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Boletn de Tecnologa Ingls-Espaol de Estudiantes para Estudiantes

Universidad del Magdalena Santa Marta - Colombia

Grupo MAGMA INGENIERA Lnea de Investigacin en Didctica de la Ingeniera
Rama Estudiantil IEEE Unimagdalena

Malware Could Steal Data from

iPhones Using Siri
1. IEEE: Introduccin En Espaol
No. 2015219071
Date /Fecha :
Authors/ Autores:

Un par de cientficos de la computacin con sede en

Europa han descubierto una vulnerabilidad de
seguridad en el iPhone 5, que podra ser explotada por
un software malicioso y que pone en peligro la
informacin personal de un usuario. Y el principal factor
que hace esto posible es Siri (Reconocimiento de voz
del sistema operativo de iPhone iOS), segn informan
en la edicin de enero de la IEEE Computer.

John Alexander
Taborda Giraldo

Keywords / Palabras Claves:

Celular Inteligente
Operative System /
Sistema Operativo

2. IEEE: Information in English



Smartphones could be a
prime target for a
steganographic attack.


Siri? What are you hiding?



Of course, voice
commands are not exactly
new technology.

On an iPhone, Siri digitally records
what the user is saying in the
microphone, forms it into packets,
sends the packets off to a remote
cloud server operated by Apple, and
receives a text response thats
relayed to the user.
The original Siri app earned a spot on
Tech Review's 10 Emerging
Technologies list of 2009, and was
based on AI research conducted for




The formula is simple: take a

bunch of neat technology that has
never lived up to its promise,
rethink what it's for, do some
secretive hard work, and then
release a natural, retrospectively
obvious experience that redefines
what computers can do.

3. IEEE: Interpretacin En Espaol

Smartphones could be a prime target for
a steganographic attack. They are
bloated with personal and sensitive
information and increasingly targeted by
malware. Whats more, steganographic
threats are bigger in instances where
applications offload data to a cloud
server, such as voice-based applications
like Siri.

Desde Luego,

La voz por

Siri is factible and useless but have a bit
problem, is hacking easy because any
else can interrumted the frecuence and
simplily siri is hacked.
The people need be most unleashed, the
tecnology isnt the new world, the
tecnology have positive factors and
negative too.

Its especially difficult in communications

networks, because there are different
types of traffic, different types of
protocols. Each different service is
related to one or a number of protocols,
and each of them can be used for
information hiding.

The researchers acknowledge that there

are plenty of limitations to this trick. For
one, in its current iteration, iStegSiri
requires deep access to Siri so it only
poses a risk to jailbroken iOS devices
those iPhones and iPads in which
standard proprietary constraints have
been removed, giving the user access to
the operating systems root kit. It also
requires access to network traffic that
Siri sends to Apples cloud servers.

4. IEEE: Education & Entertainment

Complete the phrase referenced to text:

Voice command are not the new ___________.
The iPhone 5 series security is ___________.
Much users was ___________ thanks to Siri.
Siri is the iPhones ____________ can do works with voice commands.
Smartphones can be a _______________ gun for the people.
Connect the Words (english to spanish mean)




Telfono inteligente



References / Referencias:
[W1]. Vadel, Neel. Malware Could Steal Data from iPhones Using Siri. http://spectrum.ieee.org/ 16 Jan 2015 | 18:00 GMT.
[W2]. Romero, Josh. Apple Debuts New iPhone, Wants You to Talk to It. http://spectrum.ieee.org 4 Oct 2011 | 19:26 GMT.

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