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Object Orientation
Object Orientation is higher level of abstraction. It has seamless
transition among different phases of software development.
The benefits of object-orientation are as follows:
Modularity - The characteristic of a system that has been divided
into smaller subsystems which interact with each other
Easier Maintenance
Higher Quality
Reduced Cost
Increased Scalability How much a system can be expanded
Concepts of OOP are
1) Abstraction
2) Encapsulation
3) Class
4) Object
5) Messages
6) Inheritance
7) Polymorphism

It refers to the act of representing the essential features without
including the background details or explanations
The wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit is known
as encapsulation (OR)
A concept where an object totally separates its interface from its
implementation is termed as encapsulation
Data Encapsulation is the most striking features of a class
The data is not accessible to the outside world, and only those
functions which are wrapped in the class can access it.
The insulation of the data from direct access by the outside world
is known as data hiding or information hiding

Class is a prototype that defines the variables and methods
common to all objects of a certain kind
Encapsulates both data and operations (methods)
Object is a run-time instance of a class
Memory is allocated for objects and not for classes
class PhoneCustomer
public const string DayOfSendingBill = "Monday";
public int CustomerID;
public string FirstName;
public string LastName;
Object instance of a class
Syntax to create object of the class: classname objname = new
PhoneCustomer objPC = new PhoneCustomer();

Class Members
The data and functions within a class are known as the classs
Members of the class can be declared with different access
specifiers (or) visibility modifiers
Visibility Modifiers of C# are



Access is limited to the members of the same class


All objects can access it


Access is limited to members of the same class or



Access is limited to the current assembly


Access is limited to the current assembly or types

derived from the containing class

Class Members
Members of the class can be either static or instance
Static - Associated with the class as a whole
Instance Each instance of class has its own copy of the data
Static members are accessible by class name
Instance members are accessible by object of class
Data Members
Data members are those members that contain the data for the
class - fields, constants, and events
Fields are any variables associated with the class
PhoneCustomer Customer1 = new PhoneCustomer();
Customer1.FirstName = "Simon";
Constants can be associated with classes in the same way as
variables. You declare a constant using the const keyword
public const string DayOfSendingBill = "Monday";
Events are class members that allow an object to notify a caller
whenever something noteworthy happens, such as a field or
property of the class changing, or some form of user interaction
occurring. The client can have code known as an event handler
that reacts to the event

Function Members
Function members are those members that provide some
functionality for manipulating the data in the class. They include
methods, properties, constructors, finalizers and indexers
Methods are functions that are associated with a particular class
Properties are sets of functions that can be accessed from the
client in a similar way to the public fields of the class. C# provides
Get and Set to implement the properties
Constructors are special functions that are called automatically
when an object is instantiated. They must have the same name as
the class to which they belong, and cannot have a return type.
Constructors are useful for initializing the values of fields
Finalizers are similar to constructors but are called when the CLR
detects that an object is no longer needed. They have the same
name as the class, preceded by a tilde (~)
Indexers allow your objects to be indexed in the same way as an
array or collection

Declaring Methods
[Access Specifiers] Return_Type MethodName([parameters])
// Method body
E.g.: public bool IsPositive(int value) {
if (value < 0)
return false;
return true;
Invoking the Method
The syntax for invoking a method is exactly the same in C# as it
is in C++ and Java, round brackets must always be used when
invoking the method in C#
E.g.: bool val = IsPositive(5);

Passing Parameters to Methods

Arguments can in general be passed into methods by reference or by
By Value
The called method gets an identical copy of the variable - which means
any changes made are lost when the method exits
Value type variables hold the actual data, so a copy of the data itself will
be passed into the method
In C#, all parameters are passed by value
E.g. An int, for instance, is passed by value to a method, and any changes
that the method makes to the value of that int do not change the value
of the original int object
void swap(int num1, int num2)
int temp = num1; num1 = num2 ; num2 = temp;
int i = 5; int j = 6;

