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3-Phase System and Power

nur diyana
qThe generation, transmission and
distribution of electric power is
accomplished by means of
three-phase circuit.
qAt the generating station, three
sinusoidal voltage have equal
magnitude and an equal 1200-
phase difference between any
two phase.
qThis is called a balanced source.
qPositive phase sequence when the
voltages reaches their peak value in
the sequential ABC
qNegative phase sequence when the
phase is order is ACB.



Positive or ABC phase Negative or ACB phase

sequence sequence
Y-Connected Load

A Y-connecter generator supplying a Y-

connected load.
Y-Connected Load (cont.)
§ Assume a positive sequence to find the
relationship between the line voltage
(line-to-line voltage) and phase voltage
(line-to-neutral voltage).
§ Line –to-neutral voltage of the phase is
chosen as a reference.

 |Vp|= magnitude of phase voltage

Y-Connected Load (cont.)

§ The line voltages at the load terminals in

terms of the phase voltage are found by
application of Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
Y-Connected Load (cont.)

§Comparison of these line-to-line voltages with the

line-to-neutral voltages of leads to the following
In balanced three-phase Y-connected system
with positive-sequence source, the line-to-line
voltage are √3 times the line-to-neutral voltages
and lead by 30°. That is;

Vab = √3Van +30°

Vbc = √3Vbn +30°

Vca = √3Vcn +30°

Y-Connected Load (cont.)
§The relationship between the line voltage
and phase voltage is shown as below:



Phasor diagram showing phase and line Voltages Triangle

Y-Connected Load (cont.)
§ RMS value of any of the line voltages is
denoted by VL, then one of the important
characteristic of the Y-connected tree-phase
load may be expressed as

§T h re e - p h a se
cu rre n t a lso p o sse ss th re e - p h a se
sym m e try a n d a re g ive n b y

Calculate the line voltage and line current of a Y-Y
∆-Connected Loads
§ A balanced ∆-connected load (with
equal phase impedances) is shown in

§Lin e vo lta g e a re th e sa m e a s p h a se
vo lta g e s.
∆-Connected Loads (cont.)
§ The phase current Iab is chosen as reference

Ip = magnitude of
phase current

§T h e re la tio n sh ip b e tw e e n p h a se a n d lin e
cu rre n ts ca n b e o b ta in e d b y a p p lyin g
K irch h o ff’ s cu rre n t la w a t th e co rn e r o f ∆ .
∆-Connected Loads (cont.)
§ The RMS of any of the line currents and
phase is denoted by IL

§T h em a g n itu d e o f lin e cu rre n t is √ 3 tim e s th e

m a g n itu d e o f th e p h a se cu rre n t, a n d th e lin e
cu rre n ts la g s o f p h a se cu rre n ts b y 3 0 °.
∆-Connected Loads (cont.)

§Therelationship between the line

currents and phase currents is showing
in phase diagram.
Three Phase example
Three Phase example(cont.)
∆ -Y Transformation
§Fo r a n a lyzin g n e tw o rk p ro b le m s, it is
co n ve n ie n t to re p la ce th e ∆ -co n n e cte d
circu it w ith a n e q u iva le n t Y- co n n e cte d
circu it.
§C o n sid e r th e Y- co n n e cte d circu it o f Z Y
Ω / phase which is equivalent to a balanced
∆ -co n n e cte d circu it o f Z ∆ Ω / phase .

∆ -connection Y-co n n e ctio n

∆ -Y Transformation ( cont .)
§Fo r ∆ - co n n e cte d circu it

(1 )

§Fro m th e p h a so r d ia g ra m , th e re la tio n sh ip
b e tw e e n b a la n ce d p h a se a n d lin e -to - lin e
vo lta g e ; (2 )
∆ -Y Transformation ( cont .)
§S u b stitu tin g e q .( 2 ) in to e q .( 1 ), w e g e t

(3 )
(4 )

§Fo r Y- co n n e cte d circu it, w e h a ve

(5 )

§S u b stitu tin g e q .( 4 ) in to e q .( 5 ), w e fin d th a t

(6 )
exa m p le

A balanced, positive-sequence, Y-
voltage source with E
ab = 480 0° volts is
to a balanced-∆ load with Z
∆ = 30 0° Ω.
The line
impedance between the source and load

Z = 1 85°Ω for each phase. Calculate
the line
current, the ∆-load currents, and the
Power in single-phase AC circuits

Instantaneous voltage

and Instantaneous current

Figure show a single-
phase sinusoidal
voltage supplying a
§The instantaneous power p(t) delivered to the
load is the product of voltage v(t) and i(t)
given by

§By using the trigonometric identity

§Which results in

§RMS value of v(t) is |V|=Vm/√2, RMS value of

i(t) is |I|=Im/√2 . Let θ=(θv – θi). The above
equation, in terms of the rms values, is reduce
§Instantaneous power has been decomposed into
two components. The first component is

§Since the average value of this sinusoidal

function is zero, the average power delivered
to the load is given by
Also called Active
power or Real power

§The second component is

§The amplitude of this pulsing power is called

reactive power
Q = |V|I| Θ = θv– θi > 0
sin θ ;Q=+ve
Θ = θv– θi < 0;
§The Power Factor (pf) is the cosine of
the phase difference between voltage and
current. It is also the cosine of the
angle of load impedance.

