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Joints (articulations), the sites where two

or more bones meet, have two
fundamental functions:
Give skeleton mobility
Hold skeleton together

Joints are classified by structure &

Structure: focused on the material that binds
the bones together & whether a joint cavity
is present
Function: Based on the amount of movement
allowed at the joint.

Joints: Structural

Focuses on material binding joint and whether or not a

joint cavity is present
Three structural categories:
joined by fibrous tissue, no joint cavity, generally
immovable or only slightly movable (based on length of
connective tissue fibers)
Sutures, Syndemoses & Gomphoses

articulating bones are united by cartilage, lack a joint cavity
Synchondroses or Symphyses

articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint
cavity, substantial freedom of movement
majority of joints fit into this category including all limb

Fibrous Joints
Sutures (seams)
Only between bones of skull
Completely filled with short connective tissue to prevent
movement but allow growth
Ossifies at middle age and become synostoses (bony

Connected by a ligament, length can vary and determine
Ex) tibia/fibula (some give) v. radius/ulna (rotation permitted)

Only example is teeth in bony alveolar socket
Fibrous connection is short periodontal ligament

Cartilaginous Joints
Bar or plate of hyaline cartilage unites bones
Ex) ephipheseal plates in long bones of children
(eventually become synostoses) and immovable
joint of 1st rib costal cartilage to manubrium

Symphyses: (growing together)

Articular surfaces covered with articular hyaline
cartilage which is fused to pad or plate of
Fibrocartilage acts as a shock absorber and
permits limited movement, for strength and
Ex) Intervertebral disks and pubis symphysis

The Synovial Joint

Five Distinct
1.Articular cartilage
2.Joint (synovial)
3.Articular capsule
4.Synovial fluid

Structures Associated with the

Synovial Joint
Bursae flattened fibrous sacs
Lined with synovial membranes
Filled with synovial fluid
Not actually part of the joint

Tendon sheath
Elongated bursa that wraps around a

Types of Synovial Joints Based on

Shape I

Types of Synovial Joints Based on

Shape II

Movements Allowed by Synovial


Joints: Functional

Based on amount of movement allowed in the

Three functional categories:
Synarthroses: immovable
majority of fibrous
some cartilaginous

Amphiarthroses: slightly movable

some cartilaginous

Diarthroses: freely movable

All synovial

Joint Injuries
Sprains: ligaments reinforcing a joint are
stretched or torn; common in lumbar
region of spine, the ankle & the knee
Cartilaginous injuries: overuse damage to
articular cartilage or tearing of knee
menisci, usually due to intense athletic
use; often hear snap & pop noise
Dislocations: bones are forced out of
alignment; usually accompanied by
sprains, inflammations & joint
immoblilization; Usually the result of a
serious fall or contact injury

Inflammatory & Degenerative


Bursitis: inflammation of bursa; usually

due to a physical blow or friction
Tendonitis: inflammation of tendon
sheaths; usually due to overuse
Arthritis: broad term applying to >100
types of inflammatory/degenerative
diseases that damage joints; combined
it is the most widespread, crippling
disease in the U.S.

Osteoarthritis (OA): most common chronic arthritis; wear &
tear arthritis; develops in ~85% of Americans; probably
related to normal aging process, believed that normal joint
use promotes the release of metalloproteinase enzymes
that break down articular cartilage
Rheumatoid Arthritics (RA): Autoimmune disease, immune
system attacks bodily tissue; Initial trigger unknown, may
be linked to streptococcus bacterium, affects ~1% of
Americans will be affected; starts off with joint tenderness
and stiffness, onset is usually bilateral; periods of flareups & remissions
Gouty Arthritis: Increase in uric acid in blood sometimes
results in needle-like urate crystals in the soft tissues of
joints; this triggers an inflammatory response or a gout
attack; typically affects one joint, usually base of the big

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