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BMED 3106

Integrated Body Systems

Renal System, Fluids, & Electrolytes

Department of Health &

Biomedical Sciences

Developmental Anatomy of the

Renal system
Microscopic Anatomy of the
Renal system

The intermediate mesoderm forms a longitudinal

elevation along the dorsal body wall called the
urogenital ridge. A portion of the urogenital ridge
forms the nephrogenic cord, which gives rise to
the urinary system.

The nephrogenic cord develops into three sets of nephric


The pronephros develops by the differentiation of

mesoderm within the nephrogenic cord to form pronephric
tubules and the pronephric duct.

The pronephros is a transitory structure that regresses

completely by week 5)

The mesonephros develops by the differentiation of

mesoderm within the nephrogenic cord to form
mesonephric tubules and the mesonephric duct.

The mesonephros is the middle nephric structure and is a

partially transitory structure. Most of the mesonephric tubules
regress, but the mesonephric duct persist and opens into the
urogenital sinus).

The metanephros develops from an outgrowth of the

mesonephric duct (called the ureteric bud) and from the
metanephric mesoderm. The metanephros develops into
the definitive adult kidney.

Development of the metanephros

Development of the collecting system
The ureteric bud is
an outgrowth of the
mesonephric duct.
The ureteric bud
initially penetrates
the metanephric
mesoderm and then
undergoes repeated
branching to form
the ureters, renal
pelvis, major
calyces, minor
calyces, and
collecting ducts.

Development of the metanephros

Development of the nephron

Metanephric mesoderm differentiate into metanephric vesicles which later

give rise to primitive S-shaped renal tubules, which are critical to nephron
formation. The S-shaped tubules differentiate into the proximal and distal
convoluted tubules, loop of Henle, and Bowmans capsule. Tufts of
capillaries (glomeruli) protrude into the Bowmans capsule .

Relative ascent of the kidneys

Fetal metanephros is located at vertebral level S1-S2,
whereas the definitive adult kidney is located at vertebral
level T12-L3. The change in location results from a
disproportionate growth of the embryo caudal to the

During the relative ascent of the kidneys, they will receive blood supply from arteries
at progressively higher levels until the definitive renal arteries develop. Arteries
formed during the ascent may persist and are called supernumerary arteries.

Development of the Urinary bladder

The urinary bladder is formed from the upper portion of the
urogenital sinus, which is continuous with the allantois.
The allantois becomes a fibrous cord called the urachus.

Development of the male urethra

In the male the lower portion of the urogenital sinus develops

into the penile urethra. The prostate gland is formed by buds
from the urethra, and seminal vesicles are formed by
budding from the ductus deferens.

Development of female urethra

The female urethra is formed from the lower portion of the
urogenital sinus. The female urethra develops endodermal
outgrowths into the surrounding mesoderm to form the
urethral glands and paraurethral glands.

Histology: The Urinary (Renal) system

The urinary system consists of the paired kidneys and
ureters, urinary bladder, and the urethra.
Urinary system helps to maintain homeostasis by a
complex combination of functions:
Selective reabsorption

Each kidney is bean-shaped, with a concave hilum where the
ureter and renal vasculature enter. The ureter divides and
subdivides into several major and minor calyces, around
which is located the renal sinus containing adipose tissue.

Blood supply to the kidney

Each kidney contains about 1 1.4 million functional

units known as nephrons.

Major divisions of the

nephron are:
Renal corpuscle
Loop of Henle
Collecting duct

The renal corpuscle is

a small mass of
(glomerulus) housed
within a capsule
(Bowmans capsule).
The internal lining of
the capsule is
composed of
specialized epithelial
cells called podocytes,
which cover each
capillary, forming
filtration slits between
processes called

The Renal corpuscle

A section of one glomerulus shows

many capillaries and the closely
associated cells of the renal
corpuscles internal visceral layer.
The thick basement membrane of
these glomerulus capillaries
contains much type IV collagen
and is visible around the cut
capillaries (arrows). Also shown
are the simple squamous external
parietal layer of the capsule and
the vascular pole where the
arterioles enter the corpuscle and
the macula densa (arrowhead) is
located. X400.PSH

Glomerular filtration membrane

The Glomerular filtration

membrane consists of three
Fenestrated capillary
Glomerular basement
Filtration slits between
podocytes processes.
PC- Podocytes
Filtration slits arrows
C capillary
BL basement membrane
US capsular (urinary) space
E capillary endothelial cell

