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Effective Presentations Skills

Causes of the Anxiety

Fear of the Unknown OR Loss of

Fight or Flight Mode
No Backup Plan
No Enthusiasm For Subject
Focus of Attention

Speech Vs. Presentation

Speech is intended to celebrate an
occasion, or to felicitate a person,
inaugurate, or welcome or bid farewell.
Whereas Presentation raises a particular
issue for discussion.

What is a Speech?
A speech is a public discourse: an
address, delivered in formal
Speeches are part of an occasion-heard
at weddings, funerals, inaugurations,
dedications, commencements, graduations
Speeches are written out word for
word; presentations are not.
Speeches are read; presentations are

What is a Presentation?
A descriptive or persuasive account
The length of the presentation is
Something set forth to an audience for
the attention of the mind
producing a desired result

A presentation is generally the best

vehicle for conveying specific, detailed
information. A speech is more
appropriate for striking larger themes
and conveying emotion


A presentation typically employs
visual aids to convey data; a speech
relies on words alone(no slide
support) to create feeling and
imagery in the minds of the listeners.
A presentation is interactive with the
use of slideware (PowerPoint, slides,
video, white board) Whereas with a
speech, you will most likely stand at
a lectern, there is much more
freedom with a presentation as far as
body movement is concerned.


Visual aids are illustrations in tabular,
graphic, schematic or pictorial form.
Any pictorial representation other
than text(words) used to convey
meaningful information to an
audience. Visual aids communicate
quantitative information effectively.
Emphasize important materials of
presentations or reports They reduce
lengthy verbal descriptions and
emphasize key points.

Clarify, Simplify, Emphasize, Summarize,
Reinforce, Attract, Impress,
Unify. Support and clarify textual
descriptions through graphics, diagrams
They condense data into manageable
Help communicate the subject matter
clearly. Information that is tabulated is
clear, easy to read . It makes comparison
Make number relationships and ratios
easy to understand.

Commonly used visual aids

Tables, Bar charts, Line charts,
Pie-charts, Maps, Flow charts,
Floor plans, photographs, diagrams, cartoons,
blueprints and list of various sorts may be included
in reports.
Software of graphs, drawings and other complex
visuals are available. These sophisticated graphics
are being used increasingly for internal reports

Oral Presentation

Speech based means of

communicating information, ideas,
arguments to a group in order to
inform or persuade them.
Its the formal, structured &
systematic presentation of a
message to an audience and it
involves conveying information in
a limited time.

Forms of Oral Presentation

Mandatory(Request by Mgmt, sales,
customers, Explanation, Status Update)
Discretionary(Elective presentation to
peers/ staff)
Seminars, Workshops, Product Launch
Industry Conference, Press Conference
Departmental presentation
Company profile presentation

Forms of Presentation

Persuasive to bring the audience to

your point of view,
Explanatory to familiarise your
audience with a topic,
Instructional teaches something to
your audience, in detail,
Briefing updates audience on a
matter they are already familiar with

Nature of Presentation

Interactive: Involves speaker &

Listener. It is a participative two-way
communication process.
Formal: Its formal & structured
presentation of a message using visual
Purposeful/Goal-oriented: Seeks
certain objective
Audience-Oriented: Topic is dealt with
from the listeners perspective.
Flexible/Changing: For desired change

Planning and Organizing the

1. Analyzing the Audience
2. Analyzing the Situation
3. Developing the Central Idea
4. Collating Support Material
(Audio and Visual Aids)
5.Organizing the Presentation

Organizing Your

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To inform/to persuade/to commemorate,

II. Thesis Statement( Specific purpose)
III. Establish credibility and relate topic to audience:
IV. Preview Statement: Overview of the main points:
V. Transition:
I. Main Point: (A declarative sentence about the first main
idea for your topic)

Subordinate points A, B, C.

