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Dr.Deddy Soestiantoro SpKJ. MKes

Classification of Mental Disorders
Pedoman Penggolongan Diagnosis
Gangguan Jiwa di Indonesia (PPDGJ)
1973 : PPDGJ -I -----based on ICD-8 WHO 1965
(numeric system : 290-319 )
1984 : PPDGJ -II ----based on ICD-9 1977 and
DSM III -1980 (numeric system)
1994 : PPDGJ- III ---based on ICD-10 1992 and
DSM IV-1994 (alpha-numeric
system F00-F99 )

Pedoman Penggolongan dan Diagnosis

Gangguan Jiwa di Indonesia (PPDGJ III)
I.Gangguan Psikotik
A-Gangguan Mental Organik
B-Gangguan Psikotik Lainnya
1-Gangguan Skizofrenik
2.Gangguan Afektif
3.Gangguan Paranoid
4.Psikosis Non Organik lainnya.
II.Gg.Neurotik,Gg.Kepribadian dan Gg.Mental
Non-psikotik lainnya.
Beda antara Golongan Psikotik dan Non-psikotik terletak
Dalam Penilaian Terhadap Realitas oleh ybs.Penilaian ini
dikenal sebagai Reality Testing Ability ( R T A ).


There are 3 aspects of the personality, wether psychotic or not,its
depends on the dysfuntion/disorder/disturbance of these aspect.
Affective /Stimmung
-afeftive state:normo/euthymia,hyperthymia,
hypothymia, poikilothymia,disthymia,
blunted/flat/inappriate affect
-emotional state
Thought /Denken
-intellectual function:memory,concentration,
orientation,discriminative judgement/insight,
intelligency level,dementia etc
-sensation & perception:illusion,hallucination
-thought process:-psychomotility,quality
-associations,content and form etc
Behaviour and instinctual drive/ Handlung
-abulia/hypobulia ,stupor,raptus,impulsivity,sexual
deviation, vagabondage,pyromania,mannerism,
mutisme,autisme etc

Axis I :-Clinical disorders
-Other conditions that may be a
focus of clinical attention
Axis II :-Personality disorders
-Mental retardation
Axis III :-General medical conditions
Axis IV:-Psychosocial and environmental problems
Axis V :-Global Assesment of Functioning

Global Assesment of Functioning (GAF) Scale

100-91: superior functioning, no symptoms
90-81: absent or minimal symtoms
80-71: transient symptoms,slight impairment in social,
occupational or school functioning
70-61: some mild symptoms,some difficulty in functioning
60-51: moderate symptoms/ difficulty in functioning
50-41: serious symptoms/impairment in functioning
40-31: some impairment in reality testing or communication/
major impairment in several areas.
30-21: behaviour is considerably influenced by delusions or
hallucinations/serious impairment in communication
or judgment/inability in almost areas
20-11: some danger of hurting self or others/occasionally fails to
maintain minimmal personal hygiene/gross impairment in
10-01: persistent danger of severely hurting self or others/persistent
inability to maintain minimal personal hygiene/serious suicidal act

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