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Training and Development

COACHING: Coaching is an important and potentially

effective approach if coach is properly trained and oriented.
The technique involves direct personnel instruction and
guidance, usually, with extensive demonstration and
continuous critical evaluation and correction. The
advantage is increased motivation for the trainee .
MENTORING: The use of an experienced person to teach
and train someone with less knowledge and experience in
a given area is known as mentoring. The mentor nurtures,
supports and guides the efforts of young persons by giving
appropriate information, feedback and encouragement
whenever required.


Functions of Mentoring
G o o d m e n te e s ..... .

G o o d m e n to r s ......

L is t e n a n d u n d e r s t a n d
C h a ll e n g e a n d s t i m u la t e
le a r n i n g
C oach
B u i l d s e lf - c o n fi d e n c e
P r o v id e w is e c o u n s e l
T e a c h b y e x a m p le
A c t a s r o le m o d e l
S h a r e e x p e r ie n c e s
O ff e r e n c o u r a g e m e n t

L is te n
A c t o n A d v ic e

S h o w c o m m i t m e n t t o le a r n

S u c c e s s fu l
M e n to r in g

C h e c k e g o a t th e d o o r
A s k fo r fe e d b a c k
A r e o p e n m in d e d
A r e w il li n g t o c h a n g e
A re p r o a c tiv e

Merits and demerits of Mentoring

M e r its

D e m e rits

T h e r e i s a n e x c e ll e n t o p p o r t u n it y t o l e a r n

I t m a y c r e a t e fe e lin g s o f je a lo u s y a m o n g q u ic k ly
t h r o u g h c o n tin u o u s in te r a c tio n . o th e r w o r k e r s w h o
a r e n o t a b le to s h o w e q u a lly g o o d p e r f o r m a n c e .

C o n s t a n t g u id a n c e h e lp s t h e m e n t e e
t o b e o n t r a c k , u s i n g f a c i lit i e s t o g o o d
a d v a n ta g e .

If m e n to r s f o r m o v e r ly s tr o n g b o n d s w ith
t r a in e e s , u n w a r r a n t e d f a v o u r it is m m a y r e s u lt .
T h is c a n h a v e a d e m o r a lis in g e ffe c t o n o th e r w o r k e r s ,
a f f e c t in g t h e i r w o r k p e r f o r m a n c e in a n e g a t iv e w a y.

Self directed learning allows trainees to learn at their own

pace and receive feedback about leaning performance.

Four season hotel faced the challenge of opening new hotel in Bali,
It needed to teach English to its 580 employees, none of whom
spoke it fluently.
Four season created a self- directed learning centre featuring
video recorders, training modules, books and magazines.
Monetary incentives are provided for employees to move from
lowest level to the highest level of English language.

A simulation is a training method that represents a real life

situation, with trainees decisions result in the outcomes
that mirror what would happen if they were on the job.

New call centre employees learn at American express learn in a

stimulated environment that replicates a real call centre.
Trainees go to the lab where that contains cubicle identical to those
in call centre..
They work in simulation that gives them feedback about an error
they made during the call and shows them correct action.
The simulator also tracks the trainees performance and alerts the
instructor if a trainee is falling behind.

ROLE PLAYS: Role plays have trainees act out

character assigned to them. Information regarding
the situation (Work or interpersonal problem) is
provided to them.
CASE STUDY: This technique, which has been
developed and popularised by the Harvard Business
School, U.S.A. is one of the most common form of
training. A case is a written account of a trained
reporter or analyst seeking to describe an actual
situation. This method increases the trainee's power
of observation, helping him to ask better questions
and to look for a broader range of problems.

To meet the demands of the fast-changing

competitive scene, we must simply learn to
love change as much as we have hated it in
the past.
(Tom Peters)

What is Organizational Change?

It is generally considered to be an organization-

wide change, as opposed to smaller changes

such as adding a new person.

It includes the management of changes to the

organizational culture, business processes,

physical environment, job design /
responsibilities, staff skills / knowledge and
policies / procedures. E.g paperwork

When the change is fundamental and radical,

one might call it organizational transformation

People are like.it is not going to happen.

Stupid ideaBut all great ideas were
considered once stupid.
I want to see others succeeding first.
If they succeed I will join then

How prevalent is Resistance to Change?

It is generally acknowledged that in an

average organization, when the intention for

change is announced:
. 15% of the workforce is eager to accept it
. 15% of the workforce is dead set against it
. 70% is sitting on the fence, waiting to see
what happens

What causes resistance?

All behavior in organizations is a product of two
kinds of forcesthose striving to maintain the
status quo and those pushing for change.

Lewins Change Process

Unfreezing: reducing the forces striving to
maintain the status quo.
Moving: developing new behaviors, values, and
attitudes, sometimes through structural changes.
Refreezing: reinforcing the changes.

Organisational change management creates

value: The academic literature suggests that as
many as 70% of change management programs fail
and that transformational change occur on 30% of the
Resistance can be overcome: British Airways- The
Bob Ayling years.
The change agent knows the best. The change
agent could be hampered by a lack of awareness,
nobody is omniscient.
Big changes require Big changes. In stimulating
change, you dont always need to change everything
all at once or on a big scale.


Two firms agree to integrate their

operations on a relatively co-equal basis.

One firm buys a controlling, 100 percent

interest in another firm with the intent of
making the acquired firm a subsidiary
business within its portfolio.

Daimler Benz
Planned & methodical way
Stuck to their plans &
frowned on failure.
Hierarchical ,Top-Down
Spoke only German
Formal Dress Code
Lower Compensation

Chrysler Corporation
Carefree Attitude,
individual instincts &
Experimentation ,Trial &
error Approach
Flat Structure
Highly Decentralized
Hardly knew German
Casual Dress Code
Higher Compensation

Compensation system was restructured.

Salaries were revised and made more equitable.
Chrysler employees did not like the lower salaries
after merger.
Daimler started exerting pressure on Chrysler
employees to adopt most of its policies &
Result 2 Chrysler CEOs left the Company within
19 months
-Chrysler was slowly overshadowed by Daimler in
almost all areas.
-Daimler employees were in key positions & took
most of the key decisions
-DCX went through major crisis.

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