Supporting Points Support (e.g., example, statistic, visual,

testimonial, Specific details, explanations or descriptions of

Organizing your presentation

Three-Part Organization
Tell them what you are going to say
Tell them

Tell them what you said


Importance of Presentation
Main Purpose
onstrate/Entertain/Show &

Oral Presentation is a tool

of Professional & Business

Importance of Presentation

Industry (Way of Life)

Training, Project Reports, Reports to
Contributes to Professional Success
Project presentation/ Product Launch/
Sales Plan/Procure deals
Establishes Credibility, Experience &
Lobby for Resources Present Proposals
Team Management Motivate Teams or
Explain Performance Trends.

Academia (Crucial to
Conferences, Seminars,
Teaching classes
Recruitment is made on
basis of a Selection Process
involving oral presentation.

The purpose of presentations

1-Convey something you want the audience to
2-Tailor information to meet the needs of a
particular audience
3-Provide a forum for discussion of
controversial or challenging idea
4-Find out how people are reacting to a
situation or an idea
5-gain commitment and alignment
6-provide a call to action


o To inform
o To persuade
o To build goodwill


Explaining & Reporting: Reporting in shareholders

meetings, executive briefings, or oral sales reports.
The explanatory presentation provides information
about products and procedures, rules and
regulations, operations, and other nitty-gritty data.
Informational presentations include talks, seminars,
proposals, workshops, conferences, and meetings
the presenter or presenters share their expertise,
and information is exchanged. In a business format,
it might be a supervisor explaining new forms,
products, regulations, or filing procedures to
employees. During the sales process, the sales
person may provide information on the product or
service to a prospective customer. In a retail
situation, newly hired sales clerks may attend a
presentation on selling techniques or loss
prevention. And in an educational setting, an
informative presentation may report on changes in
the reading curriculum

These are the presentations in which you
attempt to convince the audience to buy
your product or service, to support your
goals or concepts, or to change their
minds or attitudes. Persuasive
presentations, which are sometimes called
transactional, are often motivational.


A supervisor may make a presentation on

teamwork in order to motivate employees to
support new cooperative efforts within the
company structure. It may be a situation in
which the board is asking the shareholders to
support changes in the way dividends are
distributed. It could be that the distribution
arm of an organization is making suggestions
about packaging changes that would reduce
shipping costs. Or perhaps the marketing
department is trying to sell top management
on a new promotional campaign.

Multi purpose Presentation

A presentation to employees may be

announced as an informative session on
new regulations, but in fact may also be
an all out effort to persuade workers to
buy into the new rules.
the informative presentation that reports
the status of a sports sponsorship public
relations program may be an attempt to
persuade the powers that be to increase
the funding for the project.

Sales Presentations

Probably the single largest category of
presentations is the sales scenario.
Though throughout life we are "selling"
ourselves to teachers, prospective mates,
neighbors, or colleagues, in the business
world, we are most often selling our
products, services, or ideas.

Training Presentations

In training sessions, presenters teach

participants a variety of skills. Topics
might include:
o Sales techniques
o How to deal with diversity in the
o Time management and stress reduction
o Team building
o Negotiation or leadership
o Meetings management

Political Arena

Presentations in the political arena are primarily

grouped in the persuasive category. But to be
effective, they must include lots of information
and also build goodwill.
Bill Clinton is famous for his comfy, personalized
presentations featuring real people with real-life
stories to tell. , political presentations take on
gigantic proportions. Most politicians running in
major market races call on professional political
consultants to manage their public (and private, in
many cases) appearances so that they present the
right image for each audience, deliver the right
message in the right context and format, and
develop the right rapport with each audience


Often in the realm of public relations and

marketing professionals, an image-building
presentation represents an effort to position a
company, an organization, or an individual as a
leader in an industry or field, as an expert on a
certain subject, as a good-guy, or as a good
neighbor. In the end, however, most imagebuilding work is tied to some kind of sales effort-whether it's selling a product, a service, a person,
or a concept. And image-building presentations
will frequently be used as launching pads for
extensive public relations publicity efforts.
A chemical company may ask one of its scientists
to make a presentation to a high school chemistry
class on the positive role chemicals play in our

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