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Decision Maths


A graph is just a diagram made up of dots

and lines. These are all graphs.

The dots are called nodes or vertices

(singular is vertex)
The lines are called edges or arcs

Definitions 1

An edge with the

same vertex at each
end is called a loop.

The degree or order of a vertex is the number of

edges incident on it.

Question For any graph the total of the orders of its
verticies is even, why?
A simple graph is one in which there are no loops,
and in which there is no more than one edge
connecting any pair of vertices.

Definitions 2
A walk is a sequence of

edges in which the end

of one edge (except the
last) is the beginning of
the next.

A trail is a walk in which

no edge is repeated.

Definitions 3
A path is a trail in which no vertex is repeated.

A graph is connected if there exists a path

between every pair of vertices.

Definitions 4
A cycle is a closed path if the end of the last

edge is the start of the first.

A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle which visits

every vertex once and only once.

Definitions 5
A tree is a simple connected graph with no


A tree

Not trees

Definitions 6
A Digraph (Directed Graph) is a graph in

which at least one edge has a direction

associated with it.
A complete graph is a simple graph in which

every pair of vertices is connected by an


Definitions 7
An incidence matrix is a way of representing the

number of edges between nodes in a matrix. The

graph below is represented by the matrix next to it.

Definitions 8
Two graphs are Isomorphic if one can be stretched, twisted or

otherwise distorted into the other.

Which two graphs below are Isomorphic?

If two graphs are isomorphic then the labels on them must

correspond to each other.

Definitions 9
A planar graph is one which can be drawn without

any edges crossing.

Which graph(s) below is Planar?

Draw two examples of Planar graphs.

Definitions 10
A bipartite graph is one in which the vertices

fall into two sets and in which each edge has

a vertex from one set at one end and from the
other set at its other end.

Question 1
X = { London, Oxford, Birmingham, Cambridge, Leicester}
Let X x X be the set of all possible pairs from the set X.

(there exists a road between the two towns)

(London, Oxford)
(London, Birmingham)
(London, Cambridge)
(London, Leicester)
(Oxford, London)
(Oxford, Birmingham)
(Birmingham, London)
(Birmingham, Oxford)
(Birmingham, Leicester) (Cambridge, London)
(Leicester, London)
(Leicester, Birmingham) }
Draw a graph to show the set X x X.

Question 1

Question 2
Each node represents a section of land.

And each arc is the route over the bridges.

A graph is called Eulerian or traversable if each can

be traced once and only once, without lifting pencil

from paper.
A graph is traversable if it has no odd vertices or just
two odd vertices.
Prove that the graph below is traversable.

A Network is a weighted graph, which just means

there is a number associated with each edge.

The numbers can represent distances, costs, times in

real world applications.

Obvious examples include maps and similar
geographical networks.


The Minimum Connector Problem

Basically you need to travel to every node using the least total

Consider 4 houses in a Network shown in the diagram below. The
weight on each arc represents the distance between each house.
An Electricity company

wants to supply every

house by using as little
cable as possible.
Clearly the shortest possible route is to go from A to B to C and then

to D.
So 4 + 3 + 3 = 10, there is no shorter way of supplying every house .

The previous example was a simple one and

the solution was very easy to spot.

For more complicated examples you will need
to use an algorithm.
An Algorithm is simply a list of instructions
that solve a particular problem.
(You will cover Algorithms in more depth later
on in the course)

Kruskal`s Algorithm
There are 3 steps to follow in Kruskal`s Algorithm.
Step 1 Select the shortest arc in the
Step 2

Step 3

Select the shortest arc from those
which are remaining. Ensure that
you do not create a cycle. If you do
ignore and move on to the next
shortest arc.
If all the vertices are connected then stop.
If not return to step 2.

Consider the Network


It helps to rank the arcs

in increasing order.

Applying the Algorithm

1 Start by selecting

the smallest arc, AB

or DE, it makes no
Select AB.

Applying the Algorithm

2 Now select the next

smallest, which is

Applying The Algorithm

3 Next we can select CF or

DF, again it makes no

difference. Lets pick DF.

Applying the Algorithm

Next select CF.

Applying the Algorithm

The next smallest length is EF. However there is already a route

from E to F, so this arc is not required.

Applying the Algorithm

Adding CD will again create a loop so the last arc to add is AF.

All vertices are now joined so the problem is complete.

Question Ex 3a pg 66 q1
Find the minimal spanning tree and associated

shortest distance for the network below:

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q1

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q1

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q1

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q1

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q1

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q1

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q1

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

Solution Ex 3a pg 66 q4

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