In addition to capillary
endothelial cells and podocytes,
renal corpuscles also contain
mesangial cells located
between capillaries and
surrounded by extracellular
Functions of mesangial cells:
Physical support and
Secretion of cytokines and
MC mesangial cell
MM mesangial matrix
BM basement membrane
P podocytes
PD pedicels
E erythrocyte & L leukocyte
EC endothelial cell

Proximal convoluted tubule

The micrograph shows the
continuity at the renal corpuscles
tubular pole (TP) between the
simple cuboidal epithelium of a
PCT (P) and the simple squamous
epithelium of the capsules parietal
layer. The capsular space (U)
between the parietal layer and the
glomerulus (G) drains into the
lumen of de PCT. The lumen of the
PCT appears filled, due to the long
microvilli of the brush border and
proteins bound to this structure. By
contrast, the lumens of the DCT
(D) appear empty, lacking a brush
border and protein.

Renal medulla: Nephron loops and Collecting ducts

A micrograph of a medullary pyramid cut transversely shows
closely packed cross sections of the many nephron loops thin
descending limbs (T) and thick ascending limbs (A), intermingled
will parallel vasa recta capillaries (C) and collecting ducts (CD)

All these structures are

embedded in the interstitium
(I) which helps maintain the
osmolarity gradient required
to concentrate urine and
conserve body water.

The Juxtaglomerular apparatus

Micrograph shows that the JGA forms at the point of contact between the DCT
(D) and the vascular pole of its glomerulus. At that point cells of the DCT
become columnar as a thickened region called macula densa (MD). Smooth
muscle cells of the afferent arteriole (AA) are converted from a contractile to a
secretory morphology as juxtaglomerular granule cells (JG). Also present are
lacis cells (L). Also visible is the efferent arteriole (EA)

Collecting ducts
Longitudinally sectioned renal
pyramid showing two
collecting ducts (CD) and their
distinct lateral cell boundaries
(arrows), with interstitial
connective tissue. X400. H&E
Collecting ducts adjust the
ionic composition of urine in
their lumens and allow
increased water reabsorption
from this urine when fluid
levels in the body are low.
This occur under the influence
of ADH.

Collecting tubules and ducts are

composed mainly of Principal
cells (few organelles and scanty
microvilli). Scattered among the
principal cells are variably darker
intercalated cells with more
abundant mitochondria which
help regulate the acid-base
balance by secreting H+ and
absorbing HCO3-.
Transverse section of collecting
ducts (CD) with vasa recta
capillaries (VR) in the interstitium.
Weakly stained duct principal
cells are initially cuboidal and
become increasingly columnar
along the ducts.

Renal papilla, collecting ducts, and minor calyx

A sagittal section of the renal
papilla (RP) shows numerous
collecting ducts converging at
the end of the renal papilla
(RP). The mucosa of the
calyx contains dense CT
stained blue here and
adipose tissue (A).
Inset: An enlarged area shows the
columnar epithelium of the
collecting ducts (CD), the
interstitium (I) and thin limbs (T)
and the protective urothelium (U)
that lines the minor calyx.


Cross section of the ureter shows a characteristic pattern of

longitudinal folded mucosa, surrounded by a thick muscularis
that moves urine by peristalsis. The lamina propria is lined by a
unique transitional epithelium resistant to the potentially
deleterious effects of contact with hypertonic urine.

Urinary bladder

The bladder is a
muscular sac that is
expandable as it fills
with urine.
Mucosa (transitional
epithelium and lamina

Muscularis layer
(Detrusor muscle)

a- in the neck of the bladder, near the urethra, the wall shows four layers:
mucosa with urothelium (U) and lamina propria (LP); the thin submucosa
(S); inner, middle, and outer layers of smooth muscle (IL,ML,OL), and the
adventitia (A). X15 H&E
b- when the bladder is empty, the mucosa is highly folded and the
urothelium has bulbous umbrella cells. X250.PSH
c- when the bladder is full, the mucosa is pulled smooth, the urothelium is
thinner, and the umbrella cells are flatter. X250.H&E

The urethra is a fibromuscular tube that carries urine from the bladder to the
A transverse section shows that the mucosa has large longitudinal folds
around the lumen (L). X50 H&E.
A higher magnification of the urethral epithelium is shown in this micrograph.
The thick epithelium is stratified columnar in some areas and
pseudostratified columnar elsewhere, but becomes stratified squamous at
the distal end of the urethra. X250. H&E.


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