§The power factor may also be regarded

as the ratio of the real power
dissipated to the apparent power of the

Calculate the power factor seen by the source and the

average power supplied by the load
Characteristics of the instantaneous

Purely resistive θv– θi = 0, Pf = 1 P/S = 1, all power are

load (R) consumed

Purely reactive θv– θi = ±90o, pf P = 0, no real power

load (L or C) consumption

Resistive and θv– θi > 0 ;Q=+ve Lagging - inductive load

reactive load (R Leading - capacitive load

and L/C) θv– θi < 0; Q=-ve P/S < 1, Part of the apparent
power is consumed
Complex Power

§ For circuits operating in

sinusoidal-steady state, real and
reactive power are conveniently
calculated from complex power,
defined below.
§ Complex power S is product of
voltage and the conjugate of the

Complex Power(cont.)
§ Thus, the complex power designated by S is given

§The magnitude of S,

* its unit is volt-amperes and the larger units are

§The kVA or MVA
reactive power ,Q :
Øpositive : θ(impedance angle) between V and I
is +ve . In this case, load impedances is
inductive (I lag V).
Ønegative : θ(impedance angle) between V and I
is -ve . In this case, load impedances is
capacitive (I leadsV).

§The impedances of the complex power S is given by

Power Triangle
ØThe COMPLEX Power is represented by the POWER TRIANGLE similar to
IMPEDANCE TRIANGLE. Power triangle has four items: P, Q, S and θ.

a) Power Triangle b) Impedance Power Triangle

Complex Power(cont.)
ØThe Complex Power contains all the information pertaining to the
power absorbed by a given load.

•Real Power is the actual power dissipated by the load.

•Reactive Power is a measure of the energy exchange between source
and reactive part of the load.
Complex Power(cont.)
 Examples

Complex Power(cont.)

n method

Solution complex power (cont.)
Second method

Third method
Solution complex power (cont.)

Current phasor diagram and the complex

power vector representation.
Power Factor Correction
§ It is necessary to get PF is close to the unity. If
the PF < 1, the larger current I is supplied
and additional cost to the utility company.

§ In order to maintain the power factor close to

the unity, power companies install banks of
capacitor throughout the network as

§ A method of connecting a capacitor in parallel

with an inductive load is known as power
factor correction.

§ The effect of the capacitor is to increase the

power factor of the source that delivers
Power Factor Correction(cont.)
Increasing the
power factor
without altering
the voltage or
current to the
load is called
Power Factor
Original Inductive Load Inductive Load with improved power factor

Effect of capacitor on total Power triangle of power factor

current correction
Power Factor Correction(cont.)
ØIncreasing the power factor without altering the voltage
or current to the load is called Power Factor Correction.

Q c = Q1 – Q 2
= P (tan θ1 - tan θ2)
= ωCVrms 2

Q1 = S1 sin θ1
= P tan θ1

P = S1 cos θ1 Q2 = P tan θ2
Power Factor Correction(cont.)
Balanced Three-Phase Power(cont.)
§Consider a balanced three-phase source supplying a
balanced Y-or ∆-connected load with the following
instantaneous voltage and current .

Balanced Three-Phase Power(cont.)

§So the real power of the three-phase is

§Three-phase reactive power is

§The complex three-phase power is

Balanced Three-Phase Power(cont.)
A three-phase line has an impedance of 2 + j4Ω as shown
in figure below

The line feeds two balanced three-phase loads that are

connected in parallel. The first load is Y-connected and has
an impedance of 30 + j40Ω per phase. The second load is ∆-
connected and has impedance of 60-j45Ω. The lines is
energized at the sending end from a three-phase balanced
supply of line voltage 207.85V. Taking the phase voltage Va
as reference, determine:
Balanced Three-Phase Power(cont.)

a)The current, real power, and reactive power drawn from the

b) The line voltage at the combined loads.

c) The current per phase in each load.

d) The total real and reactive powers in each load and

the line.
Unbalanced Three Phase Systems
ØAn unbalanced system is due to unbalanced voltage sources or
unbalanced load.
In a unbalanced system the neutral current is NOT zero.

Unbalanced three phase Y connected load.

Line currents DO NOT add up to

In= -(Ia+ Ib+ Ic) ≠ 0

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