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Russula Emetica

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Mushrooms are fungus consisting of a numerous group of

organisms, the second in species number in the planet, after the
insects and constitute one from the five kingdoms. The mushrooms
lack chlorophylle and they are unable to compose organic
compounds. They are heterotrophic organisms and take the
essential organic compounds from live or dead organisms.
What most of us call mushroom, is the the visible part of the
organism, the carposome ,which is found above the surface of the
substrate.The body of fungus (thallus) is found in or on the
substrate. Thallus is consisted of branching trhreadlike tubes,the
mycelium hyphae, which are largely invisible to the naked eye and
they produce the carposomes.


Russula brunneoviolacea

The ways in which mushrooms conserve energy, are particularly

important for the economy of nature. Their role in the balance of the
coal circle and inorganic salts is considered indispensable. Their
participation in the split of cellulose and xylin is considered
particularly important.
Secreting the suitable ferments, the mushrooms, split the
complicated organic compounds in simple elements. If the
mushrooms and the bacteria did not exist, to decompose the leaves
that fall during autumn, forests would disappear by the piles of
leaves. Our planet would also be in danger of becoming an
immense cemetery of animals and plants.

Tremiscus Helvelloides


Theoretically, ideal conditions for most of the mushrooms to grow

are those that combine relatively high humidity in substrate and
atmosphere, with small deviations between maximun and minimal
temperatures. In Greece such climatic conditions are observed
mainly in fall. Ideal conditions for the growth of edible mushrooms
are the rainy summers.


An interesting pastime for forest lovers is the mushroom hunting, the

recording, the photographing and the identification of the species.
However the collection of the tasty edible mushrooms is the most
fascinating part of the whole process. It is also an occasion for
movement, observation and a contact with the thousands forms of
life that exist in the forest.
The collection of mushrooms is a relaxing and reviving process ,
which is also an escape from the monotonous everyday
routine.The essential equipment for a collector is a penknife and a
basket. The basket allows mushrooms to breathe and
simultaneously protects them from pulping, contrary to the plastic
bag which accelerates decay.


Ganoderma licidum

First of all we cut the mushroom in the base of the stem. The section
of the base shows if the remainder carposome is intact or if it has
been infected by insects. Secondly we cut the stem in slices
progressively, until we reach to a point where there are no holes
,something that indicates that insects did no harm. In case the
insects have harmed the entire stem and have reached the cap,
we remove the centre of the cap with a knife.
Finally if we see that the damage is extensive , we search for the
next mushroom. In every case we only keep carposomes that are
found in good condition. Fresh and with cohesive flesh.We reject
rotten, dry, dehydrated,watery, frozen and those we find cut and

The wild, mushrooms are considered ideal food and the value of
certain species has exceeded by far the price of black caviar. Apart
from their exceptional flavour and their unique scent, they lack
chemical fertilizers, hormones and pesticides.
Moreover, they are also considered a suitable slimming diet,
because they contain fibrillous substances (cellulose and
mykochitini) in important percentage 0,8- 7%), minimal fat (0,20,5%) and few sugars (1-1,5%). Generally mushrooms contain
water in big percentage (80-90% roughly), proteins (1,5- 5,5%),
metal salts and trace elements (0,5- 1,5%), vitamins and ferments.
Moreover many species of mushrooms have therapeutic attributes.


Agaricus albertii

DEADLY MUSHROOMS/ poisonous species

The most dangerous poisoning that is caused by mushrooms is falloeidiki

that offends mainly the liver. This poisoning is responsible for the biggest
percentage of deaths from mushrooms in Europe. The symptoms of
poisoning occur after 6-24 hours. Intense diarrhoea, vomiting and cold
sweat cause dehydration of the organism.
Strong abdominal pains, the intense sense of thirst and the production of
minimal quantity of urine, supplement the list of symptoms, that probably
last two days. Usually the third day they subside temporarily and come
back more intensely. Ikteros, , insufficiency of liver, damage of heart,
kidneys and central nervous system, leading to lethargies and finally, at the
fifth day, to death.
In case of poisoning we should take the victim as soon as possible in a
well equipped hospital. If other individuals ate, from the mushrooms that
caused the poisoning they should also be taken to hospital, even if the first
symptoms havent occurred yet. We should always bear in mind that the
consumption of 50 gr. of mushroom is enough to cause death.

Amanita muscaria

It is difficult to identify a safe mushroom without proper
training, thats why we should only gather the species ,
with the characteristics we know with absolute certainty.

Amanita muscaria

Amanita Muscaria

Amanita phalloides

Amanita pantherina

Hypholoma fasciculare

Amanita rubescens

Amanita Phalloides

Amanita Muscaria

Amanita pantherina

Amanita rubescens


Trametes Versicolor

Trametes Versicolor

Russula maculata

Pleurotus Ostreatus

Pleurotus ostreatus


Oudemansiella mucida

Oudemansiella mucida

Macrolepiota Procera


Lepiota rhacodes

Langermania gigantea

Lactarius deliciosus

Hygrophorus coccineus

Boletus Calopus

Boletus Edulis

Calocera viscosa

Calvatia excipuliformis

Cantharellus Cibarius


Clitocybe odora

Clytocybe geotropa


Geastrum sessile

Agaricus arvensis

Cantharellus cibarius

Boletus pinophilus

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