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Abdul samim akhtar,L.L.M Student,
 “If you empower a woman you will empower a family, if you empower the family then the
state will be empowered, if you empowered the state the country will be empowered, if
you empowered the country then you will empower the planet. “Said APJ Abdul Kalam.
How true! A nation can grow only if its woman play their part in though and action. All
talks about women being inferior to men are a myth surely not a fact. There are
several episodes in our scriptures and history to substantiate this theory. History
stands witness to the success of several women and mythology tells us stories about
the guts and glory of women. One such woman with a tremendous will power was the
legendary savitri. The story of savitri and Sathyavan is one of conjugal love conquering
death. She is portrayed as a woman of truth, an embodiment of love and of strong will
power that even the lord of Death “Yama” Himself has to accept defeat in the verbal
battle that ensured between the two. Whether or not we believe this story is beside
the point. All we are required to do is learn a lesson from this woman Savitri is a
symbol, epitomizing the true strength and essence of women. Indian mythology has
given a lot of importance to women and womanhood.
It is said that the Trimurti’s (Brahma, Bishnu, Shiva) themselves are
governed by another supreme power “Goddess Shakti” who is this
Goddess? She is the supreme power depicting “Truth and Love”
Savitri was such an epitome of “Truth and Love” that even the
mighty lord Yama himself had how before her. It’s her innate
qualities of compassion endurance and sacrifice that has prompted
nature to entrust her with the ability to give birth to a child, a task
she does with ease. If she acts according to the dictates of her
inner voice, then nothing can stop her from achieving what she
aspires. This is exemplified by Savitri. Hence the demand that the
be virtous and serve as a role model for her children. By kindling
the innate virtues of love, patience, fortitude, compassion and
sacrifice within her, she cans her old peace and harmony in the
family. Then as said by our president, a happy family will lead to a
happy planet won’t this herald the birth of a new era-an-era of
peace and prosperity?
 No action can achieve success
unless education is accorded to all
its citizens. It is the bounden duty of
parents to rear their children to be
staunch in their faith, for, every
praiseworthy deed is born out of the
light of religion and in the absence
this, the child will not turn away from
any evil. Will the students be brilliant
and accomplished if the teacher is
illiterate and ignorant?
 In the early societies generally the
males were playing an active role while
the females play only the passive part?
The societies were generally male
dominated and the females were
considered only a thing of enjoyment for
men. However, there are contradictory
views regarding the status of women in
the ancient period. While one group has
placed women as “equals of men”, the
other are of the view that women were
not only disrespected but were subject
to cruelty and positive hatred also
during those days.
 During the Vedic period the
women were said to be enjoying
better status, power and freedom
in all spheres of life. They were
given all types of freedom and
rights to act according to their
own choice. During the rig Veda
the entire responsibility of the
household was vested in the
hands of women and they were
working and serving as guardians
to the children and older
members in the family.
 Post Vedic period mainly refers to Brahmanic
period, the puranic period and the Buddhist period.
During this period the hierarchical system of four varnas
firmly established itself and remained enduring for all
times to come. During this period the status of women
was lowered and certain societal evils came to rule the
society badly affecting the dignity of women.
 The medieval period include theRaj put
period and Muslim Era. During This period the
status of women was not that bad as was
during the puranic period. In decision making
rocessthe women were participated and
regulated the administration thereby asserting
their Political rights.During Muslim period the
women were not respected. Facilities of
education were denied to women and they
were forced to remain under seclusion.
 During the fifteenth century some saints led by
Ramnujacharya organized Bhakti movent
which brings the new trends in the social and
religious life of women. And during the later
part of the eighth century Sankara charya, the
famous Hindu saint was tring to revive the
Hinduism and was also evolving methods in
establishing the supremacy of Vedas again. As
we know the Vedic period had given a high
status to women. The saints like Chaitanya,
Nanak, Kabir, Ram Das, Meerabai, Tulasi Das
and Tukaram provide some sort of religious
freedom to women.
 The Indian constitution is the most
comprehensive and complete document
containing the provisions of equality and
justice which aims at protecting the dignity
of each individual irrespective of
class,caste,religion .This fundamental law of
the land through various provisions
particularly as laid down in the
preamble,part-111 dealing with fundamental
rights and in part-IV which deals with
Directive principles of state policy thrive
for securing gender justice thereby putting
women at par with men.
• Human Rights are inherent right and we enjoy
it as because we are human beings. We must
treat women equally along with men and hence
their rights can never be delinked from human
rights. So any violations of these rights in case
of women should be treated severely. We may
define human rights of women as "collective
rights for a woman to be seen and accepted as
a person with the capacity to decide or act on
her own behalf and to have equal access to
resources and equitable social, economic and
political support to develop her full potential,
exercise her right as a full human being and to
support the development of others.The year
2001 was declared as the year of “Empowered
Women “
• Industrialization.
• Spread of education.
• Initiation of social Movements.
• Growth of Women’s organization.
• Caste system Weakened.
• Impact of social Legislation.
• Women work two-thirds of the
world’s working hours.

• Women earn only 10 percent of the

world’s income.

• Women own less than 1 percent of

the world’s property.

• Women make up two-thirds of the

estimated 876 million adults
• According to last census held in 2001, the
percentage of female literacy in the country is
54.16%.The literacy rate in the country has
increased from 18.33% in 1951 to 65.38% as per
2001 census. The female literacy rate has also
increased from 8.86% in 1951 to 54.16%. It is
noticed that the female literacy rate during the
period 1991-2001 increased by 14.87% whereas
male literacy rate rose by 11.72%. Hence the
female literacy rate actually increased by 3.15%
more compared to male literacy rate.
• Gender based inequality.

• Social discrimination and economic


• Occupation of girl child in domestic


• Low enrolment of girls in schools.

 National Literacy Mission
for imparting functional
literacy .
 Universalisation for
Elementary Education
 Non-Formal Education
 Our state enact several laws
for the protection and
upliftment of women, but
inspite of all women are fail to
avail all such facilities
because they are ignore about
their rights. Only Education is
the medium through which
women get every right which
are meant for her.and they
bring themselves in
comparasion to male person .

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