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Washima Che Dan

Prepared by:
R.Sudheep (B10127)
J.Alice Durga (B10128)
Yean Kek Fong (B10)
K.Subashiny (B10119)
•Bloomield (1935:55):’native like
control of two or more languages’.
•Weinreich ( 1953: 1): ‘the practice
of alternately using two languages.
• Haugen ( 1953:7)’the point where a speaker
can first produce complete meaningful
utterances in the other language’.
• Grosjean ( 1997): ‘ the use of two ( of
more ) languages in one’s everyday life,not
knowing two or more languages eqully well
and optimally’.
ohn macnamara (1967) ‘ examining the

person four basic language

skills;speaking,listening,reading and writing.

knowing” two languages (Valdez & Figueora,

 Whether one is clssified as having acquired
two languages or not (Brutt-Griffler &
varghese, 2004).

 A response is generalized across many

domains and insensitive to where languages
are used” (Baker, 38)
Bilingual family
 Quite simply, a family in which most of the members

are bilingual. There are many reasons why a family

may choose to be bilingual, and someday they may
even be covered on this Web page.

Consecutive bilingualism
• Learning one language after already knowing another.
This is the situation for all those who become bilingual
as adults, as well as for many who became bilingual
earlier in life. Sometimes also called successive
Simultaneous bilingualism.
• Learning two languages as "first languages". That
is, a person who is a simultaneous bilingual goes
from speaking no languages at all directly to
speaking two languages. Infants who are exposed
to two languages from birth will become
simultaneous bilinguals.

Receptive bilingualism.
• Being able to understand two languages but
express oneself in only one. This is generally not
considered "true" bilingualism but is a fairly
common situation worth naming here.
Other definitions
• Other distinctions are drawn in the

literature, for instance between so-called

elitist and folk bilingualism, or between
compound and coordinate bilingualism.
These terms will be further explained on the
Politics of Bilingualism page; the
controversies connected with them make
short definitions inadequate.
Employment Benefits
Better learner Sharpen the brain
at school

Enhance attention
and cognitive control Ability to focus while
ignoring irrelevant

Have two or more

for each idea and
object More sensitive to
the needs of the Decrease
listener age related
Superior Staying open
academic Develop creative for
performances thinking & ability possibility
think more
Better performance in logic skills and Mathematic.

Enhances and
Positive effect on enriches
intellectual growth mental

Better at
IQ tests
self-esteem & opens up new
Achieve self-confidence literatures,
traditions, and
well in
ideas to
Creates a easier to learn
powerful link a third
Have greater
security in language or
persona identity additional
Able to switch
biliterate between
different languages
Acquire language more slowly
than monolinguals.

(collier 1995: Hamayan & Damico

Start speaking 3-6 months later

Learn one language first & add a

second one later during school time.
Unbalanced language

Words usage confusion

(Air – English; Air – Malay)
Various studies have proven that
bilingualism is not a disadvantage.

 It is a gift of life to be bilingual.

Bilingualism as an asset or problem?
Depend on how people would probably react
towards it.

If you bring a small stone nearer to your eye,

it will block all your view beyond it ; but when
you move it away from your eye, you will see
the rest of the view.

Being bilingual is an asset even though there

are few disadvantages but it can be rectified.

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