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Cycling and Sprinting


Present by
Mr.Araya Thimlamom 56910124
Exercises and Sports Psychology


Cycling has been the subject of

discussion in many of the published sci
entific reviews.
Research in cycling has generally
concentrated either on a set of particu
lar and practically
relevant problems such as enhancing
During uphill cycling, riders need to
overcome gravity, which increases the
demands for mechanical power.


The majority of studies focusing on

determinants of cycling performance h
ave been performed under laboratory
In these conditions, the effect of
different training programs, pacing str
ategy, pedaling cadence (PC), position
on the bicycle, pedaling technique are
evaluated in standardized procedures.


Sprint is viewed as a track event

executed at a short distance, which inv
olves running in full speed and with ma
ximum strength. It demands fast reacti
on time, high movement speed and ex
plosive strength.
Therefore the body types of
sprinters are different from those of th
eir counterparts in other events. They
exhibit much larger muscle mass and a
re more capable of high speed and rapi


The aim of study conducted of

biomechanics for cycling and sprinting


-Subject : Nine male cyclists

-age: 24.9 1.3 years
-height: 1.76 0.05 m
-body mass: 69.8 6.1 kg
-VO2max: 68.2 2.5 mLmin1kg1
And all subject had well trained for
completitive and were informed of all
testing procedures, protocols, risks, b
enefits, and time commitment before
participating and voluntarily provided
informed, written consent.



-Test Protocols
Three days test, On the first test
day, subjects performed a continuous
incremental test on the Monark ergom
eter to determine maximal oxygen up
take (VO2max),ventilatory threshold (VT
) and peak power output.
The two other test sessions in the
laboratory and in the field were perfor
med in a randomized order.


-Test Protocols(Con.)
On the first test day, 4 min baseline
at 90 W, after which, the power output
was increased by 30 W every minute u
ntil voluntary exhaustion or when the
subjects were no longer able to mainta
in 5 rpm of the required PC (90 rpm)


-Test Protocols(Con.)
The value for VO2max was defined as
the highest VO2 averaged over 30s thro
ughout the test. Peak power output wa
s determined as the highest power out
put that was maintained
for at least 30s during the incremental


-Test Protocols(Con.)
The VT was identified by visual
inspection by two researchers from the
breakpoints of the ventilatory equivale
nt for oxygen(VEVO21) and for carbon
dioxide (VEVCO21) plotted
against VO2


-Measured and Calculated Variables

Crank inertial load(CIL) the CIL
(kgm2) was calculated following the m
ethods of Hansen et al. (2002a, 2002b)
. In the laboratory condition, the CIL w
as computed from the methods previo
usly used.


-Measured and Calculated

Gross efficiency (GE, %)defined as
the ratio of the power output (W) to th
e metabolic power (total energy expen
ded according to the time) (W)was c
alculated for each cycling condition.


-Measured and Calculated

GE was calculated from measures
of metabolic power, VO2 (Lmin1),

VCO2 (Lmin1), and power output

during steady state conditions of each t
The metabolic power was
determined as described in Faria et al.,
(2005) from Brouwers equation.


-Measured and Calculated

GE (%) was determined using the
GE = (power output/metabolic power)
The cycling economy (CE, WLO2
min1) was defined as the ratio of the
power output (W) to the oxygen consu


-Statistics Analyze
To analyze the differences between
the experimental conditions, intrasubje
comparisons were performed using a
two-way ANOVA(pedaling condition; fiel
d vs. Axiom stationary ergometer, and
slope; level vs. uphill) on the GE, CE, ox
ygen consumption, preferred PC and p
ower output.


