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By : Elis Hartati


A social unit created by blood,
marriage, or adoption
as nuclear (parents and children)
or extended (encompassing other

Changes in the Fam ily

Decline in household size
Delayed marriage an decline in

marriage rate
Higher divorce rate
Charging gender norms
Increase in family heterogeneity

D efi
Depend on the theoretical orientation :
The family as an arena of interaction
As a small open social system
composed of a set of highly
interdependent part and affected by
both internal structure and external

D efi
Based on traditionally oriented (Smith 1995):

The family is composed of persons joined

together by bonds of marriage,blood, or
adoption and residing in the same household
Whall (1986) : family as a self identified group
of two or more individuals whose association
is characterized by special terms who may
or may not be related by blood lines or low,
but who function in such a way they consider
themselves to be family

D efi
Fine and Demo (2000) : a family as

characterized by birth, marriage, adoption,

or choice
Friedman (2003) : family is two or more
persons who are joined together by bonds
of sharing and emotional closeness amd
two identify themselves as being part of the
Perry dan Potter (2005), Family is a unit
consisted of father, mother, and
childrenchildren role based on sex

D efi
UU no.10 tahun 1992 tentang

perkembangan kependudukan dan

pembangunan keluarga sejahtera.
Keluarga adalah unit terkecil dari
masyarakat yang terdiri dari suami istri,
atau suami-istri dan anaknya, atau ayah
dan anaknya, atau ibu dan anaknya.
PP No. 21 tahun 1994 bahwa keluarga
dibentuk berdasarkan atas perkawinan
yang sah

Type offam ily

Traditional Family :
1. Nuclear family : one parent working
2. Nuclear family : duel career
3. Nuclear dyad
4. Single parent family
5. Single adult living alone
6. Three generation extended family
7. Middle age elderly couple
8. Extended kin network

Type ofFam ily

Non Traditional Family :
1. Unmarried parent and child family
2. Unmarried couple and child family
3. Cohabiting couple
4. Gay/lesbian family
5. Augmented family : composed nuclear/single
parent family with one/more unrelated persons
6. Commune family
7. Foster family : household of single or two
parents with foster children and perhaps the
parents awn children

Fam ily N ursing

Family as context
Family as sum of members
Family as subsystem as client
Family as client
Family as a component of society

Family Nursing : defining the

speciality :
Bomar,1996;Hanson,2001 : Family
health care nursing
Wright & Leahey, 2000 : Nursing of
family or family sistem nursing
Friedemann, 1995 : system-focused or
system family nursing.

Fam ily as context (Bozett,1987;Robinson,1995)

Nursing care is individually focused.

The family is athe background or

secondary focus and the individual

the foreground or primary focus
relatives to assesment and

Fam ily as sum ofm em bers

The family is seen as an acumulation

or sum of the individual family

In this tipe of family nursing practice,
the foreground is each of the clients,
seen as separate rather than
interacting units.

Fam ily as subsystem as client

Family subsystem are the focus and

and recipient of assesment and

Friedemann,1993 & Robinson,1995
refer to this model basis for
interpersonal family nursing
Nursing focus :exp : parent-child
relationships, marital interactions,
caregiving issues, and bonding

Fam ily as client

The entire family is viewed as client or as the

primary focus of assessment and care.

The family is now in the foreground, with the
individual family members in the background
or context
The family is viewed as an interactional
Focus : internal family dynamics and
relationships, family structure and function,
relationship of family subsystems with whole
and the family with outer environment

Fam ily as a com ponentofsociety (H anson,2001)

The family is visualized as one

subsystem within a larger system

as a component of society
The family seen as one of basic
societal institution, exp :educatinal,
welfare or religion institution

Fam ily N ursing :

Provision of nursing care to family
Use of the nursing process applied to the family
Working with families within a health /illness

Working with families in many settings-wherever
families are being served
Working with all forms of families
Being guided by theories an research for family
social science, family therapy and nursing
Emphasing a health orientation, a holistic and an
interactional perspective and the importance of
family strength

Fam ily N ursing G oals (leavell

et al,1995;w illiam s &
Primary prevention : health

promotion and specific prevention

Secondary prevention : early
detection, diagnosis and treatment
Tertery prevention : recovery and

Fam ily nursing theory/m odel

Conceptual Models : Newman, Orem,
Roy, King, Roger, Nightingale
Family social science theory :
developmental, system, structuralfuntional, interactional,family stress,
change theory
Family therapy: structural family
therapy theory, family system
therapy, behavioral therapy,
experiential therapy, strategic

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