor
Questionnaire in 1965 and again 5
years later, in 1970, after leaving
school for employment . Analyses
examined (a) possible selective
personality factors associated with
job promotion or job change, and (b)
changes in personality related to job
promotion or job change.

It is generally accepted that highly generalized
value and attitude system form deeper levels of
personality content. Values affect business and the
management of organizations. One might ask the
following questions: why do Filipinos behave and
continue to behave the way they do? What forces
contributed to the development of the unique
personality of the Filipinos?
The term value is defined as anything good,
important, and desirable in life. It can be
illustrated in the way it is seen at work in ones
Philippine cultural values and attitudes may be
explained in terms of aims and goals. Father
Lynch (1964) describe the aims to be at work in
the observed bahavior in the lowland Filipino.
These findings are corroborated by Father
Bulataos classification of values, namely:
emotional closeness and security in a family;
approval by the authority and social betterment;
and patience and suffering and endurance. In
another work, he characterizes the Filipino as
personalistic, authoritarian, and small- group
One of the most frequently observed patterns of
Filipino behavior which is highly desirable to him,
is the ability to accept ones fellow for what one is,
thinks ones station. Complimenting this cultural
theme, as he calls it, are two other intermediate
values- smoothness of interpersonal relations
(SIR) and sensitivity to personal affront (self-
esteem) or often called amor propio.
To the Filipinos, this is what SIR implies: the
facility at getting along with others in such a way
as to avoid outward signs of conflict: sour looks,
harsh words, open disagreement, or physical
Personality, the most distinctive feature of any
individual, is one of the major qualifications in
applying for the a job. Although personality shows
itself even when there are no people around to
impress, we shall discuss personality on terms of
external impressions, which recognized easily.
This is bound to be true, since a persons
appearance may represent what he wishes he
were like, not what he actually is. In addition, most
personality characters are specific, not
generalized. For example, the traits of accuracy,
punctually, cleanliness, and so on are highly
Facial appearance for some is a minor part
of personality. The Laird (1961) believe that
it becomes a major item when the
appearance is either unusually attractive or
unusually homely.
In using cosmeties, Carney stresses that
too much rouge will make a girl look older,
older, and cheap. While lipstick is
indispensable, mascara and eye shadow
are considered out of place in the daytime.
Ones personality is considered effective
when a persons behavior manifests
successful adjustment to a given area if his
The key to a good personality is the ability
to adjust equally well to various types of life
situations, to make those responses which
result in the greatest satisfaction of both
oneself and ones associates. The person
who has learned to conduct himself
positively in all the important areas of his
life has developed an effective personality.
Peale (1986) points out that a mature personality is
that which takes into account the elements of
physicality, morality, and spirituality in balanced
combinations. One has to work hard to gain it.
Physical or outward appearance, however great or
fantastic, does not imply mature personality.
One may put it as an individuals pattern of habits,
attitudes and traits as well as of adjustment that
determines the maintenance of his self-respect in
relation to his environment. One must have reached
the full development of all its aspects- physical,
biological, emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and
In business, mature personality is a requisite.
Behavioral scientists generally agree that the
following are the identifying marks of a mature
1. A mature person accepts responsibilities; he
does not shrink from duties.
2. He accepts an unpleasant task, considering it as
a normal or ordinary experience which shapes
his life.
3. He does not nurse grudges. Instead, he tries to
understand others and does not insist on being
understood by them.
4. He is amiable and enjoys the company of many
different persons. He tries to remember every
person not by his imperfections but by the
desirable qualities he finds in him. Thus his
friendship is long lasting.

5. He does not expect his fellowmen to be perfect since he knows that
everyone is subject to human frailties.
6. A mature individual has lots of patience and perseverance towards work
since he is aware of the fact that it requires time before he can profit from them.
7. He can accept, even enlist, help, considering this not a sign of weakness but
of maturity.
8. He has tolerance. Laird et al. (1975) define tolerance as the capacity to
listen to another persons point of view and to try to understanding his values.
He allows others enjoy the expression of their opinions and beliefs.
9. He profits from constructive criticism. He takes criticism as an ordinary outlet
for improving his qualities or discarding those unpleasantness that the majority
see in him.
10. He knows that he cannot always be dependent upon his parents for support.
Earning will be his next step to be able to run his own life. A mature individual
then tends to increase his responsibility specially at the time he his own family.
11. He works with a long-range plan. Erlich (1967) expresses the view that a
person who has a mature personality is one whose work is motivated by a long-
range plan. For instance, a young married couple is said to be working with a
long-range plan if they take steps toward having their own house and save
money for the future of their children.
12. Experts are one in their view that a mature person has courage to do right
when others around him are doing wrong. He has a strong determination not to
do a thing he fully knows destroy him and others.

Improving ones effect upon others is the goal
of anybody. Since no two individuals are
exactly alike, no two people can be improved
by exactly the same plan.
If you really wish to improve your personality,
you need to develop your know-how in such
areas as: manner of speaking, understanding
of other people, their attitudes and beliefs.
Improving your personality in a sincere and
lasting way will be much work but will be fun
too, because it centers your attention upon
people, yourself and others.
Some of Dr. Roy Beuthers suggestions to improve
personality follow:
1. Be conscious of the other person. Talk about the
subject that interest him, and will regard you as a
person with an interesting personality.
2. Assume that people like you. If you show that you
want people to talk to you, they will respond
3. Admit your defects.
4. Admire your friends.
5. Associate with people who are successful and
happy. Seek the company of others who can give
you new points of view and thoughts, new hopes
and new life.
6. Attend social gatherings.
7. Change your environment occasionally.
Take a vacation and rest in a new place.
Change your home and house atmosphere
whenever you can.
If we can follow the above, personality can
be improved.
personality is good if it makes you happy
and makes your associates happy too; if
you are likeable; if you are successful in
most of your undertakings; if your emotions
are pleasant for you as well as for others.
The development of our personality is our great
responsibility. Some reasons why there is a need
for developing personality are:
1. For social acceptance,
2. For self-satisfaction,
3. For self-confidence, and
4. To keep ourselves on the job.
1. The Filipino reacts strongly to social acceptance. It
is the third need in the Filipino hierarchy of needs,
that is, the desire to be taken by his fellows for
what they believe him to be and treated in
accordance with his status.
2. Another important reason for developing
personality is for self-satisfaction. We feel not only
comfortable but also happy when we have a good
3. An important consequence of a well-develop
personality is self-confidence. When we are aware
that we have a pleasing personality, we have the
confidence to face anybody.
4. Of much significance as to why we have to develop
our personality is to keep ourselves on the job.
Personality has a great deal to do with holding a

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