-Main Abbreviations Used

CIL: Crank inertial load (kgm2)
LL: Level terrain at low pedaling cadence
LP: Level terrain at preferred pedaling cadence
LH: Level terrain at high pedaling cadence
UL: Uphill terrain at low pedaling cadence
UP: Uphill terrain at preferred pedaling cadence
UH: Uphill terrain at high pedaling cadence
PC: Pedaling cadence (rpm)
VT: Ventilatory threshold
VO2: Oxygen consumption
VCO2: Carbon dioxide rejection
RER: Respiratory exchange ratio




Twenty-three 100 m sprinters aged
18-25 years were randomly selected
after participation in the All India Inter
-Varsity Athletic Meet held at Tata Co
mplex,Jamshedpur, India. Only first la
ne sprinters on synthetic track were r


The range of the body weight was
49-75 kg and height 156-185 cm resp
ectively. Subjects had no lower extre
mity injuries during competition at the
time of video recording. In order to m
aintain homogeneity, only left-foot str
ong sprinters were selected for the stu
All subjects wore complete
competitive sports kit as per competiti


The subjects sprint motion was
recorded using two Synchronised Pan
asonic F15 S-VHS video cameras in th
e field setting.


The first camera was positioned on a field are

a 18 m on the side from the first lane of the t
rack and 45m from the starting line of the 10
0m sprint. For measuring stride length (SL), s
houlder flexion (SF), shoulder extension (SE),
shoulder rotation (SR), knee flexion (KF), kne
e extension (KE), knee angle at landing (KAL),
hip flexion (HF), hip extension (HE), ankle an
gle at take-off (AATO) and ankle angle at land
ing (AAL), the camera optical axis was set at
an angle perpendicular to the sagital plane.


The second camera was positioned
behind the starting line of the 100m
sprint. The camera optical axis was pe
rpendicular to the frontal plane which
measured the rear foot angle (RFA) an
d leg angle at take off (LATO) and leg
angle at landing (LAL), heel angle at t
akeoff (HATO), heel angle at landing (
HAL) and step width (SW).





-Statistical analysis
One-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) technique and critical differe
nce (CD)
were used to determine the
significance of selected kinematic vari
ables (segmental angle) of competitiv
e sprinting.






The results reflected in Table 2 indicate that selected kinematic

variable on running style is highly significant as indicated by the calc
ulated F-ratio value of F=922.17 at 5% level of significance. Further i
nvestigation was done to calculate the critical difference = 5.35 in or
der to find out the level of significance that exists between kinematic
variables of the competitive sprinters running style.




These results suggest that the GE

and the CE were affected by the labor
atory conditions in Axiom stationary e
Our results suggest that with the
same VO2 consumption used in the la
the cyclist could generate higher
power output (close to 10%) in the fie
ld compared with the Axiom stationar
y ergometer conditions.

The results of the study show that the
kinematic variables i.e. knee angle, hip a
ngle, ankle angle, shoulder rotation and
extension had significant influences on s
print running style. Smaller knee angle i.
e. when the heel is closer to the hip (butt
ocks) increases shortening of the lever ar
m which permits greater speed.
Studies conducted by Andrew et al.
(2004) also suggested that the increase i
n flexion of the knee improves running.


In conclusion, our results suggest that

the CE, GE, and preferred PC were diffe
rent in the laboratory conditions on the
Axiom stationary ergometer compared
with actual road cycling conditions, not
ably for cycling uphill. Our results sugg
est that the laboratory conditions
on an Axiom stationary ergometer
could underestimate the cycling perfor
mance (power output) at submaximal i
ntensity compared with the field.


It appears very important to know

the relationships between the perform
in the laboratory and in the field. It is
probable that this relationship was rep
roducible and thus allows a valid predi
ction of performance. These results sh
ould be taken into account notably for
the training intensity prescriptions cal
culated from laboratory investigations


The kinematic variables of running

style KAL, HF, AAL, AATO, SR,
SE,HATO and stride length exemplify t
heir clear effects on sprint performanc
e. Therefore, these variables should b
e given priority while adopting a speci
running style, during skill
development and training to induce i
mprovements in
competitive sprint performance.

William M. Bertucci et al.(2012),
Gross Efficiency and Cycling Economy
Are Higher in the Field as Compared
with on an Axiom Stationary Ergomet
er, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2
8, 636-644
Naushad Waheed Ansari et al.(2012),
Kinematic analysis of competitive spri
nting, African Journal for Physical, Hea
lth Education, Recreation and Dance (
AJPHERD)(18),pp. 662-671.

Borut Fonda and Nejc arabon,
(2012), Kinesiology 44,(1),pp. 5-17

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