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Chapter 1(1) Introduction

What is pathophysiology?

A subject to explore the rule of origin and

evolution of disease processes and the

fundamental mechanisms.

Difference from Physiology

Also named:


Physiology of Disease

Physiology of Disordered Function

Difference from Pathology

Pathology emphasizes the structural changes

Pathophysiology focuses on the functional

and metabolic alterations and

the mechanisms

The Methodologies Used in Pathophysiology

Traditionally, limited in systemic or organic


Now, more methods

Why is Pathophysiology Important?

As a bridge not between the basic science
and diseases but various basic sciences .
Enabling the students, clinicians and other
practitioners to understand why and how
diseases develop and various
clinical manifestations appear,
and what are the fundamental

How the Teaching of Pathophysiology

is Arranged?


Fundamental pathological processes

Organic pathophysiology

Cellular and molecular pathophysiology

Major Points in Learning Pathophysiology

The general concepts

The etiology and pathogenesis

The alterations in metabolism and functions

The principles for the prevention and therapies

How to Learn Pathophysiology?

Grasp the major points

Use dialectical thinking and methods

Selectively review related knowledge

learned previously

Pay attention to experimental courses

Pay attention to clinical practices

Conspectus of

Concept of Disease
Disease is referred as aberrant manifestation
of deregulated homeostasis caused by
harmful agents.
The development of a disease is definitely a
pathologic process with a characteristic set of
signs and symptoms involved in the whole
body or any of its parts.

Concept of Health

Health is the state of the organism when it functions

optimally without evidence of disease.

The definition of health from WHO:

Health indicates not only without any
evidence of disease, but also a state of
complete well-being physically,
psychologically and socially.

Etiology of disease

Etiology is used to study the causative agents

including microorganisms, environmental,
social factors and personal habits as
contributing factors that causes disease.

Answer the question why

disease happens.

Etiological factors
Extrinsic Factors

Biological agents

Chemical agents

Physical agents

Nutritional imbalance

Etiological factors
Intrinsic Factors

Genetic factors

Congenital factors

Immunological factors

Psychological factors

Predisposing factors

Genetic constitution

Physiological diathesis

Psychological characteristics

Precipitating Factors

Natural conditions

Physical condition

Social condition

Pathogenesis of disease

Disruption of homeostasis

Process of damage and anti-damage

Reversal role of cause and result

Correlation between systemic and local


Outcome of disease




Brain Death (WHO criteria )

Cessation of spontaneous respiration

Irreversible coma

Absence of cephalic reflexes and dilated pupils

Absence of any electrical activity of the brain

Absence of brain blood flow


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