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By :
1. Ayu Rani Dewinta P
2. Nabila Fajrina
3. Ni Wayan Pariastini
4. Shandradewi

A rainbow is an optical and meteorological
phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to
appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to
droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. It
takes the form of a multicoloured arc, with red on
the outer part of the arc and violet on the inner
section. Rainbows can be caused by other forms
of water than rain, including mist, spray, and dew.

Rainbows may also form in the spray created by waves
(called spray bows)
Rainbows can be observed whenever there are water
drops in the air and sunlight shining from behind at a
low altitude angle. The most spectacular rainbow
displays happen when half the sky is still dark with
raining clouds and the observer is at a spot with clear
sky in the direction of the sun. The result is a luminous
rainbow that contrasts with the darkened background.
At good visibility conditions (for example, a dark cloud
behind the rainbow), the second arc can be seen, with
inverse order of colours. At the background of the blue
sky, the second arc is barely visible.

Rainbow is one of the beautiful scenery that

we rarely see. If seen, the shape of a
rainbow as a bow in the sky appears blue
because of refraction of the sun when rain
Approximately where ya can see the
rainbow? Usually a rainbow can be seen in
mountainous areas or when overcast or
when the new rains stopped down. Rainbow
is the only electromagnetic waves that we
can see. It consists of several color

Guys, can mention what are the

colors that we can see in the
rainbow? Yes, indeed, among the
colors are red, yellow, green, blue,
orange, purple and there are
actually other colors that we can not
refer directly to the eye.

Red has the greatest wavelength, while

violet has the smallest wavelength. How
do rainbows form? Let us examine when
the sun's rays on the mirror bracket or
the edge of the prism glass, or soap
foam surface, we see different colors of
light. What happens is that white light is
refracted into various wavelengths of
light visible to our eyes as red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, and purple.

The wavelength of this light to form

ribbons parallel stripes, each color shades
with the color next to it. This band called
"spectrum". In the spectrum, red line is
always located at one end and the sheep
and purple on the other, and this is
determined by the difference in
wavelength. When we see the rainbow,
the same as when we see the spectrum. In
fact, the rainbow is a large curved
spketrum caused by the refraction of

When sunlight through water droplets,

such as when he refracted through the
prism glass. So in the droplets of
water, we've got a different color
extends from one side to the other
water droplets. Some of the colored
light is then reflected from the far side
of the water droplets, again and again
out of the water droplets.

Light out of the water drops back towards

the different, depending on the color. And
when we see these colors in the rainbow,
we will see it is made with red on top and
purple on the bottom of the rainbow.
Rainbow can be seen only in the rain
along with the sun shining, but from the
opposite side of the observer. Our position
must be between the sun and water
droplets with the sun dibekalang us. The
sun, our eyes and the central arc of the
rainbow should be in a straight line.

Thank You

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