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What are
Mormons ?

Mormonsare a religious and

cultural group related
toMormonism, the principal
branch of theLatter Day Saint
hristianity, which began
withJoseph Smithinupstate
New Yorkduring the 1820s.

History of

The history of the Mormons has shaped them into a

people with a strong sense of unity and
communality.From the start, Mormons have tried to
establish what they call Zion, a utopian society of the
righteous.Mormon history can be divided into three
broad time periods: the early history during the
lifetime ofJoseph Smith, a pioneer era under the
leadership ofBrigham Youngand his successors, and a
modern era beginning around the turn of the 20th
century. In the first period, Smith had tried literally to
build a city called Zion, in which converts could gather.
During the pioneer era, Zion became a landscape of
villages in Utah. In modern times, Zion is still an ideal,
though Mormons gather together in their individual
congregations rather than a central geographic

Interesting Fact

Interestingly enough, Lesbian couples usually expertise

heterosexual guys drooling over them whereas verbalizing
manage to fantasies. Now, let Pine Tree State get this
straight [no pun intended]; its OK for homosexuals or
MormonBoyzto satisfy heterosexual sex fantasies (and
entertain North American nation all told varieties of ways
that on TV and in movies) however it is not OK for them
to wed? Gay wedding aside, this feels like EXPLOITATION
to me! And also the read that sexual practice is associate
abomination isnt even relevant. Is heterosexual harlotry
associatelly less of an abomination? Never the less,
heterosexual prostitutes will wed just because theyre
heterosexual. And (heterosexual) murderers will unify
whereas still serving a life-sentence in prison! Am I setting
out to hear the words DOUBLE STANDARD? Is it even
truthful for any non secular cluster to impose their beliefs
on everybody else? particularly, if the problem at hand
could be a warfare relating to Civil Rights not faith

Mormons Religion

Mormons havea scriptural canonconsisting of

theBible(both Old and New Testaments), theBook of
Mormon, and a collection of revelations and writings by
Joseph Smith known as theDoctrine and
CovenantsandPearl of Great Price. Mormons however
have a relativelyopendefinition ofscripture. As a general
rule, anything spoken or written by aprophet, while under
inspiration, is considered to be the word of God.Thus, the
Bible, written by prophets, is the word of God, so far as it
is translated correctly. TheBook of Mormonis also
believed to have been written by ancient prophets, and is
viewed as a companion to the Bible. By this definition, the
teachings of Smiths successors are also accepted as
scripture, though they are always measured against, and
draw heavily from the scriptural canon.

Mormons believe in a friendly universe, governed by a

God whose work and glory it is to bring his children to
immortality and eternal life.Mormons have a unique
perspective on thenature of God, the origin of man, and
the purpose of life. For instance, Mormons believe in a
pre-mortal existence where people were literal spirit
children of God, and that God presented aplan of
salvationthat would allow his children to progress and
become more like him.MormonBoyzThe plan involved the
spirits receiving bodies on earth and going through trials
in order to learn, progress, and receive a fulness of
joy.the most important part of the plan involvedJesus, the
eldest of Gods children, coming to earth as the literal Son
of God, to conquer sin and death so that Gods other
children could return. According to Mormons, every person
who lives on earth will be resurrected, and nearly all of
them will be received into variouskingdoms of glory. To be
accepted into the highest kingdom.

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