By Reference
When a variable is passed by reference, the called method gets the
actual variable - so any changes made to the variable inside the
method persist when the method exits
Reference type variables only hold a reference to an object, it is this
reference that will be copied, not the object itself. Hence, changes
made to the underlying object will persist.
E.g. An array or any other reference type, such as a class, is passed into
a method, and the method uses the reference to change a value in
that array, the new value is reflected in the original array object
void swap(ref int num1, ref int num2)
int temp = num1; num1 = num2 ; num2 = temp;
int i = 5; int j = 6;
swap(ref i,ref j);

Out Parameters
It is common for functions to be able to output more than one value
from a single routine.
This is accomplished using output parameters, by assigning the output
values to variables that have been passed to the method by reference.
The starting values of the variables that are passed by reference are
unimportant. Those values will be overwritten by the function, which
may never even look at any previous value.
You do this with the out keyword.
E.g. static void SomeFunction(out int i) {
i = 100;
public static int Main() {
int i; // note how i is declared but not initialized.
SomeFunction(out i);
Console.WriteLine(i); return 0;

Method Overloading
In order to overload methods, you simply declare the methods
with the same name but different numbers or types of parameters
class ResultDisplayer
void DisplayResult(string result)
// implementation
void DisplayResult(int result) {
// implementation
you should know that C# does place some minimum differences
on the parameters of overloaded methods

It is not sufficient for two methods to differ only in their return type.

The properties are used to access the private fields outside the class
Property is a method or pair of methods that are dressed to look like a
field as far as any client code is concerned
To define a property in C#, you use the following syntax:
public string SomeProperty
get {
return "This is the property value.";
set {
// do whatever needs to be done to set the property.
The get accessor takes no parameters and must return the same type
as the declared property. You should not specify any explicit parameters
for the set accessor either, but the compiler assumes it takes one
parameter, which is of the same type again, and which is referred to as

private string foreName;
public string ForeName
get {
return foreName;
set {
foreName = value;
Note the naming convention used here
You take advantage of C#s case sensitivity by using the same
name, Pascal-cased for the public property and camel-cased for
the equivalent private field if there is one

Read-Only and Write-Only Properties

It is possible to create a read-only property by simply omitting the set
accessor from the property definition
public string ForeName
get {
return foreName;
It is similarly possible to create a write-only property by omitting the get
public string ForeName
set {
foreName = value;

You declare a method that has the same name as the containing
class and that does not have any return type
public class MyClass
public MyClass()
// rest of class definition
If you dont supply any constructor, the compiler will just make up a
default one for you behind the scenes. Itll be a very basic
constructor that just initializes all the member fields by zeroing
them out (null reference for reference types, zero for numeric data
types, and false for bool)
Constructors follow the same rules for overloading as other methods

Static Constructors
It is also possible to write a static no-parameter constructor for a
class. Such a constructor will be executed only once, as opposed to
the constructors written so far, which are instance constructors, and
are executed whenever an object of that class is created.
Class MyClass
static MyClass() {
// initialization code
// rest of class definition
One reason for writing a static constructor is if your class has some
static fields or properties that need to be initialized from an external
source before the class is first used.

The .NET runtime makes no guarantees about when a static

constructor will be executed, so you should not place any code in
it that relies on it being executed at a particular time (for
example, when an assembly is loaded). Nor is it possible to
predict in what order static constructors of different classes will
However, what is guaranteed is that the static constructor will run
at most once, and that it will be invoked before your code makes
any reference to the class.
In C#, the static constructor usually seems to be executed
immediately before the first call to any member of the class.
Notice that the static constructor does not have any access
modifiers. Its never called by any other C# code, but always by
the .NET runtime when the class is loaded, so any access modifier
like public or private would be meaningless.
For this same reason, the static constructor cannot ever take any
parameters, and there can only be one static constructor for a
class. It should also be obvious that a static constructor can only
access static members, not instance members, of the class.

Note that it is possible to have a static constructor and a zeroparameter instance constructor defined in the same class.
Although the parameter lists are identical, there is no conflict,
because the static constructor is executed when the class is
loaded, but the instance constructor is executed whenever an
instance is created - so there wont be any confusion about which
constructor gets executed when.
Finalizers are similar to constructors but are called when the CLR
detects that an object is no longer needed. They have the same
name as the class, preceded by a tilde (~)

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