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July 26 2014

Describe the picture

Change- the act, process, or result of
altering or modifying.
ex. A change in the provision of health
care system.
Breakthrough- a significant or sudden
advance, development
n is a chronic challenge in mature industrial

Advances- the process of moving or

going forward.
ex. An advance in genetic
ex. They funded research and

invention- something that is

ex. The phonograph, an
invention attributed to Thomas Edis
revolution- a cycle of successive
events or change.
ex. A revolution in medical field.

Transformation- a change as in appearance

or character usually for the better.
ex. A transformation of a substance
produced by the action of the heat.
Innovations- a creation ( a new device or
process) resulting from study and experime
ex. The new system in the school laboratory
was a welcome innovation.

Evolution- any process of formation

or growth; development.
ex. The evolution in science.
Initiative- an introductory act or
step; leading action.
ex. He took the initiative; a
peace initiative.

Work in groups of 2. Discuss which of
these issues you think are
controversial or sensitive matters for
you and for the general public.
Face transplant
Genetic manipulation

Evaluating change

alarming detrimental indefensible persuasive beneficial harmful invaluable convenient hazardous obje

1. A synonym of the
work dangerous
2. To do with being
advantageous _______
3. A synonym for
convincing ______
4. To do with causing
harm _______
5. To do with having
great worth _____

6. To do with being easy

to use at any time ___
7. A synonym for
frightening ____
8. To do with not being
able to support
something _____
9. A synonym for
damaging _____
10.To do with distasteful

Extract 1
1. What is the importance of a stem
cell transplant?
2. What does it require for a stem cell
transplant treatment?
3. How does stem cell transplant help
patients undergoing chemotherapy?

Extract 2
1. Why is it important for scientists to
understand the signals in a mature o
rganism that cause a stem cell popul
ation to proliferate and remain unspe
cialized until the cells are needed for
repair of a specific tissue?

Negative Questions

We often use negative questions to

avoid being overly direct when
making a demand or criticism
The choice of a negative question
can suggest that the speaker has exp
ectations and wants to avoid a direct
yes or no response.
Ex. Isnt the consultant going to be talking
to my daughter? -more polite than Is the
consultant going to talk to my daughter?

Activity 1
Make the following sentences into negative questions.
1. You are not English. _________
2. You worked today at 3:00. ________
3. He is eating at the moment.________
4. Remy has got a gadget. ________
5. Would you come tomorrow? _________
6. Ana was experimenting yesterday. ______
7. They will pass the exam. __________
8. Paul is French._______
9. We went to the beach yesterday. _________
10.The name of Alis dog is Pepito. _________

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